Calendars > Faculty of Science > Prizes, medals and scholarships
Faculty of Science
Medal awarded by Her Excellency the Governor General of Canada
to the student who has obtained the highest standing in a program
of studies leading to a four-year baccalaureate. The student must
have accumulated at least 60 credits at the University of Ottawa.
Two medals are awarded at the spring convocation only.
During the fall and spring convocations, a gold and a silver medal
are awarded to the best students in the honour and concentration
To obtain a medal at the fall convocation, a student must have a
cumulative grade point average equal to or above, the recipient of
the same medal at the spring convocation.
A minimum cumulative grade point average of 7.0 is required to
obtain a medal.
Once the Senate has approved the granting of a degree or
distinction, it is impossible to modify the granting date.
A University gold medal is awarded to a student with the
highest standing in a baccalaureate of science with honours
and to a student with the highest standing in a concentration
A University silver medal is awarded to a student with the
second highest standing in a baccalaureate of science with
honours and to a student with the second highest standing in a
concentration program.
During the fall and spring convocations, a Faculty plaque is
awarded to students with the highest CGPA in an honours
To obtain a plaque at the fall convocation a student must have a
cumulative grade point average equal to or above the recipient of
the same plaque at the spring convocation.
A minimum cumulative grade point average of 7.0 is required to
obtain a plaque.
Once the Senate has approved the granting of a degree or
distinction, it is impossible to modify the granting date.
The Plaque of the Department of Biochemistry, for the
highest standing in the Honours Baccalaureate in Science in
The Plaque of the Department of Biology, for the highest
standing in the Honours Baccalaureate in Science in Biology.
The Plaque of the Department of Chemistry, for the highest
standing in the Honours Baccalaureate in Science in Chemistry.
The Plaque of the Society of Chemical Industry, is given to
both an honours student with the highest standing in
biochemistry and an honours student with the highest
standing in chemistry.
The Plaque of the Department of Earth Sciences, for the
highest standing in the Honours Baccalaureate in Science in
The Plaque of the Department of Mathematics and
Statistics, for the highest standing in the Honours
Baccalaureate in Science in Mathematics.
The Plaque of the Department of Physics, for the highest
standing in the Honours Baccalaureate in Science in Physics.
Faculty of Science plaque for the highest standing in the
Honours Baccalaureate in Biopharmaceutical Science.
Faculty of Science plaque for the highest standing in the
Honours Baccalaureate in Environmental Science.
The Merck Frosst Canada Award, valued at $250, is given to
an honours student with the highest standing in chemistry.
The Hypercube Scholar Award, consisting of a HyperChem
software package, is given to an outstanding honours
student who has used computer modelling in his or her
research project and who intends to go on to graduate studies
in chemistry.
Two Pfizer Prizes are awarded. One for the best thesis in the
BSc honours biopharmaceutical science program, medicinal
chemistry option and one for the genomics option.
The D. K. C. Macdonald Prize, valued at $200, is awarded to
the honours student with the highest standing in physics.
The Thomas F. Lapierre Award, valued at $500, is given by
the Faculty of Science to the graduating student with the
highest overall standing in an honours BSc program.
Citations for a degree are based on the cumulative (CPGA) grade
point average and are calculated as follows:
The citations awarded for a degree are as follows:
Summa cum laude 9.0 and above
Magna cum laude 8.0 to 8.9
Cum laude 7.0 to 7.9
The CGPA must be calculated on a minimum of 30 credits.
Each year the names of certain students are placed in the deans
honour list:
full-time students (minimum 24 credits from September to
April) who obtain an annual grade point average of 8.5 or
higher. Nominations are made each May based on complete
results of all courses in which students are registered;
part-time students who obtain a cumulative grade point
average (CGPA) of 8.5 or more will appear on the deans
honour list at the time of their graduation;
students registered in a co-op program during the fall or winter
sessions who have accumulated at least 12 credits during each
of the prescribed study sessions in their program during the
preceding 12 months and who have a CGPA of 8.5 or more;
Nomination to the honour list is indicated on the report and on the
transcript, and is independent of any scholarship program.
Scholarships awarded are dependent on the availability of funds.
Merit Scholarships
Number: varies
Amount: $500 (minimum)
Renewable: no
Criteria: Canadian citizenship, or permanent
residency; full-time registration;
excellent academic standing.
Fields of Study: administration, arts, common law,
droit civil, engineering, health
sciences, medicine, science, social
Application required: no
Science Professors and Alumni Fund
Number: varies
Amount: variable
Renewable: no
Field of Study: science
Criteria: Canadian citizenship or permanent
residency; good academic record.
Application required: no
Petroleum Society of CIM Scholarship (Ottawa section)
Number: one (rotating scholarship)
Amount: $500
Renewable: no
Fields of Study: science, engineering
Criteria: Canadian citizenship or permanent
residency; registration in second or
third year;
Application required: no
NOTE: Preference will be given to a student who has
demonstrated an interest in the petroleum industry.
The Maxime Claveau Excellence Scholarship
Number: varies
Amount: $500 (minimum)
Renewable: no
Field of Study: Biochemistry
Criteria: Canadian citizenship or permanent
residency; full-time registration in the
third year of the Honours program in
Biochemistry and highest average in
the science courses, including the
grades from the Fall session of the
current year
Application required: no
Department of Biology Scholarship Fund
Number: varies
Amount: variable
Renewable: no
Field of Study: biology
Criteria: determined by the selection
committee on an annual basis
Application required: no
Dr. Pearl Weinberger Memorial Scholarship
Number: varies
Amount: variable
Renewable: no
Field of Study: biology
Criteria: Canadian citizenship or permanent
residency; excellent academic record;
interest in environmental concern.
Application required: no
Bruker Canada Award
Number: one
Amount: $250
Renewable: no
Field of Study: chemistry
Criteria: Canadian citizenship or permanent
residency; highest standing in thirdyear
physical chemistry courses.
Application required: no
Dupont Canada Inc. Prize
Number: one
Amount: $500
Renewable: no
Field of Study: chemistry
Criteria: Canadian citizenship or permanent
residency; highest CGPA in second,
third or fourth year.
Application required: no
R.U. Lemieux Prize
Number: two
Amount: $400 (minimum)
Renewable: no
Field of Study: chemistry
Criteria: Canadian citizenship or permanent
residency; full-time registration in the
second or third year of the chemistry
program; highest standing in the
course Organic Chemistry
Application required: no
Earth Sciences
Dumas Prize in Geology
Number: one
Amount: $300
Renewable: no
Field of Study: geology
Criteria: Canadian citizenship or permanent
residency; registration in second or
third year; strong interest in and
enthusiasm for the field of geology.
Application required: no
Mathematics and Statistics
Yvon Grandchamp Scholarship
Number: one or two
Amount: $500 to $1,000
Renewable: no
Field of Study: mathematics and statistics
Criteria: Canadian citizenship or permanent
residency; full-time registration.
Application required: no
Linis Admission Scholarship
Number: varies
Amount: $1,000
Renewable: No
Field of Study: mathematics and statistics
Criteria: Canadian citizenship or permanent
residency; from the Eastern Ontario or
Western Quebec region; highest mark
on the Euclide or Descartes or the
Canadian Open Mathematics
competition; full-time registration in
first year.
Application required: no
Linis Mathematics Scholarship
Number: varies
Amount: $1,000
Renewable: no
Field of Study: mathematics and statistics
Criteria: Canadian citizenship or permanent
residency; excellent academic record.
Application required: no
Co-op Program Prize in Mathematics
Number: varies
Amount: $50
Renewable: no
Field of Study: mathematics and statistics
Criteria: Canadian citizenship or permanent
residency; best work term report in
a co-op program.
Application required: no
Wong-Ng Scholarship
Number: varies
Amount: variable
Renewable: no
Field of Study: mathematics and statistics
Criteria: Canadian citizenship or permanent
residency; excellent academic record.
Application required: no
D.K.C. Macdonald Memorial Award
Number: varies
Amount: variable
Renewable: no
Field of Study: physics
Criteria: Canadian citizenship or permanent
residency; excellent academic record.
Application required: no
Armen Manoogian Memorial Scholarship
Number: varies
Amount: $500
Renewable: no
Fields of Study: physics, physics/mathematics
Criteria: Canadian citizenship or permanent
residency; highest grade point average
in the first year; second-year
registration in the physics or
physics/mathematics program.
Application required: no
Other scholarships based on academic merit, on financial need and
on community commitment are also offered at the University of
For more information and to verify admissibility to certain
scholarships, students are invited to use the search engine on the
Financial Aid and Awards Office Web site.
For further information:
Undergraduate Awards Office
University of Ottawa
85 University Street, Room 123
Ottawa ON K1N 6N5
Telephone: (613) 562-5810
Fax: (613) 562-5155
[email protected]
For more information on government loans and bursaries, on
emergency funding or on the work-study program, contact:
Financial Aid and Awards Office
University of Ottawa
85 University Street, Room 102
Ottawa ON K1N 6N5
Telephone: (613) 562-5734
Fax: (613) 562-5155
[email protected]
[email protected]