Calendars > Courses > CHEMISTRY
CHM1100 |
Chemistry and the Human Environment |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Chemical principles useful for environmental studies and everyday life. The chemistry of water, air, food, human health and raw materials. This course cannot be combined for credit by Science and Engineering students. |
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CHM1300 |
Principles of Chemistry |
(4,1,2) 6 cr. |
Structures and properties of matter; VSEPR: stoichiometry; gas laws; principles of kinetics and thermodynamics; quantitative aspects of reaction equilibrium; electrochemical processes; introduction to organic chemistry, nomenclature and function groups. Eight 3-hour laboratory experiments (spread over 13 weeks) illustrating the principles of chemistry. This course cannot be combined for credit with CHM 1310. |
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CHM1310 |
Principles of Chemistry |
(3,0,2) 4 cr. |
Chemical bonding, molecular geometry, chemical equations and quantitat ive relations, gas, liquids and solids, solutions, redox reactions, el ectrochemistry, kinetics and equilibrium, ionic equilibria, acids and bases in solution, pH. Eight 3-hour laboratory experiments (spread ove r 13 weeks) illustrating the principles of chemistry. |
Prerequisite: Grade 12U chemistry or OAC Chemistry or equivalent. |
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CHM1320 |
Organic Chemistry I |
(3,0,2) 4 cr. |
Classification, identification and structural characterization of organic compounds. Properties, preparation, and commercial significance of hydrocarbons, halogen derivatives, alcohols, ethers, and selected polymers. Mechanisms of organic reactions, and basic principles of organic stereochemistry. Eight 3-hour laboratory experiments spread over 13 weeks. |
Prerequisites: CHM1310 or CHM1300 or Grade 12U chemistry or OAC Chemistry or equivalent. |
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CHM1700 |
Principes de chimie |
(4,1,2) 6 cr. |
Structures et propriétés de la matière; RPECV; stoechiométrie; lois des gaz; principes de cinétique et thermodynamique; aspects quantitatifs des réactions à l'équilibre; processus électrochimiques; introduction à la chimie organique, nomenclature et groupes fonctionnels. Huit laboratoires de 3 heures répartis sur une période de 13 semaines. Les cours CHM 1700 et CHM 1710 sont mutuellement exclusifs. |
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CHM1710 |
Principes de chimie |
(3,0,2) 4 cr. |
Liaisons chimiques, géométrie moléculaire. Équations chimiques et stoechiométrie, gaz, liquides, solides, solutions, réactions d'oxydoréduction, électrochimie, vitesses de réaction et équilibre des ions, acides et bases, pH. Huit laboratoires de 3 heures répartis sur une période de 13 semaines. Les cours CHM 1710 et CHM 1700 sont mutuellement exclusifs. |
Préalable : Le cours 12U chimie ou CPO Chimie ou l'équivalent. Préalable : Le cours 12U chimie ou CPO Chimie ou l'équivalent. |
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CHM1720 |
Chimie organique I |
(3,0,2) 4 cr. |
Classification, identification et caractérisation structurale des comp osés organiques. Propriétés, préparation et importance commerciale des hydrocarbures, dérivés halogénés. Alcools, éthers, composés aromatiqu es et polymères. Mécanismes des réactions organiques et principes de b ase de la stéréochimie. Huit laboratoires de 3 heures répartis sur une période de 13 semaines. |
Préalable: CHM1710 ou CHM1700 ou 12U Chimie ou CPO Chimie ou l'équivalent. |
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CHM2116 |
Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry |
(0,0,4) 2 cr. |
A laboratory course designed to introduce students to modern methods of qualitative and quantitative environmental analysis of air, water, and solid samples. Students will become familiar with sampling and experimental design in trace analysis by, for example, titrimetry, spectrophotometry, chromatography, atomic absorption and infrared spectroscopy. |
Corequisite: CHM2352. |
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CHM2118 |
Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry |
(0,0,4) 2 cr. |
A representative set of experiments in quantitative analytical chemistry illustrating gravimetric, volumetric and instrumental methods. |
Prerequisite or corequisite: CHM2154. |
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CHM2120 |
Organic Chemistry II |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Synthesis and reactivity of carbonyl compounds, organic acids and their derivatives, nitrogen-containing compounds, sulfur derivatives, simple aromatic compounds. Survey of the chemistry of carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids and peptides, and selected heterocycles. |
Prerequisite: CHM1320. |
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CHM2126 |
Laboratory of Organic Chemistry II |
(0,0,3) 2 cr. |
Laboratory work associated with CHM 2120. |
Corequisite: CHM2120. |
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CHM2130 |
Physical chemistry: Introduction to the molecular properties of matter |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Introduction to the molecular interpretation of physico-chemical phenomena. Introduction to quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics and spectroscopy (vibrational, rotational, nmr). Kinetic theory of gases. Chemical kinetics (order of a reaction, Arrhenius equation, reaction mechanism). Surface chemistry, adsorption isotherms, structure of adsorbed layers, colloids, viscosity, diffusion, and sedimentation. |
Prerequisites: CHM1300 or CHM1310, MAT1322 or MAT1323, PHY1101/PHY1102 or PHY1301/PHY1302. |
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CHM2131 |
Chemical Thermodynamics of Gases and Solutions |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
The first law of thermodynamics, relationships between work, heat, internal energy, and enthalpy. Thermochemistry. Heat capacity. The second and third laws of thermodynamics. Entropy. Free energy. Chemical equilibrium and chemical potential. Phase equilibrium and phase diagrams. Ideal and real solutions. Raoult's law and Henry's law. Colligative properties. Thermodynamics of solutions and electrolytes in solution. Debye-Hückel theory, ion migration and conductivity. Electrochemistry, electrochemical cells, and the Nernst equation. This course cannot be combined for credit with CHM 2132. |
Prerequisite: CHM1300 or CHM1310, MAT1322 or MAT1323, PHY1101/PHY1102 or PHY1301/PHY1302. |
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CHM2132 |
Physical Chemistry for the Life Sciences |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
A course intended primarily for Biology and Biochemistry students. Laws of chemical thermodynamics and their application in bioenergetics. Properties of solutions. Electrochemistry and electrochemical phenomena in biological systems. Chemical spectroscopy and its application in the quantification of biological substances. Chemical kinetics and enzyme kinetics. (Cannot be combined for credit with CHM 2131). |
Prerequisites: CHM1300 or CHM1310, MAT1322 or MAT1323, PHY1101/PHY1102 or PHY1301/PHY1302. (Cannot be combined for credit with CHM2131.) |
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CHM2136 |
Laboratory of Physical Chemistry |
(0,0,4) 2 cr. |
Laboratory work accompanying CHM 2131. |
Prerequisites or corequisites: CHM2130, CHM2131 or CHM2132. |
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CHM2154 |
Analytical Chemistry |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
An introduction to fundamental principles of analytical chemistry, including analytical data, theory of acid-base and redox titrations, and separation schemes. Buffer solutions and precipitation equilibria. |
Prerequisite: CHM1310. |
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CHM2311 |
Introduction to Structure and Bonding |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Applications of quantum theory: atomic structure, bonding in molecules, molecular orbital theory, metallic bond, molecular symmetry. Structure and energetics of solids, aqueous solution, hydration, ionization, complexation. |
Prerequisites: CHM1310, MAT1320. |
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CHM2313 |
Environmental Chemistry |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
This course relies on a sound foundation in both the principles and the practical aspects of inorganic, organic, and analytical/physical chemistry and is focused on the chemical aspects of aqueous, atmospheric, and electrochemical processes. Topics to be covered under these general headings include: acid precipitation, greenhouse effect, ground level ozone, water quality, and corrosion. |
Prerequisites: CHM1320, CHM2352, CHM2154. |
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CHM2352 |
Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
A review of simple concepts in bonding and acid-base theory. Electrochemistry. A survey of the chemistry of the elements, trends and their relation to the periodic system. |
Prerequisite: CHM1310 or CHM1320. |
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CHM2516 |
Laboratoire de chimie de l'environnement |
(0,0,4) 2 cr. |
Travaux pratiques présentant les méthodes modernes d'analyses qualitative et quantitative des échantillons gazeux, aqueux et solides, pertinentes à l'environnement. Les étudiants se familiariseront avec l'échantillonage et l'approche expérimentale des analyses de substance trace par titrage, spectrophotométrie, chromatographie, absorption atomique et spectroscopie infrarouge. |
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CHM2518 |
Laboratoire de chimie analytique |
(0,0,4) 2 cr. |
Série d'expériences de chimie analytique quantitative choisies pour illustrer la gravimétrie, la volumétrie, la titrimétrie et les méthodes instrumentales d'analyse. |
Préalable ou concomitant: CHM2554. |
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CHM2520 |
Chimie organique II |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Synthèse et réactivité des composés carbonylés, des acides organiques et de leurs dérivés, des composés contenant de l'azote ou du soufre et des composés aromatiques simples. Chimie des hydrates de carbone, lipides, acides aminés et peptides et de quelques hétérocycles. |
Préalable : CHM1720. |
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CHM2526 |
Laboratoire de chimie organique II |
(0,0,3) 2 cr. |
Travaux pratiques accompagnant CHM 2520. |
Concomitant : CHM2520. |
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CHM2530 |
Chimie physique : introduction aux propriétés moléculaires de la matière. |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Introduction à l'interprétation des phénomènes physico-chimiques. Introduction à la mécanique quantique, à la mécanique statistique, et à la spectroscopie (rotationnelle, vibrationnelle, rmn). Théorie cinétique des gaz. cinétique chimique (ordre d'une réaction, équation d'arrhénius, mécanisme réactionnel.) chimie des surfaces, isotherme d'adsorption, structure des couches adsorbées, colloïdes, viscosité, diffusion et sédimentation. |
Préalables : CHM1700 ou CHM1710, MAT1722 ou MAT1723, PHY1501/PHY1502 ou PHY1701/PHY1702. |
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CHM2531 |
Thermodynamique chimique des gaz et des solutions |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Première loi de la thermodynamique: relation entre le travail, la chaleur, l'énergie interne et l'enthalpie. Thermochimie. Chaleur spécifique. Deuxième et troisième lois de la thermodynamique. Entropie. Énergie libre. Potentiel chimique et équilibre chimique. Changement de phase et diagramme de phase. Solutions idéales et réelles. Loi de Raoult et loi de Henry. Propriétés colligatives. Thermodynamique des solutions et des électrolytes. Théorie de Debye-Hückel, migration des ions, et conductivité. Électrochimie, cellules électrochimiques et équations de Nernst. Ce cours et CHM 2532 sont mutuellement exclusifs. |
Préalables: CHM1700 ou CHM1710, MAT1722 ou MAT1723, PHY1501/PHY1502 ou PHY1701/PHY1702. |
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CHM2532 |
Chimie physique pour les sciences de la vie |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Cours destiné aux étudiants de biologie et de biochimie. Lois de la thermodynamique chimique et applications bioénergétiques. Propriétés des solutions. Électrochimie et phénomènes électrochimiques dans les systèmes biologiques. La spectroscopie chimique et son application à la quantification des substances biologiques. Cinétique chimique et cinétique enzymatique. Les cours CHM 2532 et CHM 2531 sont mutuellement exclusifs. |
Préalables : CHM1700 ou CHM1710, MAT1722 ou MAT1723, PHY1501/PHY1502 ou PHY1701/PHY1702. |
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CHM2536 |
Laboratoire de chimie physique |
(0,0,4) 2 cr. |
Travaux pratiques accompagnant CHM 2531. |
Préalables ou concomitants: CHM2530, CHM2531 ou CHM2532. |
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CHM2554 |
Chimie analytique |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Introduction aux principes fondamentaux de la chimie analytique, comprenant la théorie des erreurs, la théorie des titrages acido- basiques et oxydoréducteurs, ainsi que les méthodes de séparation. Solutions tampons et précipitation à l'équilibre. |
Préalable : CHM1710. |
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CHM2711 |
Introduction à la structure et aux liaisons |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Applications de la théorie quantique: structure électronique de l'atome, liaisons chimiques, symmétrie moléculaire, théorie des orbitales moléculaires, liaison métallique. Aspects énergétiques et structuraux de solides, solutions aqueuses, hydratation, ionisation, complexation. |
Préalables : CHM1710, MAT1720. |
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CHM2713 |
Chimie de l'environnement |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Ce cours repose sur des fondements solides issus des principes et des aspects pratiques de la chimie inorganique, organique, et analytique/ physique, et se concentre sur les aspects chimiques des processus aqueux atmosphériques et électro-chimiques. Les sujets couverts sous ces titres généraux incluent: les précipitations acides, l'effet de serre, l'ozone au niveau terrestre, la qualité des eaux et la corrosion. |
Préalables : CHM1720, CHM2752, CHM2554. |
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CHM2752 |
Chimie minérale des élements |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Revue des concepts simples des liaisons et des théories acido-basiques. Électrochimie. Vue d'ensemble de la chimie des éléments, leurs tendances, et leur relation au système périodique. |
Préalable : CHM1710 ou CHM1720. |
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CHM3120 |
Intermediate Organic Chemistry |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Synthesis, stereochemistry, reaction intermediates and mechanisms of organic chemistry with illustrations from natural and therapeutic products. Heterocyclic chemistry. |
Prerequisite: CHM2120. |
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CHM3122 |
Applications of Spectroscopy in Chemistry |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Introduction to infrared, visible and ultraviolet spectroscopy, multinuclear magnetic resonance (with emphasis on 1H and 13C), Fourier-transform. NMR, mass spectrometry. |
Prerequisite: CHM2120. |
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CHM3125 |
Polymer and Applied Chemistry |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
A general introduction to polymer chemistry and survey of organic compounds of economic importance. Preparative procedures, polymerization methods and sources of raw materials will be discussed. Applications of polymer and preparative chemistry leading to plastics, drugs, agrochemicals, etc will be described. |
Prerequisites: CHM1310, CHM2120. |
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CHM3126 |
Laboratory of Organic Chemistry |
(0,0,6) 3 cr. |
Laboratory work accompanying CHM 3120. |
Prerequisites or Corequisites: CHM3120, CHM3122. |
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CHM3140 |
Quantum Chemistry |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
The origins of quantum theory, the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, postulates of quantum mechanics, the Schr dinger equation, the harmonic oscillator, the rigid rotor, angular momentum. Hydrogenlike atoms, electron spin, variation method, helium atom, Pauli exclusion principle, Hartree-Fock self-consistent field method. Born-Oppenheimer approximation, hydrogen molecule ion, MO description of the hydrogen molecule, electronic configurations of homonuclear diatomic molecules, electronic structure of polyatomic molecules. Hückel molecular orbital theory, hydrogen bonds, intermolecular forces. |
Prerequisite: CHM2130. |
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CHM3150 |
Transition Metal Chemistry |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Coordination complexes, ligand field theory, magnetic and spectroscopic properties, stereochemistry, optical and stereoisomerism, reactions of complexes: substitution, electron transfer, isomerization, photochemistry. |
Prerequisite: CHM2120, CHM2311, (CHM2131 or CHM2132). |
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CHM3156 |
Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory |
(0,0,4) 2 cr. |
Preparative techniques and methods of characterization of inorganic compounds. |
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CHM3336 |
Laboratory of Physical Chemistry |
(0,0,4) 2 cr. |
Laboratory work accompanying CHM 3371. Kinetics and dynamics of chemical reactions. Computational chemistry. Molecular spectroscopy. |
Prerequisite: CHM3140. Corequisite: CHM3371. |
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CHM3371 |
Molecular Spectroscopy and Statistical Mechanics |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Analysis and calculation of atomic, rotational, vibrational and electronic spectra of simple molecules. Boltzmann distribution and partition functions. Microscopic interpretation and calculation of thermodynamic properties (entropy, enthalpy, free energy, heat capacity, rate constant and transition state) from molecular and atomic spectroscopic data. |
Prerequisite: CHM3140. |
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CHM3372 |
The Condensed State |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Topics may include: thermodynamics and statistical mechanics of non- ideal systems; surface chemistry and catalysis; polymers; colloids; metals and semiconductors. |
Prerequisite: CHM3140. |
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CHM3520 |
Chimie organique intermédiaire |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Synthèse, stéréochimie, intermédiaires réactionnels et mécanismes en chimie organique. Illustrations par des produits naturels et thérapeutiques. Chimie des hétérocycles. |
Préalable : CHM2520. |
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CHM3522 |
Applications de la spectroscopie en chimie |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Introduction aux spectroscopies infrarouge, visible et ultraviolette, résonance magnétique multinoyaux (notamment 1H et 13C), transformées de Fourier. Spectrométrie de masse. |
Préalable : CHM2520. |
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CHM3526 |
Laboratoire de chimie organique |
(0,0,6) 3 cr. |
Travaux pratiques accompagnant CHM 3520. |
Préalables ou concomitants: CHM3520, CHM3522. |
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CHM3550 |
Chimie des métaux de transition |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Complexes de coordination, théorie du champ de ligandes, propriétés magnétiques et spectroscopiques, stéréochimie, isoméries optique et géométrique, réactions des complexes: substitutions, transferts d'électrons, isomérisation, photochimie. |
Préalables : CHM2520, CHM2711, (CHM2531 ou CHM2532). |
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CHM3556 |
Laboratoire de chimie inorganique |
(0,0,4) 2 cr. |
Techniques de préparation et méthodes de caractérisation de composés inorganiques. |
Préalables : CHM2518, CHM2712, CHM2516. Concomitant : CHM3550. |
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CHM3736 |
Laboratoire de chimie physique |
(0,0,4) 2 cr. |
Travaux pratiques accompagnant CHM 3771. Cinétique et dynamique des réactions chimiques. Chimie numérique. Spectroscopie moléculaire. |
Préalable : CHM3140. Concomitant : CHM3771. |
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CHM3771 |
Spectroscopie moléculaire et mécanique statistique |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Analyse et calcul des spectres atomiques, rotationnels, vibrationnels et électroniques des molécules simples. La répartition de Boltzmann et les fonctions de partition. Interprétation microscopique et calcul des propriétés thermodynamiques (entropie, enthalpie, énergie libre, chaleur spécifique, constante de vitesse et état de transition) à partir des données spectroscopiques des atomes et des molécules. |
Préalable : CHM3140. |
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CHM3901 |
Rapport de stage coop III / Co-op Work Term Report III |
3 cr. |
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CHM3902 |
Rapport de stage coop III / Co-op Work Term Report III |
3 cr. |
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CHM4006 |
Travail de recherche / Research Project |
(0,0,7) 7 cr. |
Based on supervised research in a professor's laboratory. Attendance at one of the Ottawa-Carleton series of weekly seminars is required. Students must apply to the Department in April of their penultimate year of study. The course is intended only for those students, not in the Co-op programme, seeking a B.Sc. with Honours in Chemistry. |
Prerequisite: The student must have a minimum CGPA of 4.5 and the permission of the Department. Corequisite: CHM4910. |
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CHM4046 |
Travail de recherche en chimie numérique / Research Project in Computational Chemistry |
(0,0,7) 7 cr. |
Based on supervised research in computational chemistry in a professor's laboratory. Attendance at one of the Ottawa-Carleton series of weekly seminars is required. Students must apply to the Department in April of their penultimate year of study. The course is intended only for those students seeking a B.Sc. with Honours in the Computational Chemistry Option. |
Prerequisite: The student must have a minimum CGPA of 4.5 and the permission of the Department. Corequisite: CHM4910. |
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CHM4116 |
Advanced Instrumental Analysis Laboratory |
(0,0,6) 3 cr. |
Laboratory involving analytical techniques such as gas chromatography, high-performance liquid chromatography atomic absorption spectroscopy, UV-VIS spectroscopy, electroanalytical methods, mass spectrometry. Quantitative analysis, statistical analysis, sampling. |
Prerequisites: CHM2154, CHM2116, CHM2118, CHM2136 and Prerequisites or Corequisites: CHM3156, CHM3122, CHM3126. |
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CHM4123 |
Medicinal Chemistry |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Drug design, discovery and synthesis, including structure-activity relationships, modes of action and recent therapeutic progress. |
Prerequisite: CHM3120. |
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CHM4139 |
Enzyme and Bio-organic Chemistry |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Chemical properties of enzymes. Introductory enzyme kinetics. Mechanisms and theories of catalysis by enzymes. Non-aqueous enzyme chemistry and its application to organic synthesis. Solid-phase synthesis of peptides, nucleotides, and carbohydrates. Peptide, nucleotide, and carbohydrate isosteres/mimetics. Design of DNA-primers and probes. Examples of high throughput screening will be discussed. |
Prerequisite: CHM2131 or CHM2132. Corequisite: CHM3120. |
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CHM4141 |
Computational Chemistry I |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Molecular mechanics, energy minimization, molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulation methods, free energy perturbation, and molecular modelling in drug discovery. |
Prerequisites: CHM2311, CHM3120. |
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CHM4143 |
Computational Chemistry II |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Theory and practical application of quantum mechanical electronic structure methods: Hartree-Fock, extended Huckel, semi-empirical AM1 and PM3, Moller-Plesset perturbation theory, configuration interaction, and density functional methods. |
Prerequisite: CHM3140 or PHY3370. |
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CHM4146 |
Computational Chemistry Laboratory |
(0,0,6) 3 cr. |
Molecular modelling experiments using some of the software packages popular in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Programs of intermediate complexity will be developed. Basic aspects of high performance computing will also be covered. This course is intended only for those in their last year of the B.Sc. with Honours in Chemistry (Computational Chemistry option). |
Prerequisites or Corequisites: CHM4141, CHM4143. |
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CHM4182 |
Molecular Dynamics in Chemistry |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Introduction to the models used by chemists to investigate reaction dynamics and kinetics in the gas phase, in solution, on surfaces, and in photochemistry. The properties of potential energy surfaces and their influence on reaction dynamics. Conventional transition state theory, variational transition sate theory, and the methods of modelling diffusion in solution and on surfaces. Unimolecular reactions and RRKM theory. Lasers and their operation. Reaction kinetics of excited states. |
Corequisite: CHM3371. |
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CHM4311 |
Advanced Topics in Inorganic Chemistry |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Thermochemical aspects of inorganic chemistry, inorganic rings, chains, clusters and polymers, chemistry of the less common elements, nuclear chemistry, non-aqueous solvents. |
Prerequisite: CHM3150. |
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CHM4313 |
Solid State Chemistry |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Synthesis, structure and properties of solids. Thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of solid state synthesis as related to synthetic technique and crystal growth. Spectroscopie characterization and descriptive crystal chemistry. Description of bonding forces and electronic structure of non-molecular materials. Aspects of organic solid state chemistry. |
Prerequisite: CHM3150. |
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CHM4315 |
Advanced Analytical Chemistry |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
A study of modern approaches to chemical analysis. Sampling, sample preparation, separation techniques, trace methods of determination applied to the environment, standards and the problem of analytical quality, analytical decision making. |
Prerequisites: CHM2154, CHM2118, CHM2116. |
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CHM4317 |
Organometallic Chemistry |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Organometallic compounds of elements in the principal groups and transition groups. Synthesis and structure determination. |
Prerequisites: CHM2311, CHM3120. |
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CHM4319 |
Bio-Inorganic Chemistry |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Bio-redox agents and mechanisms, electron transport enzymes, nitrogen fixation, toxicology, oxygen transport and transfer, inorganic medicinal chemistry. |
Prerequisites: CHM2120, CHM2311, (CHM2131 or CHM2132). |
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CHM4325 |
Advanced Organic Synthesis and Reaction Mechanisms |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Retrosynthetic analysis as an approach to the synthesis of complex molecules. Modern synthetic methods. Reaction mechanisms and the stability and reactivity to key organic reaction intermediates. Free energy relationships. Conservation of orbital symmetry and pericyclic reactions. |
Corequisite: CHM3120. |
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CHM4328 |
Special Topics in Organic Chemistry |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
A discussion of recent progress in selected areas of organic chemistry. |
Prerequisite: CHM3120. |
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CHM4340 |
Applications of Theoretical Chemistry |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
The application of the principles given in CHM 3140 to areas of biochemistry, biology, inorganic and physical chemistry. |
Prerequisite: CHM3140. |
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CHM4380 |
Principles of Instrumentation and Measurement |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
A discussion of physico-chemical techniques from the practical and theoretical point of view. Topics covered will be chosen from the following: high- and ultra-high vacuum techniques, optical spectroscopy, mass spectroscopy, chromatography, X-ray, and electron diffraction, electron microscopy, laser chemistry, Fourier transform techniques, electron spectroscopies, magnetic resonance, general instrumental methods. |
Prerequisites: CHM2130, CHM2131 or CHM2132, CHM2154, CHM3122. |
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CHM4381 |
Photochemistry |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Primary photophysical and photochemical processes. The structure and reactivity of electronically excited organic and inorganic molecules. Lasers and laser excited processes. |
Prerequisites: CHM2120, CHM2130, CHM2131 or CHM2132. |
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CHM4390 |
Special Topics in Physical Chemistry |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
A discussion of recent progress in selected areas of physical chemistry. |
Prerequisite: CHM3140, prerequisite or corequisite: CHM3371. |
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CHM4391 |
Selected Topics in Physical Chemistry |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Selected advanced topics. |
Prerequisite: CHM3140, prerequisite or corequisite: CHM3371. |
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CHM4523 |
Chimie Médicinale |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Conception, découverte et synthèse des médicaments incluant la relation entre la structure et l'activité, les modes d'action ainsi que les progrès récents en recherche thérapeutique. |
Préalable: CHM3520. |
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CHM4900 |
Études dirigées en chimie / Directed Studies in Chemistry |
(0,0,6) 3 cr. |
Based on a supervised literature search for the purpose of reviewing an established area of chemistry or exploring a promising new area of chemistry. A seminar reporting the results of the study will be presented. Attendance at one of the Ottawa-Carleton series of weekly seminars is required. This course is inteded only for those seeking a B.Sc. with honours in Chemistry. |
Prerequisite: The student must have a minimum CGPA of 4.5 and the permission of the Department. |
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CHM4901 |
Rapport de stage coop III / Co-op Work Term Report III |
(1,0,0) 3 cr. |
Presentation of the results of a research project. Attendance at one of the Ottawa-Carleton series of weekly seminars is required. |
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CHM4902 |
Rapport de stage coop IV / Co-op Work Term Report IV |
3 cr. |
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CHM4910 |
Séminaire / Seminar |
(1,0,0) 1 cr. |
Presentation of the results of a research project. Attendance at one of the Ottawa-Carleton series of weekly seminars is required. |
Corequisite: CHM4006 or CHM4046 or CHM4916. |
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CHM4916 |
Travail de Recherche / Research Project |
(0,0,8) 4 cr. |
Based on supervised research in a professor's laboratory. Attendance at one of the Ottawa-Carleton series of weekly seminars is required. |
Corequisite: CHM4910. Students must apply to the Department in April of their penultimate year of study. The course is intended only for those students seeking a B.Sc. with Honours in Chemistry, within the Co-op program. |
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