
Ensuring effective coordination with existing and planned resources and initiatives, the MHSC will plan and ensure the execution of mental health and wellness strategies, initiatives, and activities at uOttawa. Specifically, the MHSC will:

  • Provide support and advice on the implementation of the President’s Advisory Committee on Mental Health and Wellness recommendations.
  • Through the MHAC, provide a forum to discuss gaps and emerging issues related to mental health and wellness. This will ensure it is responsive to the community and its diverse and evolving needs and perspectives. On this basis, the MHSC will make adjustments or recommend adjustments to overall strategies.
  • Provide support and advice on the development and implementation of the uOttawa mental health strategy going forward, in alignment with Transformation 2030 and using the 2020 Roadmap to Wellness as a starting point.
  • Monitor and evaluate progress in advancing mental health and well-being at the University of Ottawa.
  • Act as a community in advancing mental health and wellbeing at the University of Ottawa.

Committee membership

The MHSC shall comprise members who have authority to carry out actions within their mandate. The University Advisor on Mental Health and Wellness serves as the Chair.

MHSC members are appointed for a three-year term, renewable.


  • One HR Representative;
  • The Director, Wellness and Recreation;
  • Two Vice-Deans, Undergraduate Studies;
  • One Vice-Dean Graduate Studies;
  • One Faculty Affairs Representative;
  • One Corporate Communications Representative;
  • One International Office Representative; and
  • One Teaching and Learning Support Service Representative.

Resource people

  • One Senior Mental Health Advisor;
  • One Manager, Planning, Office of the Provost and Vice-President, Academic Affairs;
  • And, as needed, experts on specific issues.

This Committee will build upon the expertise and work of defunct committees that addressed similar concerns.  This work includes the Roadmap to Wellness produced by the  Action Group (CAG), as well as the findings and recommendations of the President’s Advisory Committee on Mental Health and Wellness.

Meeting attendance and schedule

The MHSC will meet as often as required to fulfill its mandate, as convened by the Chair, and no less than every 4 weeks. Meetings will be held in both official languages. Secretariat services are provided by the Office of the Provost and Vice-President, Academic Affairs.

Working groups can be struck by the Committee on an as needed, ad hoc basis to address specific needs, recommendations, or projects and can include key stakeholders. MHSC members will participate in working groups that suit their interest and skills.

Accountability and reporting

The Chair reports on the MHSC’s work to the Provost and Vice President, Academic Affairs. Items brought forward for decisions by the Provost will involve those recommendations and reports on initiatives with broad or significant organizational impact.  They will be first discussed with the Provost and Vice-President, Academic Affairs, and brought forward to the Administration Committee (CA) if required.


The Committee complements other university committees that work towards improving student and community life and experiences. Examples include such committees as the Psychological Health and Safety Committee.

The Committee does not address disciplinary concerns for students or employees, the academic aspects of student retention, or academic matters.


Elizabeth Kristjansson

University Advisor on Mental Health and Wellness
Office of the Provost and Vice-President, Academic Affairs


Eileen Barak

Manager, Strategic Communications
External Relations

Rachelle Clark

Director, Wellness and Recreation Sector
Student Affairs

Hubert Lalande

Manager, Digital Development
Teaching and Learning Support Service

Jenepher Lennox-Terrion

Vice-Dean, Students
Associate Professor
Faculty of Arts, Department of Communication

Anne McIllroy

Executive Director, Strategic Engagement
External Relations

Mireille McLaughlin

Associate Vice-Dean, Undergraduate Studies
Associate Professor
Faculty of Social Sciences, School of Sociological and Anthropological Studies

Natalie Morris

International Student Support Services Manager
International Office

Marie Parish

Director, Health and Wellness
Human Resources

Alain Stintzi

Vice-Dean, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
Full Professor
Faculty of Medicine, Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology

Michelle Sultan

Senior Advisor, Labour Relations
Financial Resources, ERP Project

Resource Persons

Benoit Lefebvre

Wellness and Return to Work Advisor
Human Resources

April MacInnes

Senior Mental Health Advisor
Student Affairs

Annie Garant

Manager, Planning
Office of the Provost and Vice-President, Academic Affairs