The Campus Sustainability Committee (SUSCOM) is responsible for setting the target for uOttawa's sustainability goals and advising the upper administration about opportunities to become a more sustainable institution.

Committee members

Committee Chair

  • Geoff Frigon - Associate Vice-President, Facilities

Faculty representatives

  • Jeremy Kerr - Faculty of Science
  • Geoff McCarney - Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Husein Moloo - Faculty of Medicine
  • Adam Brown - Faculty of Education / Faculty of Science
  • Sylvain Schryburt - Faculty of Arts

Student representatives

  • Vacant - Student at large
  • Kenzie Whalen - UOSU Sustainability Centre
  • Sonia Vinogradova - GSAED representative

Staff representatives

  • Anne Goodwin - Dietician (Food Services)
  • José Villalobos Bétancourt - Senior Manager (Procurement - Research Section)
  • Simon Moreau - Assistant Director, Strategic Development Initiatives (Office of the Vice-President, Research)
  • Isabelle Marineau - Environmental Specialist (Office of the Chief Risk Officer)
  • Jacques Nadeau - Senior Director (Facilities - Integrated Operations Delivery)
  • George Zigoumis - Senior Director (Facilities - Asset Management, Planning, Design and Real Estate)


  • Jonathan Rausseo - Campus Sustainability Manager

Terms of reference


The role of the Committee is to develop and implement an inward and outward facing sustainability plan with widespread participation and to inform and advance the high-level organizational change strategies needed to accelerate a transition to a sustainable global university. The Committee will work to provide processes that facilitate open and transparent communication and discussions between all University units, as well as, for the identification of shared priorities and opportunities for collaboration in the area of sustainability. 

The Committee has a broad mandate (academic, operational and administrative) and the autonomy needed to support, promote and advance sustainability initiatives in the face of climate change. The Committee recognizes that the core principles of ecological responsibility, resilience, social wellness, and financial wellbeing are essential in all aspects of life. Sustainability at the University of Ottawa will focus on a vision towards a greener campus and more sustainable practices that will support student/faculty/learning experiences and advertise clearly to the global community our dedication and innovative measures towards Sustainability.

Guiding Principles

The Committee will support awareness, knowledge and transparency on issues related to sustainability of the University by promoting, but not limiting their focus to: 

  • Reduction of carbon emissions and greenhouse gases through reducing energy consumption;
  • Sustainable and resilient building practices for new buildings and major retrofits;
  • Healthy spaces and social wellness for students, employees, and visitors;
  • Environmentally sustainable teaching, service, research and operational practices


  • Continuously update the Sustainable Policy (i.e. 72) as required;
    • Propose and develop new programs and procedures aimed at supporting the Sustainability Policy;
  • Develop a campus sustainability plan and update annually;
  • Drive and demonstrate leading sustainability best practices relative to other post-secondary institutions and organizations;
  • Develop and coordinate communication strategies and mechanisms to effectively promote and engage the University community (faculty, staff, and students) around sustainability;
  • Provide oversight initiative to improve the University of Ottawa’s sustainability rankings;
  • Provide an annual report on Campus Sustainability including metrics, progress and a detailed roadmap along with the associated progress;
  • Complete an awareness census and feedback an action plan to address shortfalls;
  • Ensure financial viability and value for active and proposed programs;
  • Review, coordinate and recommend measurable, attainable and concrete sustainability targets for Faculty and Service specific sustainability plans; and
  • Evaluate and report on progress of faculty and service sustainability plans on an annual basis.


The Committee will report into the Office of the Vice President, Resources.


The Office of Sustainability shall provide secretariat support, shall be responsible to provide a Record of Decisions for each meeting, provide them to the members, and shall keep such records in accordance with established processes.

Committee Term and Frequency of Meetings

The committee shall be at the pleasure of the Chair, and meetings will occur on a quarterly basis or at the call of the Chairs with due notice to all members.


  • Members must delegate a meeting to someone else if they are unable to attend
  • Guests may be invited upon due notice