Calendars > Faculty of Science > Message from the Dean
Faculty of Science
Dear Students:
Whether you are an incoming first-year student or a returning
student, I warmly welcome you to the Faculty of Science. This
calendar provides essential information concerning your program
of study and the relevant academic regulations. It is important
that you read this document carefully.
The Faculty of Science offers programs in biochemistry, biology,
biomedical science, biopharmaceutical science, environmental
science, chemistry, geology, mathematics and statistics, physical
geography, ophthalmic medical technology and physics. A cooperative
education option is available in the majority of these
programs. Many experienced and internationally renowned
professors, several modern buildings, renovated laboratories, and
up-to-date computer facilities make the Faculty of Science a
dynamic learning environment. I urge you to take advantage of
the opportunities for study that the Faculty provides.
The need for science-trained graduates in nearly all aspects of
modern life means that your experience and qualifications gained
at the University of Ottawa will be an investment not only in
yourself, but in our country.
I wish you all success!
Christian Detellier