Health promotion at the Centre
Health promotion programs and services at the Centre

Personalized health education program
The Centre offers appointments with a Health Promotion Specialist to help you learn how to navigate your personal health and wellness.
The Health Promotion Specialist:
will work with you and your health care providers to determine the best care plan
provide personalized health education
help you navigate health and wellness resources
connect you with appropriate programs and services

Parent and guardian health education sessions
Parents and guardians of the uOttawa student community can book an appointment with a Health Promotion Specialist to discuss and learn more about the health and wellness services available to their children throughout their studies.
The sessions can be used to discuss services related to:
- academic support
- physical and mental health
- community building
- other services that are available to uOttawa students
The Health Promotion Specialist will work in accordance with the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA).
Important note: This service is only available from mid-August to mid-September for the Fall term, and the month of January for the Winter term. We look forward to meeting with you then!

Therapy dog program
Did you know? Studies have shown that a friendly interaction with an animal (e.g., petting) helps:
lower blood pressure
reduce overall pain
ease feelings of loneliness, anxiety, depression and homesickness
Come spend some time with the therapy dogs at the centre!

Health and wellness products
Whether you are in need or want something for your health and wellness, here are some free products available to you at the Centre.
- Pads and tampons
- Lube, condoms, and dental dams
- Pregnancy tests
- Lip balms and hand sanitizer
- Snacks
- And more!

Peer wellness navigation program
We have peer navigators at the Centre reception who can answer your questions and help you navigate to the best resources for your needs.