Some things to consider for a successful meeting on the move
Group size: Two to four people is an ideal size.
Pace: Establish a pace that is appropriate for everyone
Clothing: Wear appropriate shoes and clothing.
Route: One person as a guide for the scheduled route.
Minutes: One person to record important points (for example, use voice recorder on a smart phone). Be aware of your surroundings (ex: stairs, crosswalks, etc).
And be sure to enjoy!
15-minute routes
Route #1 – Between FSS cafe and LMX
This short route goes from the Faculty of Social Science (FSS) building to Lamoureux Hall (LMX). Grab a coffee from Première Moisson and get your meeting going!
- Meet at the Première Moisson café in FSS.
- Walk up to the second floor and walk straight ahead. (If you're taking the elevator, turn right when exiting, then right again into the hallway.)
- Make a left at the hallway leading to Vanier Hall (VNR).
- Go through the glass doors leading to VNR and turn right.
- Follow the signs to LMX.
- Go through the connecting hall into LMX and continue to the end of the hall, until the Resource Centre.
- Turn around and follow the same route back to Première Moisson in FSS.
Visualize the instructions of 15-minute indoor route #1 (YouTube).north_eastexternal link
Route #2 – MNT loop
Go through some of uOttawa’s most popular hallways in Montpetit Hall (MNT), Morisset Hall (MRT) and the Jock Turcot University Centre (UCU), with plenty of windows and natural light to lighten your mood!
- Meet at the top of the big stairway in MNT, near the two sets of glass doors.
- Walk down the hallway towards UCU and continue to MRT.
- Turn right at the staircase leading to the library, go down two flights and turn towards UCU. (If using the elevator, turn left before the staircase, near the toilets, to take the elevator. When exiting at level 0, turn left, then left again towards UCU).
- Once in UCU, walk past the lounge, the agora and the Bookstore.
- Turn around and head back to the staircase just past the Bookstore. (If you wish to use the elevator, there is one on the left of the Bookstore entrance.)
- Go up two flights of stairs to UCU and head back to MNT.
- Follow the same route back to the starting point.
Visualize the instructions of 15-minute indoor route #2 (YouTube).north_eastexternal link
Route #3 – Between MNT and FTX
This route starts in Montpetit Hall (MNT) near Lamoureux Hall (LMX) and goes through Fauteux Hall (FTX) then back to MNT. It takes you by plenty of windows, through quiet halls and up and down a staircase to get you moving!
- Meet at the top of the big stairway in MNT, near the two sets of glass doors.
- Walk down the hallway towards the Jock Turcot University Centre (UCU) and continue to Morisset Hall (MRT).
- Continue past the staircase leading to the library.
- Turn right at the hallway leading to Déjà-Vu.
- Follow the hall through Déjà-Vu and Thompson, and continue to FTX.
- Once in FTX, walk down three flights of stairs to the basement. (If you prefer not to use the stairs, we advise you to make one or two loops around the FTX floor you're on. Get back to instructions at point #8.)
- Take a break for a minute or so.
- Turn around and follow the same route back to the big MNT stairway.
Visualize the instructions of 15-minute indoor route #3 (YouTube).north_eastexternal link
Route #1 – North campus loop
- Meet in front of the Tabaret Hall (TBT) stairway.
- Head towards Seraphin-Marion Private and turn right.
- Turn right on Cumberland St.
- Cross Laurier Ave. E and go past Morisset Hall (MRT), go up the steps past the University Centre (UCU), then down the steps (2 sets) (For an accessible alternative path, enter MRT and exit near UCU 125).
- Turn right and go down University Private past the Residential Complex (90U).
- Turn right at the intersection before Simard (SMD) and Perez (PRZ).
- Head back on Cumberland.
- Return to TBT stairway.
Visualize the instructions of 15-minute outdoor route #1 (YouTube).north_eastexternal link
Route #2 – Sandy Hill loop
- Meet in front of Colonel By Hall (CBY).
- Take the path around the building (For an accessible alternative, enter CBY and take the elevator to the bottom floor).
- Cross King Edward ave. and go down Templeton St.
- Turn right at Saint-Germain Park. Cross the park.
- Turn right onto Mann Ave.
- Turn right at King Edward.
- Return to CBY.
Visualize the instructions of 15-minute outdoor route #2 (YouTube).north_eastexternal link
Route #3 – UCU to CBY
- Meet at the terrace outside the upstairs level (L2) of Jock-Turcot University Centre (UCU).
- Go downstairs towards Montpetit Hall (MNT) (For an accessible alternative, enter UCU and take exit UCU 125)
- Head past Lamoureux Hall (LMX) on Jean-Jacques-Lussier Private.
- Cross the street when you reach the food truck in front of Biosciences (BSC).
- Turn left on Marie-Curie Private then turn right on Louis-Pasteur Private towards Colonel By Hall (CBY).
- After reaching the benches in front of CBY, return to your meeting point.
Visualize the instructions of 15-minute outdoor route #3 (YouTube).north_eastexternal link
30-minute routes
Route #1 – UCU loop
This longer route travels from the Jock Turcot University Centre (UCU) to Morisset Hall (MRT), back through UCU and into Montpetit Hall (MNT).
- Meet at the UCU Alumni Auditorium.
- Walk through the Agora to MRT.
- Take the MRT elevators to the second floor. (You could also take the stairs if you wish.)
- Head out of the elevators towards the main hallway, and turn right. Continue towards UCU and MNT.
- Once in MNT, take the second hallway on the left.
- Stay right and walk towards the cement wall and continue along the MNT hallway.
- At the end of the hallway, turn left, go through the two sets of glass doors and turn left at the end (you should still be in MNT, having done a sort of loop).
- Walk to the end of the hallway and turn right into UCU.
- When coming across Tim Hortons, go down the two flights of stairs. (If you wish to take the elevator, just go a bit further in MRT, where you arrived earlier. Go to floor 0.)
- Trace your steps back to UCU auditorium.
- Repeat two more times.
Visualize the instructions for 30-minute indoor route #1 (YouTube)north_eastexternal link
Route #2 – TLSS loop
- Meet at the Teaching and Learning Support Service (TLSS) counter (basement of Morisset Hall, MRT).
- Walk to the MRT staircase and go up two flights.
- Head left and go down the hall through the Jock Turcot University Centre (UCU) to Montpetit Hall (MNT).
- Once in MNT, take the fire escape staircase and go up one floor. (For an alternative to the stairs, we advise you to make one loop around the MNT floor on which you are. Get back to instructions at point #7.)
- Follow the main path to the opposite end of MNT.
- Take the fire escape stairs and go down one floor.
- Continue through MNT and UCU to get back to MRT.
- Take the large staircase leading to the library (or the elevator), go down two flights and head back to the TLSS counter in MRT.
- Repeat two more times.
Visualize the instructions for 30-minute indoor route #2 (YouTube).north_eastexternal link
Route #3 – Between Marion and SITE
Take this route and enjoy the opportunity to walk through the new STEM building! Note: This route involves many stairs, but you can take the elevator if you wish or need.
- Meet at Marion Hall (MRN). (Note: the main entrance at 140 Louis Pasteur is not accessible. If you need an accessible entrance, use door 139, located on the side of the building - when facing the main entrance go to the right and follow the wall to door 139.)
- Take the stairs to the basement.
- Cross the floor until you reach the stairs and take them to the second basement. Follow the route to cross into STEM.
- Continue through STEM (you'll have to go down to the second basement of STEM) and make your way to Colonel By Hall (CBY).
- Go up the stairs in CBY and follow the signs to the SITE Building (STE).
- Continue to Tim Hortons.
- Turn around and make your way back to MRN following the same route.
- Repeat the whole itinerary (1x).
Visualize the instructions for 30-minute indoor route #3 (YouTube).north_eastexternal link
Route #1 – Rideau Canal pathway
- Meet at University Square.
- Take Jean-Jacques-Lussier Private towards the Biosciences complex.
- Head down the underpass between Vanier Hall (VNR) and CAREG (CRG) (For an accessible alternative: a ramp is available).
- Cross Nicholas St. and turn right.
- Cross Corktown Footbridge.
- Turn right on Rideau Canal Western Pathway.
- Go up Queen Elizabeth Driveway and take the ramp to cross Laurier Ave. Bridge.
- Turn right before the streetlights, then take the left path at the fork. Follow the Eastern Rideau Canal Pathway all the way back to the underpass.
- Return to your starting point.
Visualize the instructions for 30-minute outdoor route #1 (YouTube).north_eastexternal link
Route #2 – North campus (big loop)
- Meet in front of the Montpetit Hall (MNT) main entrance.
- Take left towards the Brooks Residence, then left on Louis-Pasteur Private.
- Turn right on Thomas More Private.
- Head down Osgoode St. (crossing King Edward Ave.)
- Turn left on Russell Ave.
- Turn left on Laurier Ave.
- Back on campus, turn right on Cumberland St.
- Turn left on Stewart St.
- Turn left on Waller St.
- Turn left at the pillars, walking past Hagen Hall (HGN).
- Walk past Tabaret Hall (TBT), then go back to your starting point by following University Private.
Visualize the instructions for 30-minute outdoor route #2 (YouTube).north_eastexternal link
Route: #3 – Strathcona Park
- Meet in front of Fauteux Hall (FTX).
- Walk on Copernicus St. towards Laurier Ave.
- Turn right on Laurier.
- Go all the way down Laurier to Strathcona Park (about 700 m), and down the steps to your right to enter the park. (For an accessible alternative, turn right on Range Rd. and take the ramp into Strathcona Park).
- Walk through the park, until you reach Somerset St. E. and turn right onto it.
- Walk on Somerset until it becomes Marie-Curie Private, crossing King Edward Ave.
- Turn right on Louis-Pasteur Private and head back to your meeting point.
Visualize the instructions for 30-minute outdoor route #3 (YouTube).north_eastexternal link
45-minute routes
Route: #1 – Between CRX and FTX
The Learning Crossroads (CRX) is a brand new building at uOttawa. This route starts in CRX then heads through Lamoureux Hall (LMX) and Montpetit Hall (MNT), ending at Go Café on the third floor of Fauteux Hall (FTX).
- Meet in front of the elevators on the second floor of CRX.
- Turn left and go towards LMX.
- Take a right and walk straight ahead towards MNT.
- Go through the double doors into MNT, turning left at the end of the hall.
- Turn right at the hallway towards the Jock Turcot University Centre (UCU) and continue towards Morisset (MRT).
- Take a right at the hallway leading to Déjà-Vu, Thompson and FTX.
- Continue through Déjà-Vu towards FTX.
- Go through FTX and make your way to Go Café.
- Turn around and follow the route in reverse back to CRX.
- Repeat the whole itinerary two more times.
Visualize the instructions of 45-minute indoor route #1 (YouTube).north_eastexternal link
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60-minute routes
Route: #1 – Between FTX and LMX
This one-hour route between Fauteux Hall (FTX) and Lamoureux Hall (LMX), via Morisset Hall (MRT), the Jock Turcot University Centre (UCU) and Montpetit Hall (MNT),takes place on a single floor and involves following the route three times.
(Note: if you need an accessible route, you may start in MRT - if so, start instructions at number 7. OR you can do this route in reverse, meaning you would start in LMX and go toward FTX.)
- Meet at Go Café on the third floor of FTX. (Note: if you need an accessible route, you may start in MRT - if so, start instructions at number 7.)
- Walk down the hall past the elevators and turn right at the first hall.
- At the end, go through the double doors on the left and then make an immediate left.
- Cross catwalk hallway, turn right at the end and then take the first left.
- Follow this hallway, which leads to Thompson, MRT and UCU and continue through the double doors.
- Continue past Déjà-Vu and into MRT.
- Once in MRT, turn left, pass through UCU and into MNT.
- Take an immediate left, walk to the end of the hallway and turn right.
- Go through the two sets of double doors into LMX.
- Continue through LMX to the elevators.
- Turn around and follow the route in reverse back to FTX.
- Repeat the whole itinerary three more times.
Visualize the instructions for 60-minute indoor route #1 (YouTube).north_eastexternal link
Route #1 – Strathcona Park (big loop)
- Meet in front of Simard Hall (SMD).
- Head down University Private towards Faculty of Social Sciences (FSS) and turn left.
- Go past the University Centre (UCU) and Montpetit Hall (MNT).
- Turn left on Louis-Pasteur Private.
- Turn right on Thomas More Private.
- Head down Osgoode St. (crossing King Edward Ave.)
- Go all the way down Osgoode to Strathcona Park (about 700 m).
- Enter the park and walk along the river towards the bridge.
- Just before the bridge, near the parking lot, turn right and exit the park.
- Turn left on Range Rd.
- Turn right on Mann Ave.
- Turn right on Chapel St.
- Turn left on Somerset St. E.
- Stay on Somerset until it becomes Marie-Curie Private, crossing King Edward Ave. and reaching main campus.
- Follow Marie-Curie Private until you reach University Square.
- Cross University Square to go back to your meeting point via University Private.
Visualize the instructions for 60-minute outdoor route #1 (YouTube).north_eastexternal link