Student Health and Wellness Centre uOttawa Moss Wall

Health care - When and where?

Many issues that are presented in the emergency room are ones that can be addressed by a general practitioner (or family doctor), a nurse, or at home.  The opposite is also true: Many issues that are presented in walk-in clinics are ones that should be addressed by urgent care providers. 

DISCLAIMER: The information on this page is an information resource only, and is not to be used as medical advice.  

If you are ever unsure about where to go for your health concerns, call Health Connect Ontario at 8-1-1 to speak with a nurse. They will direct you to the right services for your needs. 

A puppy with hot compress bag on its head

Do you have cold or flu-like symptoms?

  • Tips to start feeling better and avoid spreading the virus to others: 
    • Stay well hydrated and eat healthy

    • Get as much rest as possible

    • Wash your hands often

    • Cough into the crook of your elbow

    • Avoid socializing with or visiting people until you are well

  • Talk with your pharmacist about over-the-counter medications you might be able to take. 
  • Call 911 or your local emergency number (on-campus: Protection Services at 613-562-5411) if you have serious symptoms like: 
    • Trouble breathing or severe shortness of breath 

    • Non-stop chest pressure or pain 

    • Confusion or difficulty waking up or staying awake 

    • Pale gray or blue skin, lips or nail beds  

If you suspect you may have COVID-19, visit the Ottawa Public Health and  Government of Canada websites. 

What is your level of urgency?

Conditions that are more minor or that may be part of an ongoing issue.

Some examples are: 

  • Needs addressed by consultations (accommodation forms, referrals to see a specialist, general check-up, etc.) 
  • *Medication requests (if running out of this medication will cause withdrawal symptoms, see a physician before the prescription runs out) 
  • Ongoing mild diarrhea (1 to 2 movements per day if that’s not normal for you) 
  • Minor bites (*pain level more than 4) 
  • Bandage changes (without complications or infections) 
  • Ongoing insomnia (trouble sleeping) 

*Pain scale (0-10): 0 = no pain, 5 = difficult to ignore pain, 10 = worst pain possible  

How to get health care for this level of priority: 

  • Visit a walk-in clinic within 7 to 14 days 
  • If you have one, visit your general practitioner/family doctor within 7 to 14 days 
    • For non-urgent appointments, you might have to wait 3 to 4 weeks.