Calendars > Courses > RUSSIAN
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The Department of Modern Languages and Literatures reserves the right to refuse registration in language courses to students who have attended high schools where the language of instruction is the same as the language taught in the course or students whose knowledge of the language is above the level expected in the course in question. If it becomes clear that a student registered in such a course meets either of the above criteria, then the student will be required to either withdraw from the course or take a placement test. Enrolment in two different levels of a language program during the same academic session is not permitted, except for literature and culture courses. A student may not register in a lower-level language course after successfully completing one at a higher level. Language classes are not open to auditors. Students who wish to take a language course for which they lack either the prerequisite or an appropriate equivalence must write a placement test. The Department reserves the right to place students at their proficiency level in accordance with the result of their placement test. Placement is also subject to availability. The test serves to determine only the level of proficiency and is not a course equivalence. To write a placement test, please go to the Department of Modern Lauguages and Literatures, Monday to Friday between 9 am and 12 pm or 1 pm and 3 pm at 70 Laurier East, room 134.
RUS1901 |
Cours élémentaire de russe I / Elementary Russian I |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Alphabet and phonetics; basic vocabulary; some fundamental rules of grammar; conversation; laboratory work. This course is intended for students with little or no previous knowledge of Russian. |
This course includes 1 h. of laboratory per week or its equivalent. (Previously: SLV1941.) |
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RUS1902 |
Cours élémentaire de russe II / Elementary Russian II |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Essentials of grammar; acquisition of additional vocabulary; dictation; conversation; laboratory work. |
Prerequisite: RUS1901 or permission of the Department. This course includes 1 h. of laboratory per week or its equivalent. (Previously: SLV1942.) |
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RUS2101 |
Russian Literature and Culture |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Main aspects of the culture of Russia, as reflected in its literature; from the first chronicles to 1845. |
No knowledge of Russian is required. |
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RUS2102 |
Dostoevsky and Tolstoy |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Selected readings from the works of two of Russia's greatest nineteenth-century novelists. Readings in English. |
Prerequisite: No prerequisite. No knowledge of Russian required. |
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RUS2103 |
Contemporary Russian Culture |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
The evolution of Russian culture since the beginning of the 1980s. The shift in popular and elite cultural genres - literature, film, music, video - as a reflection of changing societal norms and values. Readings in English. |
Prerequisite: No prerequisite. No knowledge of Russian required. |
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RUS2104 |
Russian Cinema |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
A study of the evolution of Russian and Soviet cinema from the 1920s to the present day. Study of selected films and directors. Screenings in Russian with English subtitles. |
Prerequisite: No prerequisite. No knowledge of Russian required. |
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RUS2116 |
History of Russia until 1917 |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Survey of the political, social, economic and intellectual history of Russia from its origins to the Revolution of 1917, emphasizing the Imperial period. |
E. (Also offered as HIS2116). |
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RUS2117 |
History of the USSR |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Survey of the political, social, economic and intellectual history of the Soviet Union from the October Revolution. |
E. (Also offered as HIS2117). |
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RUS2501 |
Littérature et culture russes |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Principaux aspects de la culture de la Russie vus à travers sa littérature, des premières chroniques à 1845. |
Aucune connaissance du russe n'est exigée. |
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RUS2502 |
Dostoïevski et Tolstoï |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Lecture et étude de textes choisis de deux des plus grands romanciers russes du dix-neuvième siècle. Lecture en français. |
Préalable : aucun. Aucune connaissance de la langue russe requise. |
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RUS2503 |
Culture russe contemporaine |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Évolution de la culture russe depuis le début des années 1980 jusqu'à nos jours. La transformation des genres culturels populaires et de ceux de l'élite - littérature, film, musique, vidéo - comme expression du changement des valeurs sociales. Lecture d'un choix de textes en français. |
Préalable : aucun. Aucune connaissance de la langue russe requise. |
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RUS2504 |
Cinéma russe |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Évolution du cinéma russe et soviétique des années vingt jusqu'à nos jours. Étude d'un choix de films et de réalisateurs. Présentation des films en version originale avec sous-titres en français. |
Préalable : aucun. Aucune connaissance de la langue russe requise. |
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RUS2516 |
La Russie impériale de 1613 à la Révolution de 1917 |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Survol de l'histoire politique, sociale, économique et intellectuelle de la Russie tsariste sous le Romanov (1613-1917). |
E. (Aussi offert sous la cote HIS2516). |
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RUS2517 |
Histoire de l'URSS |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Survol de l'histoire politique, sociale, économique et intellectuelle de la Russie, des origines à la révolution de 1917, mettant l'accent sur la période tsariste. |
(Aussi offert sous la cote HIS2517.) |
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RUS2901 |
Cours intermédiaire de russe / Intermediate Russian |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Further study of grammar; composition; conversation; laboratory work. |
Prerequisite: RUS1902 or permission of the Department. This course includes 1 h. of laboratory per week or its equivalent. (Previously: SLV2941.) |
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RUS2902 |
Grammaire russe et traduction I / Russian Grammar and Translation I |
3 cr. |
Introduction to written Russian. Basic syntactical, grammatical and lexical features of written Russian. Exercises in comprehension and translation of written Russian. |
Prerequisite: RUS2901 or permission of the Department. |
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RUS3101 |
Special Topic in Russian Culture |
3 cr. |
Study of a selected topic in Russian culture: literature, film, theatre. Topic and requirements vary from year to year. |
Prerequisite: Permission of the Department. |
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RUS3501 |
Thème choisi en culture russe |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Étude d'un thème choisi en culture russe : littérature, film, théâtre. Le thème et les exigences peuvent varier d'année en année. |
Préalable : permission du département. |
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RUS3901 |
Cours avancé de russe I / Advanced Russian I |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Advanced study of morphology and syntax; composition; reading and discussion of texts. |
Prerequisite: RUS1902 or the equivalent. |
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RUS3902 |
Grammaire russe et traduction II / Russian Grammar and Translation II |
(3,0,0) 3 cr. |
Advanced course in comprehension and translation of written Russian: Etymological (root) analysis, stylistic registers, cultural references. |
Prerequisite: RUS3901 or permission of the Department. |
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RUS3903 |
Études dirigées I Directed Studies I |
3 cr. |
Individual study on selected topics in Russian studies. |
(Formerly: SLV4901.) |
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RUS3904 |
Études dirigées II Directed Studies II |
3 cr. |
Individual studies on selected topics in Russian studies. |
(Formerly: SLV4902.) |
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RUS4900 |
Atelier de traduction / Workshop in Translation |
3 cr. |
Exercises and projects in translation of a variety of texts from Russian. |
Prerequisite: RUS3902 or permission of the Department. |
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RUS4901 |
Mémoire de spécialisation / Honours Research Paper |
3 cr. |
Completion of a major project of synthesis - paper or translation, under the supervision of a professor. |
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RUS4902 |
Stage 3 / Practicum |
3 cr. |
A minimum of ninety hours of work with either Russian or Polish language in an approved setting such as an embassy, a research assistantship, or in the target country. |
Prerequisite: RUS3902 or PLN2902 or permission of the Department. |
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