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Calendars > Courses > GEOLOGY


1111 1115 1301 1511 1515 1701 2113 2163 2164 2165
2307 2321 2334 2371 2513 2563 2564 2565 2707 2721
2734 2901 2920 3152 3163 3164 3165 3166 3167 3342
3372 3382 3393 3552 3563 3564 3565 3566 3742 3782
3901 3902 3920 4300 4301 4322 4329 4332 4341 4342
4354 4362 4363 4365 4366 4367 4371 4382 4700 4701
4900 4901                

GEO1111 Introduction to Earth Systems (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Course suited for students in the faculties of Science or Engineering who want to learn more about how the solid earth, oceans, atmosphere, and life have worked in an integrated way over the past 4.6 billion years.
Prerequisites: Advanced Functions and Introductory Calculus 4U or OAC Calculus or MAT1319 and two of the 4U (or OAC) Science or Mathematics courses. This course cannot be combined for credits with GEO1301.
GEO1115 Introduction to Earth Materials (1.5,0,3) 3 cr.
Identification, properties and interpretation of Earth materials in field excursions and laboratory exercises. Common rock-forming and metallic minerals; sedimentary rocks and fossils; igneous rocks and textures; metamorphic rocks and fabrics; unconsolidated materials (clay, silt, sand, gravel and soils). Geology of the Ottawa area. A minimal fee is required to cover transportation for field trips.
Prerequisites: Advanced Functions and Introductory Calculus 4U or OAC Calculus or MAT1319 and two of the 4U (or OAC) Science or Mathematics courses.
GEO1301 The Earth and How it Works (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Course designed for students outside the Faculties of Science and Engineering. Students will learn about a number of geological processes that started 4.6 billion years ago and continue to mould our Earth today, including earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountain building. In addition the evolution of life and the scientific and environmental issues related to natural resource exploitation (water, oil, gas, coal, metals) will be discussed. This course cannot be credited to students from the Faculties of Science and Engineering. This course cannot be combined for credits with GEO 1111.
GEO1511 Introduction aux systèmes terrestres (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Cours de base conçu pour toute personne des facultés de sciences ou de génie qui veut savoir comment la terre solide, les océans, l'atmosphère et la biosphère fonctionnent d'une manière intégrée depuis plus de 4,6 milliards d'années. Les cours GEO 1511 et GEO 1701 sont mutuellement exclusifs.
Préalables : Fonctions avancées et introduction au calcul différentiel 4U ou le CPO de calcul infinitésimal ou MAT1719 et deux cours 4U (ou CPO) de Sciences ou de Mathématiques. Les cours GEO1511 et GEO1701 sont mutuellement exclusifs.
GEO1515 Introduction aux matériaux terrestres (1.5,0,3) 3 cr.
Identification, propriétés et interprétation des matériaux terrestres sur le terrain et au laboratoire. Principaux minerais métalliques et m inéraux de la croûte terrestre; roches ignées et leurs textures; roche s sédimentaires et les fossiles; roches métamorphiques et leurs fabriq ues; matériaux meubles (argile, silt, sable, gravier, sols). Géologie de la région d'Ottawa. Des frais minimes sont exigés pour défrayer le transport lors des excursions.
Préalables : Fonctions avancées et introduction au calcul différentiel 4U ou le CPO de calcul infinitésimal ou MAT1719 et deux cours 4U (ou CPO) de Sciences ou de Mathématiques.
GEO1701 Comment percer les secrets de la Terre (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Cours offert à toute personne à l'extérieur des facultés de Sciences et de Génie. Ce cours donne une vue d'ensemble sur de nombreux processus géologiques (tremblements de terre, volcans, chaînes de montagnes) qui façonnent notre planète depuis maintenant 4,6 milliards d'années. L'origine et l'évolution de la vie seront aussi discutées, ainsi que les aspects scientifiques et environnementaux de nos ressources (eau, pétrole, gas naturel, charbon, métaux). Ce cours ne peut pas être crédité aux étudiants des facultés de Sciences et de Génie. Les cours GEO 1701 et GEO 1511 sont mutuellement exclusifs.
GEO2113 Paleontology (1.5,0,3) 3 cr.
The nature of fossils, particularly the fossilized remains and traces of common macro-invertebrates. Study of aspects of morphology most useful in identifying and classifying fossils and in interpreting their paleoecology and evolutionary history. (Offered in alternate years with GEO 3513.)
Prerequisite: Science threshold year.
GEO2163 Introduction to Mineralogy (1.5,0,3) 3 cr.
Fundamental concepts of mineralogy. Crystal systems, symmetry, point groups, crystal chemistry and the classification of minerals. Systematic survey of the crystal structure, uses, and occurrence of the principal minerals in rocks and soils.
Prerequisite: Science threshold year.
GEO2164 Analytical Methods in Mineralogy (1.5,0,3) 3 cr.
Introduction to principal analytical methods available for the study of minerals and rocks. Propagation of light in crystalline media and the use of the polarizing microscope, powder X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, electron microbeam analysis and scanning electron microscopy.
Prerequisite: GEO2163.
GEO2165 Stratigraphy and Sedimentation (1.5,0,3) 3 cr.
The origin of sedimentary rocks. Characteristics of primary structures and secondary alteration. Basic principles of stratigraphy.
Prerequisite: GEO1115.
GEO2307 Environmental Geology (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Natural hazards, and environmental problems related to the exploitation of mineral resources, fossil fuels and nuclear energy. Physical and chemical characteristics of surface and subsurface environments, biogeochemical cycles, water, soil and air pollution. Remediation processes and environmental rules and regulations. (Offered in alternate years with GEO2707.)
Prerequisite: GEO1111. (Offered in alternate years with GEO2707.)
GEO2321 Structural Geology and Tectonics (1.5,0,3) 3 cr.
Stress and strain analysis, geometrical analyses of rock structures, deformation mechanisms, fabric-forming mechanisms, introduction to plate tectonics. (Offered in alternate years with GEO 2721.)
Prerequisite: GEO1115 or Pre or Co-requisite GEO2163.
GEO2334 Quaternary Geology and Climate Change (1.5,0,3) 3 cr.
Examination of the past two million years of Earth history, including Pleistocene glaciations, sea level fluctuations, arid/pluvial cycles, and holocene migrations and extinctions. Cycles and mechanisms of natural and anthropogenically driven climatic change through the Quaternary and up to the present. Field excursions. A minimal fee is required to cover transportation for field trips. (Offered in alternate years with GEO 2734.)
Prerequisite: GEO1111 or GEO1115.
GEO2371 Earth Resources: Metals and Industrial Minerals (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Basic concepts of mineral resources, exploration and development of mineral deposits, major types of economic industrial and metallic mineral deposits, their distribution in the world and in Canada, and geological processes of their formation. (Offered in alternate years with GEO 3372.)
Prerequisite: GEO1111 or GEO1115.
GEO2513 Paléontologie (1.5,0,3) 3 cr.
Étude et classification des principaux invertébrés fossiles. Interprétation paléoécologique et évolutive à partir des traits morphologiques. (Offert tous les deux ans en alternance avec GEO 2113.)
Préalable : Cours d'accueil en sciences.
GEO2563 Introduction à la minéralogie (1.5,0,3) 3 cr.
Concepts de base en minéralogie, systèmes cristallins, symétrie, groupes ponctuels, classification des minéraux. Aperçu systématique de la structure cristalline, de l'utilisation et de la distribution des principaux minéraux dans les roches et les sols.
Préalable : Cours d'accueil en sciences.
GEO2564 Méthodes analytiques en minéralogie (1.5,0,3) 3 cr.
Introduction aux principales méthodes analytiques pour l'étude des minéraux et des roches. Propagation de la lumière en milieux cristallins, utilisation du microscope polarisant, diffraction-X sur les poudres, spectrométrie par fluorescence-X, analyse par microsonde électronique et microscopie à balayage électronique.
Préalable : GEO2563.
GEO2565 Stratigraphie et sédimentation (1.5,0,3) 3 cr.
Origine des roches sédimentaires. Caractéristiques des structures primaires et des phénomènes d'altération secondaire. Principes de base en stratigraphie.
Préalable : GEO1515.
GEO2707 Géologie environnementale (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Dangers naturels et problèmes environnementaux reliés à l'exploitation des ressources minérales, combustibles fossiles et énergie nucléaire. Caractéristiques physiques et chimiques des environnements de surface et sous-surface, grands cycles biogéochimiques, pollution de l'eau, des sols et de l'air. Processus de dépollution et normes environnementales. (Offert tous les deux ans en alternance avec GEO 2307.)
Préalable : GEO1511.
GEO2721 Géologie structurale et tectonique (1.5,0,3) 3 cr.
Contraintes et déformation, analyses géométriques de structures, mécanismes de déformation, mécanismes formateurs de fabriques, introduction à la tectonique des plaques. (Offert tous les deux ans en alternance avec GEO 2321.)
Préalable : GEO1515 ou Préalable ou Concomittant : GEO2563. (Offert tous les deux ans en alternance avec GEO2321.)
GEO2734 Géologie quaternaire et changement climatique (1.5,0,3) 3 cr.
Examen des derniers deux millions d'années de l'histoire de la Terre, glaciations du Pléistocène, changements du niveau de la mer, cycles arides et pluviaux, extinctions et migrations de l'Holocène. Cycles et mécanismes naturels et anthropogéniques conduisant aux changements climatiques pendant le Quaternaire. Excursions sur le terrain. Des frais minimes sont exigés pour défrayer le transport lors des excursions. (Offert tous les deux ans en alternance avec GEO 2334.)
Préalable : GEO1511 ou GEO1515.
GEO2901 Rapport de stage coop I / Co-op Work Term Report I 3 cr.
GEO2920 Études de terrain I / Field studies I 5 cr.
The course consists of one 4-hour laboratory period per week, during the winter session, followed by a field camp (~12 days) involving geological mapping and structural analysis of a region and of its place in the tectonic history of the Appalachian belt. The field camp will be held following the end of the examination period, in late April. Fees are requested to cover accommodation and transportation.
Prequisites: GEO1111, GEO1115.
GEO3152 Geological Data Analysis (3,0,4) 5 cr.
Introduction to commonly used quantitative methods of geological data analysis. Review of basic statistics: Types of data and methods of presentation; descriptive statistics; probability and sampling theory; error analysis; statistical tests, linear regression and correlation, spatial statistics. Vector analysis. Experimental design and analysis of variance. Non-parametric statistics. Multivariable analysis. Examples and applications in geology, hydrogeology, and environmental sciences. (Offered in alternate years with GEO 3552.)
Prerequisite: MAT2378 or MAT2377.
GEO3163 Igneous Petrology (1.5,0,3) 3 cr.
Fundamentals of igneous rock classification, crystallization, differentiation, and tectonic affiliations. Microscopy of igneous rocks. Survey of the common volcanic and plutonic rocks.
Prerequisite: GEO2164.
GEO3164 Metamorphic Petrology (1.5,0,3) 3 cr.
Fundamentals of metamorphic rock classification. Metamorphic facies and isograds; mineral equilibria, and thermobarometry; microscopy of metamorphic rocks; and metamorphic processes.
Prerequisite: GEO2164.
GEO3165 Carbonate Sedimentology (1.5,0,3) 3 cr.
Processes and products of deposition in warm-to cool-water carbonate and associated evaporite producing environments; concepts of facies and microfacies, diagenetic processes and products; microscopy of carbonate and evaporite rocks. (Offered in alternate years with GEO 3565.)
Prerequisite: GEO2165.
GEO3166 Siliciclastic Sedimentology (1.5,0,3) 3 cr.
Classification and origin of siliciclastic sedimentary rocks. Processes of sediment transport/deposition, biogenic structures, and diagenetic alteration during burial. Microscopy of siliciclastic rocks. (Offered in alternate years with GEO 3566.)
Prerequisite: GEO2165.
GEO3167 Mineral Deposits (1.5,0,3) 3 cr.
Fundamentals of metallic and industrial mineral deposits. Lithological and mineralogical characteristics, plus geological processes of formation of the deposits including diamonds, precious metals, nickel, copper and iron. Laboratory examination of the mineralogy and textures of principal metallic types, identification of metallic minerals in hand specimen, and polished section using reflected-light microscopy.
GEO3342 Introduction to Hydrogeology (1.5,0,3) 3 cr.
The water cycle, groundwater and aquifers, theory of groundwater flow, groundwater resources, contaminants and contamination risks, impacts of over-exploitation. Laboratories to include soil physics and saturated flow experiments. (Offered in alternate years with GEO 3742.)
Prerequisite: GEO1115, science threshold year.
GEO3372 Petrology of Mineral Deposits (1.5,0,3) 3 cr.
Identification of major metallic minerals and their host rocks. Reflected light microscopy of metallic mineral assemblages and textures. (Offered in alternate years with GEO2371.)
Prerequisite: GEO2163.
GEO3382 Geochemistry (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Basic concepts and applications of geochemistry to other geological disciplines. Introduction to geochronology, radiogenic isotope systematics and stable isotope geochemistry. Particular emphasis on the present-day composition of the Earth and the processes modifying the distribution of elements in rocks, and natural waters. (Offered in alternate years with GEO 3782.)
Prerequisites: Science threshold year.
GEO3393 Planetary Geology (1.5,0,3) 3 cr.
Geology of Moon, Mercury, Marc and Venus, compared with the Geology of Earth; the outer planets and their satellites; meteorites and tektites; impact craters; origin and development of the Solar System. Laboratory: photo-interpretation of surface features of Moon, study of geological maps of Moon and Mars, microscopic examination of lunar rocks, meteorites, and terrestrial impact breccias. Not offered each year. Students must check with the department.
Corequisite: GEO3163 or GEO3563.
GEO3552 Analyses de données géologiques (3,0,4) 5 cr.
Introduction aux méthodes d'analyse quantitative des données géologiques. Revue des statistiques de base: types de données et méthodes de présentation; statistiques descriptives; probabilité et théorie de l'échantillonage; analyse de l'erreur; estimation et décision statistique; régression linéaire et corrélation. Statistiques dans l'espace. Analyse de vecteurs. Design expérimental et analyse de variance. Méthodes non-paramétriques. Séries statistiques multiples. Exemples et applications en géologie, en hydrogéologie, et en sciences environnementales. (Offert tous les deux ans en alternance avec GEO 3152.)
Préalable : MAT2778 ou MAT2777.
GEO3563 Pétrologie ignée (1.5,0,3) 3 cr.
Concepts de base de la classification des roches ignées; processus de cristallisation et de différentiation; discrimination et identification tectonique. Microscopie des roches ignées. Aperçu des principales roches volcaniques et plutoniques.
Préalable : GEO2564.
GEO3564 Pétrologie métamorphique (1.5,0,3) 3 cr.
Concepts de base de la classification, des faciès et des isogrades métamorphiques, équilibre des minéraux et thermobarométrie, microscopie des roches métamorphiques, processus métamorphiques.
Préalable : GEO2564.
GEO3565 Sédimentologie carbonatée (1.5,0,3) 3 cr.
Processus et produits de la sédimentation carbonatée et évaporitique dans les milieux marins chauds et froids; concepts de faciès et microfaciès, processus et produits diagénétiques; microscopie des roches carbonatées. (Offert tous les deux ans en alternance avec GEO3165.)
Préalable : GEO2565.
GEO3566 Sédimentologie silico-clastique (1.5,0,3) 3 cr.
Classification et origine des roches sédimentaires silico-clastiques. Processus de transport/déposition des sédiments, structures biogéniques, et altération diagénétique au cours de l'enfouissement. Microscopie des roches silico-clastiques. (Offert tous les deux ans en alternance avec GEO3166.)
Préalable : GEO2565.
GEO3742 Introduction à l'hydrogéologie (1.5,0,3) 3 cr.
Introduction au cycle de l'eau, nappes phréatiques, théorie de l'écoulement des eaux souterraines, sources d'eau, contaminants et risques de contamination, impact de la surexploitation. Laboratoires (physique des sols, écoulements saturés). (Offert an alternance avec GEO 3342.)
Préalables : GEO1511 et cours d'accueil en sciences.
GEO3782 Géochimie (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Concepts de base et applications de la géochimie dans les domaines de la géologie. Introduction à la géochronologie, systématique des isotopes radiogéniques, géochimie des isotopes stables. Accent mis sur la composition actuelle de la Terre et les processus modifiant la distribution des éléments dans les roches et les eaux naturelles. (Offert tous les deux ans en alternance avec GEO 3382.)
Préalable : Cours d'accueil en sciences.
GEO3901 Rapport de stage coop II / Co-op Work Term Report II 3 cr.
GEO3902 Rapport de stage coop III / Co-op Work Term Report III 3 cr.
GEO3920 Études de terrain II / Field Studies II 3 cr.
The course focuses on Archean rocks through detailed examination of key sections and outcrops within the Abitibi Sub-province. Preparatory lectures in Ottawa, additional lectures in the field, field observations with daily assignments. The field camp will be held following the end of the examination period, in late April. Fees are requested to cover accommodation and transportation.
Prerequisite: GEO2920.
GEO4300 Field studies in Earth Sciences 3 cr.
Special projects based on a total of at least 10 days of fieldwork investigations and requiring a written research report.
Prerequisite: Completion of the 3rd year compulsory geology program or consent of instructor.
GEO4301 Selected Topics in Earth Sciences (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Lectures and seminars on selected topics in geology.
Prerequisite: Completion of the 3rd year compulsory geology program or consent of instructor.
GEO4322 Advanced Structure (3,0,0) 3 cr.
A study of the structural evolution of mountain belts, with emphasis on field methods. (Not offered each year, students must check with the Department.)
Prerequisite: GEO2321 or GEO2721.
GEO4329 Principles of Rock Deformation (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Principles applicable to brittle and ductile deformation of rocks within the earth. (Not offered each year, students must check with the Department.)
Prerequisite: GEO2321 or GEO2721.
GEO4332 Permafrost Geomorphology (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Description and interpretation of processes and landforms typical of permafrost terrain. Emphasis on the Arctic and Sub-Arctic environments of North America and the former Soviet Union. This course is also offered under the course code GEG 4101. (Not offered each year, students must check with the Department.)
Prerequisite: GEO 2334 or GEO 2734.
GEO4341 Advanced Physical Hydrogeology (3,0,0) 3 cr.
The principles governing the movement of groundwater through various geological media and the mathematical modeling of groundwater flow. Methodologies for the exploration, development and monitoring of groundwater resources. Groundwater, geohazards and geotechnics. (Not offered each year, students must check with the Department.)
Prerequisite: GEO3342 or GEO3742.
GEO4342 Groundwater Geochemistry (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Thermodynamic principles and processes controlling water-rock interaction, and the geochemical evolution of ground waters. The carbonate system, weathering, redox evolution, geochemical modelling, environmental isotope tracers and the hydrological cycle. Case studies. (Not offered each year, students must check with the Department.)
Prerequisite: GEO3342 or GEO3742.
GEO4354 Quantitative Analysis in Geology (3,0,0) 3 cr.
One or more of the following topics will be addressed: Morphology analysis, image analysis, geostatistical contouring techniques, introduction to geographic information systems, expert systems. Markov chain analysis, fractals, non-linear dynamics, growth algorithms. (Not offered each year, students must check with the Department.)
Prerequisite: GEO3152 or GEO3552.
GEO4362 Advanced Igneous Petrogenesis (3,0,0) 3 cr.
A course dealing with the genesis of plutonic and volcanic rocks and concentrating on one or more of the following - origin and differentiation of basaltic magma; origin of granite; computer modelling of partial melting and fractional crystallization; magmatism in time and space; trace elements and isotopes in petrogenesis. (Not offered each year, students much check with the Department.)
Prerequisite: GEO3163 or GEO3563.
GEO4363 Advanced Metamorphic Petrology (3,0,0) 3 cr.
An advanced lecture and seminar course dealing with metamorphic processes and concentrating on one or more of the following - field relations of metamorphic rocks; graphical treatment and interpretation of mineral assemblages. (Not offered each year, students must check with the Department.)
Prerequisite: GEO3164 or GEO3564.
GEO4365 Advanced Carbonate Sedimentology (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Lectures and seminars will cover aspects of modern depositional systems, dynamic facies models, sequence stratigraphy, mineralogy and diagenesis of carbonate sediments. Practical part of the course will include laboratory exercices that integrate various techniques in carbonate sedimentology (petrography, staining, cathodoluminescence, fluorescence, SEM). (Not offered each year, students must check with the Department.)
Prerequisite: GEO3165 or GEO3565.
GEO4366 Advanced Siliciclastic Sedimentology (3,0,0) 3 cr.
A lecture and field course on the nature and occurrence of sediment and siliciclastic sedimentary rocks. The physical basis of sedimentary processes and the characteristics of siliciclastic deposition environments analysed in a sequence stratigraphic framework. (Not offered each year, students must check with the Department.)
Prerequisite: GEO3166 or GEO3566.
GEO4367 Advanced Mineralogy (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Topics covered will include crystal chemistry, phase equilibria and occurrences of the principal rock-forming mineral groups. (Not offered each year, students must check with the Department.)
Prerequisites: (GEO2163 or GEO2563), (GEO2164 or GEO2564).
GEO4371 Advanced Mineral Deposits (3,0,0) 3 cr.
A lecture, laboratory and seminar course on the genesis of various ore deposits. Lectures include description of classical deposits, relationship between deposits and host rock, tectonic setting of the deposits, geochemical characteristics of important ores, and various techniques for studying ore genesis. (Not offered each year, students must check with the Department.)
Prerequisites: GEO2371, GEO3372.
GEO4382 Advanced Geochemistry (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Chemical differentiation and evolution of the Earth through magmatic and sedimentary processes, isotopes for geochronology, isotope systematics for petrogenesis and geochemical cycle. (Not offered each year, students must check with the Department.)
Prerequisites: (GEO2163 or GEO2563), (GEO3382 or GEO3782).
GEO4700 Études de terrain en sciences de la Terre 3 cr.
Projets spéciaux comprenant au moins 10 jours de travaux sur le terrain et demandant la rédaction d'un rapport de recherche. Des frais peuvent être exigés pour défrayer les coûts de transport et de logement.
Préalable : Avoir complété tous les cours obligatoires de géologie de niveau 3000.
GEO4701 Sujets choisis en sciences de la Terre (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Cours et séminaires sur un sujet choisi en Sciences de la Terre.
Préalable : Avoir pris tous les cours obligatoires de géologie de niveau 3000.
GEO4900 Projet de recherche / Honours Project (5,0,0) 10 cr.
A report of research in the field and laboratory on a subject approved by the Department of Earth Sciences and supervised by a faculty adviser. Students are encouraged to seek suitable thesis topics during summer employment preceeding their final year. They are required to attend seminars of the Ottawa-Carleton Geoscience Centre and present a seminar on their thesis topic.
Prerequisite: The student must have completed the requirements for the B.Sc. with Concentration with a minimum CGPA of 4.5.
GEO4901 Rapport de stage coop IV / Co-op Work Term Report IV 3 cr.


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