Calendars > Courses > BIOPHARMACEUTICAL
BPS3101 |
Genomics |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Broad introduction to genomics research, with strong emphasis on comparative genomics. Structure and organization of prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes; gene mapping and DNA sequencing technologies; systematic methods for identification of gene function; drug discovery; proteomics. Introduction to bioinformatics and human genomic project. |
Prerequisite: BIO2123. |
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BPS3501 |
La génomique |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Introduction générale à la recherche en génomique mettant l'accent sur la génomique comparative. Structure et organisation du génome des procaryotes et eucaryotes; cartographie des gènes et technologie de séquençage d'ADN, méthodes systématiques utilisées pour l'identification de la fonction des gènes, découverte de drogues, protéomique. Introduction à la bioinformatique et au projet du génome humain. |
Préalable : BIO2523. |
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BPS3901 |
Raport de stage CO-OP I / Co-op work term report I |
3 cr. |
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BPS3902 |
Raport de stage CO-OP II / Co-op work term report II |
3 cr. |
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BPS4000 |
Séminaire / Seminar |
(2,0,0) 2 cr. |
Recent trends in various aspects of biopharmaceutical sciences will be discussed. Corequisite: BPS 4917 or BPS 4005 or BPS 4006. For students in their last year of the Biopharmaceutical Science Honours program only. |
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BPS4005 |
Projet de recherche / Honours Project |
(0,0,8) 8 cr. |
This course is designed to prepare student for graduate studies in the fields of medicinal chemistry. The student is assigned a research project with a designated professor and submits a thesis describing the results of the research project. |
Corequisite: BPS4903. For students in their last year of the Biopharmaceutical Sciences honours program only. |
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BPS4006 |
Projet de recherche / Honours Project |
(0,0,9) 9 cr. |
This course is designed to prepare a student for graduate studies in the fields related to genomics. The student is assigned a research project with a designated professor and submits a thesis describing the results of the research project. Corequisite: BPS 4000. For students in their last year of Biopharmaceutical Sciences Honours program only. |
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BPS4101 |
Human Genome Structure and Function |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
First half of course will focus on human chromosomes, chromatin structure, genome organization, genetic and physical mapping and the human genome project. Second half will examine the genome at the level of the gene, and covers gene structure, gene regulation, gene splicing, mRNA transport and protein synthesis. Examples of inherited and acquired genetic diseases will be discussed. |
Prerequisite: BCH3170 or BIO3170. |
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BPS4102 |
Pharmaceuticals: Federal and International Regulations |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Introduction to Canadian Acts, Regulations and Guidelines pertaining to registration of agents affecting humans, animals and/or the environment. Comparative information on international trends and regulations. Basic knowledge for preparing submission packages in support of registration of new biopharmaceutical products. Discussion on the submission review process undertaken by Canadian regulatory agencies in carrying out detailed risk assessment of new products. Not necessarily offered every year. |
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BPS4104 |
Bioinformatics Laboratory |
(1,0,4) 3 cr. |
Development of data structures and databases for genomics research, using a client/server model and the web browser interface. Designing strategies for data analysis. |
Prerequisite: BPS 3101 and BIO 3102. |
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BPS4123 |
Phytomedicines and Natural Product Drugs |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Ethnopharmacology and the discovery and development of natural product drugs. Phytochemistry and mode of action of major phytomedicines. Challenges in quality control and regulation. Pharmaceuticals derived from natural products. |
Prerequisites: CHM2120, BIO2127. |
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BPS4125 |
Medicinal Chemistry |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Drug design, discovery and synthesis, including structure-activity relationships, modes of action and recent therapeutic progress. Cannot be combined for credit with CHM 4123. |
Prerequisite: CHM3120 or permission of the instructor. |
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BPS4126 |
Synthetic and Medicinal Chemistry Laboratory |
(0,0,6) 3 cr. |
The laboratory program will expose students to current methods and techniques used in the synthesis of pharmaceutical synthesis of pharmaceuticals and specialty chemicals. These include combinatorial chemistry, transition metal coupling reactions, enzyme mediated resolutions and complex carbohydrate synthesis. Products will be analyzed by modern spectroscopic methods for chemical purity and some will be tested in several biological screens. |
Prerequisite: CHM3126. |
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BPS4127 |
Advanced Techniques in Biosciences |
(0,0,6) 3 cr. |
This laboratory course will expose students to the state of the art methods and techniques in biochemistry, biology and pharmacology. Genotyping, HPLC, flow cytometry, in situ hybridization and other techniques used in molecular biology and immunology laboratories will be used for the study and analysis of natural products and drug metabolism. |
Prerequisite: BCH3356 or BIO3151. Priority given to students in the 4th year of the Biochemistry, Biology or Biopharmaceutical Science programs who are not completing an honours research project. |
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BPS4129 |
Advanced Chemical Biology |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
This course focuses on chemical approaches to solving problems in molecular and cellular biology. Emphasis will be placed on multidisciplinary approaches to understand biological pathways and biological systems. Recent advances in chemical tool development for systems biology will be highlighted. Approaches to target selection for chemical intervention will also be covered. Topics include: chemical approaches to genomics and proteomics; protein design and engineering; chemistry in cellular imaging; chemistry in biotechnology; chemical genetics; rational and combinatorial approaches to pathway intervention; metabolic engineering. |
Prerequisites: CHM2131 or CHM2132, BCH2140. Corequisites: CHM3120, BCH3170 or BIO3170. |
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BPS4523 |
Produits naturels et phytomédicaments |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Ethnopharmacologie; découverte et développements de médicaments provenant de produits naturels. Phytochimie et mode d'action des principaux phytomédicaments. Défis dans le contrôle de qualité et la règlementation. Produits pharmaceutiques dérivés de composés naturels. |
Préalables : CHM2520, BIO2527. |
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BPS4525 |
Chimie médicinale |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Conception, découverte et synthèse des médicaments incluant la relation entre la structure et l'activité, les modes d'action ainsi que les progrès récents en recherche thérapeutique. Les cours CHM4523 et BPS 4525 sont mutuellement exclusifs. |
Préalable : CHM3520 ou permission du professeur. |
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BPS4526 |
Laboratoire de chimie médicinale et synthèse organique |
(0,0,6) 3 cr. |
Le programme du laboratoire exposera les étudiants aux différentes méthodes et techniques utilisées en synthèse organique. Ceci inclut la chimie combinatoire, la synthèse des hydrates de carbone complexes, résolution enzymatique et réaction de couplage utilisant les métaux de transition. Les produits seront caractérisés par spectroscopie moderne. (RMN, IR, etc.) et quelques-uns seront soumis à plusieurs tests biologiques. |
Préalable : CHM3526. |
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BPS4527 |
Techniques avancées en biosciences |
(0,0,6) 3 cr. |
Ce cours de laboratoire présentant les méthodes et les techniques de pointe couramment utilisées dans les laboratoires de biochimie, biologie et pharmacologie. Des techniques telles que le génotypage, la HPLC, la cytométrie de flux, l'hybridation in situ et d'autres techniques de pointe en biologie moléculaire et en immunologie seront utilisées pour l'étude et l'analyse de produits naturels et du métabolisme des médicaments. |
Préalable : BCH 3756 ou BIO3551. Priorité accordée aux étudiants et étudiantes de 4ième année des programmes de biochimie, biologie ou sciences biopharmaceutiques qui ne sont pas inscrits au projet de recherche |
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BPS4901 |
Rapport de stage CO-OP III / Co-op work term report III |
3 cr. |
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BPS4902 |
Rapport de stage Co-op IV / Co-op work term report IV |
3 cr. |
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BPS4903 |
Séminaire / Seminar |
(1,0,0) 1 cr. |
Presentation of the thesis work and participation in the Organic seminar series of the Chemistry Department. The seminar is intended only for students in Medicinal Chemistry. Corequisite: BPS 4005 or BPS 4917. |
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BPS4917 |
Projet de recherche / Honours Project |
(0,0,5) 5 cr. |
This course is designed to prepare a student for graduate studies in the fields related to Medicinal Chemistry. TCe student is assigned a research project with a designated professor and submits a thesis describing the results of the research project. corequisites: BPS 4903 and BPS 4000. For students in their last year of the biopharmaceutical science honours coop program only. |
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