Food Services is committed to providing a wide variety of food options for students with mandatory meal plans.

Food allergies and celiac disease

Do you have a mandatory meal plan? Join the Dietary Restriction Program if you have celiac disease or one of the following allergies: 

  • Peanut or nut 

  • Gluten or wheat 

  • Dairy

  • Egg 

To prevent cross-contamination, your meals will be prepared in a separate room outside of the central kitchen with recipes and ingredients that have been screened by our dietitian. All our staff members have been trained to prevent cross-contamination at every food preparation step and their work is regularly monitored. 

Contact our dietitian
Anne Goodwin, RD | Dietitian

You’re eligible if you have…  

  • A 5-day or 7-day unlimited meal plan, AND 

  • Classes or placements off the main campus 

If you’re not eligible but your schedule includes more than five consecutive hours of classes, email Food Services.


Email [email protected] from your uOttawa email address and include proof of your eligibility (for example, your class schedule, registration information for the page program or the co-op program, etc.).  

Order your boxed lunch 

  • Use the ordering link provided to place your boxed lunch order by 7am the day before pick-up.
  • Pick up your lunch from the Dining Hall cashiers anytime after 7am.

You’ll be automatically locked out of the Dining Hall for three hours after you pick up your boxed lunch.