Calendars > Faculty of Science > Historical Note
Faculty of Science
Although the University of Ottawa has celebrated its 150th
anniversary in 1998, a faculty of pure and applied science was
only established in 1953. Subsequently, the name was changed to
the Faculty of Science and Engineering and, in 1986, to the Faculty
of Science.
Today, the Faculty consists of 100 full-time professors and
approximately 70 support staff. The Faculty administers
undergraduate and graduate programs in five departments, also
offering co-operative programs. It also oversees the undergraduate
program in biochemistry. Total undergraduate enrolment is over
1800 students each year, with an additional 350 students enrolled
at any one time in graduate programs.
The science campus consists of several modern research buildings
and facilities housing state-of-the-art scientific equipment. The
Faculty maintains mass spectrometry, NMR, x-ray, geochemistry
and isotopic analytical laboratories. The main Marion Auditorium,
newly renovated, accommodates 400 people. Research at the
Faculty of Science has a world class reputation. It comprises
several areas of strategic significance such as molecular biology
and genetics, biopharmaceutical science, catalysis and new
materials, environmental sciences, applied modern mathematics
and statistics.