Conditions that are more minor or that may be part of an ongoing issue.
Some examples are:
- Needs addressed by consultations (accommodation forms, referrals to see a specialist, general check-up, etc.)
- *Medication requests (if running out of this medication will cause withdrawal symptoms, see a physician before the prescription runs out)
- Ongoing mild diarrhea (1 to 2 movements per day if that’s not normal for you)
- Minor bites (*pain level more than 4)
- Bandage changes (without complications or infections)
- Ongoing insomnia (trouble sleeping)
*Pain scale (0-10): 0 = no pain, 5 = difficult to ignore pain, 10 = worst pain possible
How to get health care for this level of priority:
- Visit a walk-in clinic within 7 to 14 days
- If you have one, visit your general practitioner/family doctor within 7 to 14 days
- For non-urgent appointments, you might have to wait 3 to 4 weeks.