Courses at the University of Ottawa that focus on sustainability.

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Sustainability related and focused courses

The definition of sustainability used to identify courses on campus was created to suit our Sustainable Tracking and Rating System rankings (STARS). To qualify as a sustainability focused or sustainability related course, the posted course description must include at least two of the three main pillars of sustainability (social, economic, and environmental). Please consult the University of Ottawa's most recent STARS report for more information. 



Human Kinetics

  • APA 5105 Organizational Theory in Sport and Physical Activity
  • APA 5112 International Sport Management
  • APA 5318 Financial Management of Sport and Physical Activity

Public and International Affairs

  • API 5100 Economics for Public Management and Policy
  • API 5105 Concepts and Issues in International Affairs
  • API 5125 Macroeconomic Policy
  • API 5126 Microeconomics for Public Policy
  • API 5135 Ethics and Moral Reasoning for Public and International Affairs
  • API 6312 Public Finance 
  • API 6314 Health Policy
  • API 6315 Social Policy 
  • API 6316 Climate and Environmental Policy
  • API 6333 International Law and Ethics
  • API 6334 Regionalism and Integration
  • API 6351 International Economics and Developing Countries 
  • API 6360 Multilateralism and International Institutions
  • API 6361 US Foreign Policy

Bilingualism Studies

  • BIL 5109 Bilingualism in the workplace


  • BIO 5320 Advances in Conservation Biology
  • BIO 8105 Advances in Applied Ecology


  • CHM 5606 Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology


  • CMN 5110 Social History of Communication Technologies 
  • CMN 5120 Public Communication Campaigns: Theories and Applications 
  • CMN 5165 New Directions in Journalism
  • CMN 5190 Media, Identity and Diversity

Complex Project Leadership

Chartered Professional Accountancy

  • CPT 5101 Advanced Competencies in Audit, Assurance and Governance 
  • CPT 5104 Integration of Advanced Competencies in Accountancy

Civil Engineering

  • CVG 5212 Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources
  • CVG 5214 Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure
  • CVG 5216 Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure in Changing Climate
  • CVG 5314 Geotechnical Hazards

Common Law

  • DCL 5340 Sustainability and Law
  • DCL 5341 Comparative Environmental Law
  • DCL 5342 Global Environmental Governance
  • DCL 5343 Environmental Law Internship
  • DCL 5503 Théories contemporaines du droit (in french only)
  • DCL 5527 Décès et transmission des biens (in french only)
  • DCL 5531 Les droits de l'enfant - une approche interdisciplinaire (in french only)
  • DCL 6127 Law and Developing Countries
  • DCL 6128 Law, Politics and Economics in International Affairs
  • DCL 6319 Advanced International Economic Law
  • DCL 6343 Studies in Common Law and International Commerce I
  • DCL 6344 Studies in Common Law and International Commerce II
  • DCL 6345 Internship in Common Law and International Commerce 
  • DCL 6350 International Economic Law Case Studies
  • DCL 7307 Digital Music Law

International Development and Global Studies

  • DVM 5100 Understanding International Development and Globalization
  • DVM 5173 Financing for Development Initiatives
  • DVM 6101 Economic Growth, Private Sector and Social Inclusion
  • DVM 6102 Livelihoods, Resources and Sustainability
  • DVM 6104 Social Movements, Equity and Human Rights
  • DVM 6105 International Development Programming: Results-Based Approaches
  • DVM 6111 Special Topics in Economic Growth, Private Sector and Social Inclusion
  • DVM 6112 Special Topics in Environment, Natural Resources and Sustainability

Indigenous Studies

  • EAS 4102 Contemporary Indigenous Political Thought


  • ECO 6130 Public Economics: Expenditure
  • ECO 6134 Topics in Environmental and Resource Economics
  • ECO 6143 Economics of Natural Resources
  • ECO 6151 Economics of the Environment
  • ECO 6170 Theory of Economic Development
  • ECO 6171 Economic Development: Domestic Aspects
  • ECO 6173 Environmental Aspects of Economic Development 
  • ECO 6191 Labour Economics
  • ECO 6192 Labour Economics II
  • ECO 6193 Advanced Topics in Labour Economics


  • EDU 6101 Seminar in Health Professions Education (only the French course meets the sustainability criteria)
  • EDU 6106 Science, Technology, Society and Environment

Electrical Engineering

  • ELG 6397 Solar Cells - Principles, Materials, Systems and Operation 

Engineering Management

  • EMP 5112 Tech. Policy and R. and D. Management

Environmental Studies


  • EPI 5144 Global Health Epidemiology and Practice
  • EPI 5189 Health Economic Evaluation
  • EPI 5211 Environmental and Occupational Health
  • EPI 6126 Advanced Healthcare Epidemiology
  • EPI 7189 Advanced Health Economic Evaluation

Environmental Sustainability

  • EVD 5100 Seminar in Environmental Sustainability
  • EVD 5101 Economics of Environmental Law and Policy
  • EVD 5109 Applied Environmental Sustainability
  • EVD 5111 Capstone Seminar in Environmental Sustainability
  • EVD 5113 Foundations of Environmental Policy
  • EVD 5114 Professional Skills for Environmental Sustainability
  • EVD 5121 Foundations of Environmental Science
  • EVD 5122 Foundations of Environmental Economics
  • EVD 5124 Foundations of Environmental Law
  • EVD 6112 Selected Topics in Environmental Sustainability
  • EVD 6912 Selected Topics in Environmental Sustainability / Thèmes choisis en durabilité de l'environnement
  • EVD 6932 Directed Readings in Environmental Sustainability / Lectures dirigées en durabilité de l'environnement
  • EVD 6999 Research Paper / Mémoire
  • EVD 8100 Theory and Practice in Environmental Sustainability
  • EVD 8901 Research Design and Methods for Environmental Sustainability / Conception de recherche et méthodologie pour la recherche en durabilité de l’environnement

Environmental Engineering

  • EVG 5182 Water Resources Management
  • EVG 5212 Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources
  • EVG 5331 Sludge Utilization and Disposal
  • EVG 6001 Projet en génie de l'environnement / Environmental Engineering Project
  • EVG 7161 Traffic Related Air Pollution

Feminist and Gender Studies

  • FEM 6104 Intersectional Perspectives on Environmental Change


  • GEG 5105 Selected Topics in Human Geography
  • GEG 5109 Place and Social Transformations
  • GEG 5311 Environmental Change in Cold Regions


  • GEO 5125 Natural Hazards in Canada - Risk and Impacts
  • GEO 5155 Climate Change

Health Administration

Information Studies

  • ISI 5301 Information and Society
  • ISI 6313 Government Information Policy and Practice
  • ISI 6353 Access and Services to Diverse Populations

Business Administration

  • MBA 5141 Financial Accounting Information and Decisions II
  • MBA 5211 Corporate Governance and Ethics
  • MBA 6120 Marketing in the 21st Century
  • MBA 6142 Managerial Accounting II
  • MBA 6210 Business Government Relations

Mechanical Engineering

  • MCG 5321 Methods of Energy Conversion

Political Science

  • POL 7110 International Political Economy
  • POL 7120 Comparative Political Economy


  • SOC 7103 Sociology of the Environment