Calendars > Courses > ENGLISH
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Students registered as anglophones in the Faculty of Arts are required to complete six credits in ENG 1100 and then either ENG 1120 OR ENG 1121as part of their general requirements for all B.A., B.F.A., and B.MUS. degrees. Students who register as concentration or honours English students must complete six credits in ENG 1122 AND ENG 1123.
Students registered as anglophones in the Faculty of Arts are required to complete six credits in ENG 1100 and then either ENG 1120 OR ENG 1121as part of their general requirements for all B.A., B.F.A., and B.MUS. degrees. Students who register as concentration or honours English students must complete six credits in ENG 1122 AND ENG 1123.
To register in 3000- and 4000-level courses, english students must have taken ENG1122 and ENG1123, and either have taken ENG2320 or be taking it concurrently. Honours students must also have taken ENG2325 or be taking it concurrently.
The content of courses designated Seminar varies from year to year. Consult the Department of English Undergraduate Programs brochure for course descriptions, outlines, and prescribed texts. Copies of the brochure are available, on request, at the Department of English secretariat (70 Laurier Ave., Room 338).
ENG1100 |
Workshop in Essay Writing |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Intensive practice in academic essay writing. Emphasis on grammatical and well-reasoned expository writing, essay organization, preparation of research papers, and proper acknowledgment of sources. Frequent written exercises and development of composition skills. Use of Writing Centre resources required outside regular class hours. |
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ENG1112 |
Technical Report Writing |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Practice in the writing of technical reports. Topics include exposition, argumentation, presentation of technical data, and effective communication. Frequent written exercises and development of composition skills. Use of Writing Centre resources required outside regular class hours. |
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ENG1120 |
Literature and Composition I: Prose Fiction |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Development of critical reading skills and coherent discourse. Study of the proper use and acknowledgement of sources. Works by English-language prose authors provide matter for frequent written exercises. |
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ENG1121 |
Literature and Composition II: Drama and Poetry |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Development of critical reading skills and coherent discourse. Study of the proper use and acknowledgement of sources. Works by English-language dramatists and poets provide matter for frequent written exercises. |
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ENG1122 |
Literature and Composition III: English Literature Before 1700 |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Development of critical reading skills and coherent discourse, both written and spoken. Study of selected authors before 1700 will furnish subject matter for frequent written exercises. |
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ENG1123 |
Literature and Composition IV: English Literature Since 1700 |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Development of critical reading skills and coherent discourse, both written and spoken. Study of selected authors since 1700 will furnish subject matter for frequent written exercises. |
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ENG1131 |
Effective Business English |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Development of skills in written communication. Review of grammatical usage and basic principles of composition. Analysis of samples of effective business prose. |
Reserved for students enrolled in a baccalaureate program of the School of Management. |
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ENG2110 |
Children's Literature |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Introduction to literature written primarily for children. |
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ENG2120 |
Mystery Novel |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Introduction to the genre from its beginnings to the present. |
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ENG2130 |
Tradition of King Arthur |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Survey of literature devoted to the Arthurian legends. |
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ENG2131 |
Fantasy, Myth and Language |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Introduction to writers such as Lewis Carroll and C. S. Lewis whose works explore the relationships between language, myth and the evolution of ideas. |
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ENG2132 |
Utopian Fiction |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Study of literary manifestations of the ideal society (and its nightmare inversions) from Plato's :ITALIC.Republic:EITALIC. to such twentieth-century visions as Orwell's :ITALIC.Nineteen Eighty-Four.:EITALIC. |
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ENG2133 |
Literature and Psychology |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Study of the complex relationships between analytical psychology and literature through readings of selected texts. |
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ENG2135 |
Science Fiction |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Study of fiction founded on scientific theory or hypotheses and new or speculative technologies. |
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ENG2136 |
Fiction of Horror |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Fiction of the supernatural and horror fiction from the 18th century to the present. |
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ENG2137 |
Literature and Ideology |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Study of how ideologies are varyingly revealed and concealed in literary texts from various historical periods. |
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ENG2140 |
Literature and Film |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Analysis of the translation of literary texts into film/video, with a view to illuminating the distinctive strategies and properties of the two art forms. |
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ENG2141 |
Literature and the Environment |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Study of literary texts which reflect, and reflect upon, the physical world, and our complex relationships with it. |
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ENG2142 |
World Literatures in English |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Study of the works of writers from diverse English-speaking cultures, such as those of Africa, Australia, India, New Zealand, and the West Indies. |
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ENG2171 |
Craft of Writing |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Advanced workshop in composition. Intensive practice in essay writing. Study of prose models. |
Prerequisite: ENG1120 or ENG1121 or permission of the Department. |
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ENG2212 |
Classical and Biblical Backgrounds in English Literature |
(3,0,0) 6 cr. |
Introduction to classical and biblical texts that have influenced the development of English literature. |
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ENG2235 |
Women in Literature |
(3,0,0) 6 cr. |
Introduction to questions of gender and genre, focusing on works by and about women. |
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ENG2313 |
European Contexts of English Literature |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Study of major European works that have influenced the development of English literature. |
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ENG2320 |
Practice of Criticism |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Study and practice of the close reading and analysis of literary texts. |
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ENG2325 |
Introduction to Critical Theory |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Study and practice of contemporary critical methodologies. |
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ENG2400 |
Introduction to Canadian Literature |
(3,0,0) 6 cr. |
Survey of major Canadian writers. |
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ENG2450 |
Introduction to American Literature |
(3,0,0) 6 cr. |
Survey of major American writers. |
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ENG2901 |
Co-op Work Term 1 |
3 cr. |
Honours students must also have taken ENG2325 or be taking it concurrently. |
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ENG3101 |
History of the English Language |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Development of the English language from Anglo-Saxon to modern times. Topics studied range from etymology and phonetics to dialect variations and the cultural role of language. |
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ENG3103 |
The Bible and the History of English Letters |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Study of the Bible as literature, with special attention to the King James Authorized Version. Consideration of the Bible's influence on the style, structure, imagery and language of English literature. |
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ENG3133 |
Elizabethan Shakespeare |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Survey of Shakespeare's work to c. 1603. |
(Formerly: ENG2333.) |
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ENG3134 |
Jacobean Shakespeare |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Survey of Shakespeare's work after c. 1603. |
(Formerly: ENG2334.) |
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ENG3264 |
Creative Writing |
(3,0,0) 6 cr. |
Workshop in the writing of poetry, drama, and fiction, with emphasis on shorter forms and the active participation of students. |
As a preliminary to registration, applicants must submit samples of their writing in any one of the genres mentioned above. The samples must be sent to Creative Writing, Department of English, before August 31. Students will be selected solely on the basis of aptitude as indicated by work submitted. They will be notified of their acceptance by early September. Since all material presented during this course must be typewritten, candidates should take this into consideration before making application. |
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ENG3300 |
Beowulf |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Detailed study of the Old English folk epic : ]Beowulf]. Students will work with the published text and the manuscript in facsimile. |
Prerequisite: ENG3316 or equivalent. |
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ENG3310 |
Chaucer I |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Study of Chaucer's works, with special attention to The ]Canterbury Tales]. |
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ENG3311 |
Chaucer II |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Study of Chaucer's works, excluding The ]Canterbury Tales]. |
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ENG3316 |
Old English |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Study of the language, literature, and culture of the Anglo-Saxons to 1100, with special attention to the shorter poems and selected prose extracts. |
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ENG3317 |
Spenser and Milton |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Study of the two poets, with special emphasis on The]Faerie Queene]. and ]Paradise Lost]. |
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ENG3318 |
Romantic Literature |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Study of major poets and prose writers of the Romantic period. |
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ENG3319 |
Rise of the Novel: 18th-Century and 19th-Century Fiction |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Development of the English novel from its beginnings to the late 19th century. |
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ENG3320 |
Modern British Literature |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Selected prose and poetry of the 20th century. |
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ENG3321 |
Canadian Short Story |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Short story in Canada from the 19th century to the present. |
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ENG3333 |
Shakespeare's Contemporaries I: Tudor Drama |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Study of English drama from the medieval period to 1603. |
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ENG3334 |
Shakespeare's Contemporaries II: Stuart Drama |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Development of English drama from the accession of James I (1603) to the closing of the theatres (1642). |
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ENG3346 |
Elizabethans and Metaphysicals |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Close reading of selected English poets from Wyatt to Marvell. |
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ENG3347 |
Milton |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Intensive reading of selected works of Milton. |
Prerequisite: ENG3317 or equivalent. |
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ENG3349 |
Restoration and 18th-Century Drama |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Development of English drama from 1660 to 1800. |
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ENG3350 |
Literature of the Restoration and 18th Century |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
English literature from 1660 to 1798, with special attention to Dryden, Pope, Swift, and Johnson. |
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ENG3356 |
18th-Century and Romantic Fiction |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Readings in the 18th- and early 19th-century novel. |
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ENG3362 |
Victorian Literature |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Study of major poets and prose writers of the Victorian period. |
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ENG3364 |
Victorian Fiction |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Study of major Victorian novelists. |
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ENG3370 |
Modern British Poetry |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Study of major poets of the 20th century. |
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ENG3371 |
Modern Drama |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Development of modern drama from the late 19th century to the present, with some attention to important continental influences. |
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ENG3372 |
Modern Short Story |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Study of modern short story writers. |
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ENG3373 |
Modern British Novelists |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Major British novelists from 1900 to 1950. |
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ENG3374 |
Emergence of the Modern Imagination |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Development of the modern literary imagination in late 19th- and early 20th-century writers. |
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ENG3376 |
Contemporary Novel |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Study of major English, American and Commonwealth novels since 1950. |
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ENG3377 |
American Fiction of the 19th Century |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Study of selected novelists, including Hawthorne, Melville, James, and Twain. |
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ENG3378 |
American Fiction of the 20th Century |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Study of significant novelists and their works. |
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ENG3379 |
American Poetry of the 20th Century |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Study of selected poets. |
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ENG3380 |
History of Criticism |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Major critical texts from Plato and Aristotle to Arnold and Eliot. |
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ENG3381 |
Native Writing in Canada |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Study of different forms of native writing in English. |
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ENG3384 |
Canadian Literature: The Colonial Period (1760-1866) |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Emergence and growth of literary and cultural life in English Canada. |
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ENG3385 |
Canadian Literature of the Confederation Period (1867-1912) |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Study of selected writers and works. |
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ENG3386 |
Canadian Fiction of the 20th Century to Mid-Century |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Study of selected fiction writers. |
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ENG3387 |
Canadian Fiction of the 20th Century Since Mid-Century |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Study of selected fiction writers. |
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ENG3388 |
Canadian Poetry of the 20th Century |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
A study of major poets from Pratt and F.R. Scott to Layton, Cohen, and Atwood. |
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ENG3389 |
Postcolonial Literatures |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Introduction to some of the major writers and key texts in contemporary postcolonial literatures. |
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ENG3390 |
Special Topic |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
See Department brochure. |
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ENG3901 |
Co-op Work Term 2 |
3 cr. |
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ENG3902 |
Co-op Work Term 3 |
3 cr. |
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ENG4115 |
Middle English: Seminar I |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
See Department brochure and /or website. |
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ENG4120 |
Literary Theory: Seminar |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
New developments in literary criticism and theory from the mid-twentieth century to the present. See Department brochure and/or website. |
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ENG4142 |
Shakespeare: Seminar I |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
See Department brochure and/or website. |
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ENG4148 |
Renaissance: Seminar I |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
See Department brochure and/or website. |
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ENG4151 |
18th Century: Seminar I |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
See Department brochure and/or website. |
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ENG4152 |
Romantics: Seminar I |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
See Department brochure and/or website. |
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ENG4165 |
Victorian Literature: Seminar I |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
See Department brochure and/or website. |
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ENG4175 |
Modern British Literature: Seminar I |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
See Department brochure and/or website. |
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ENG4180 |
American Literature: Seminar I |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
See Department brochure and/or website. |
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ENG4182 |
Canadian Literature: Seminar I |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
See Department brochure and/or website. |
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ENG4315 |
Middle English: Seminar II |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
See Department brochure and/or website. |
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ENG4342 |
Shakespeare: Seminar II |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
See Department brochure and/or website. |
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ENG4348 |
Renaissance: Seminar II |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
See Department brochure and/or website. |
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ENG4351 |
18th Century: Seminar II |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
See Department brochure and/or website. |
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ENG4352 |
Romantics: Seminar II |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
See Department brochure and/or website. |
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ENG4365 |
Victorian Literature: Seminar II |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
See Department brochure and/or website. |
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ENG4375 |
Modern British Literature: Seminar II |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
See Department brochure and/or website. |
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ENG4380 |
American Literature: Seminar II |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
See Department brochure and/or website. |
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ENG4382 |
Canadian Literature: Seminar II |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
See Department brochure and/or website. |
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ENG4394 |
Unassigned Special Topic |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
See Department brochure and/or website. |
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ENG4395 |
Senior Honours Essay |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
See Department brochure. |
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ENG4397 |
Advanced Workshop in Creative Writing |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Workshop directed by the Department's Writer-in-Residence. Content and approach will vary, depending on the interests and expertise of the instructor. |
Prerequisite: ENG3264 or equivalent. As a preliminary to registration, applicants must submit samples of their writing to the instructor. |
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ENG4398 |
Advanced Workshop in Poetry |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Intensive workshop in poetry writing. Survey of literary magazines and other avenues for publication of finished work. |
Prerequisite: ENG3264 or equivalent. As a preliminary to registration, applicants must submit samples of their writing to the instructor. |
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ENG4399 |
Advanced Workshop in Fiction |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Intensive workshop in fiction writing. Emphasis on the completion of finished work. |
Prerequisite: ENG3264 or equivalent. As a preliminary to registration, applicants must submit samples of their writing to the instructor. |
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ENG4901 |
Co-op Work Term 4 |
3 cr. |
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