Five benefits of summer camp


By Campus recreation

University of Ottawa, Wellness and Recreation

three youth wearing GG uOttawa t-shirts
Summer Camp is the experience of a lifetime. It’s jam-packed with fun indoor and outdoor activities. Camp allows children to be physically active, creative, and skillful in a healthy, safe environment. It also provides opportunities for children to grow and make friendships. It helps children to establish healthy lifestyle patterns and useful skills for the future.

Here are 5 more benefits of Summer Camp:

1. Children will be physically active

Physical activity is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Summer camp offers a variety of different activities like swimming, sports or running that keep children moving all day long! This gives children the opportunity to challenge themselves and to experience new adventures. Camp also enables children to develop a relationship with nature and a chance to unplug from technology. Being physically active at camp will help to establish a healthy, active lifestyle at home too.

2. Stimulate their creativity

One of the best things about summer camp is that it combines physical activity with creativity. Summer camp provides a unique opportunity where children get to explore their sense of adventure as well as their creative side. Creative writing, arts, and crafts are just a few of the many creative activities summer camps have to offer. It’s important for children to have creative as well as physical outlets.

3. They’ll learn necessary social skills

At camp kids are free from the social pressures that they experience at school. Summer camp allows kids to relax, helping them to make friends more easily. The camp environment encourages children to co-operate with one another and how to communicate effectively with their peers. Learning how to communicate with others and how to work together is a necessary life skill that can be carried with them throughout their lives.

4. Summer Camp builds self-esteem and confidence

The competitive nature of school can make it hard for children to build self-esteem and feel confident in themselves. Camps offer non-competitive and diverse activities that allow everyone to succeed. The nurturing, positive environment allows kids to achieve their personal bests. Kids are sure to build their self-esteem and confidence at summer camp.

5. Develops Life Skills

The diverse activities offered at summer camp helps kids to learn and develop skills and abilities. Building and enhancing skills is an important part of growing as an individual. Providing the opportunity for children to learn new skills is essential for a healthy future.Summer camps provide proper instruction and the right equipment in order to develop those skills, and can also help children discover more about their personal interests.