To provide a safe and healthy environment to the residence community, you must follow certain rules and policies. Please read them carefully.



Conduct process

The Residence Agreement and Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedure, as well as any current addendums, outline the policies. Familiarizing yourself with the The Residence Agreement and Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedure, as well as any current addendums is your responsability. The policies are aimed at creating a safe and engaging residence atmosphere where students can thrive academically, socially and personally.

Residence staff work within the community to help everyone understand and uphold the policies, and intervene if needed. Wherever possible, the goal of employee intervention is to educate students and seek their cooperation and commitment to prevent further problems. Follow up may range in approach from preventative, education or with sanctions. The ultimate priority is to protect the safety of all students living in residence.

If residence staff contact you to discuss an issue that’s come up, you may feel anxious and unsure of what to expect. Approaching your conversation with them in a manner that is honest, open, and reasonable allows them to get to the crux of the matter and work collaboratively with you and any other students involved to address the situation and move forward. Even if you made a mistake or had a lapse in judgment, being willing to discuss matters openly helps staff see that you understand the concern raised and moves the conversation towards the next steps of how to prevent similar problems. Remember, staff hope to help everyone have a good experience in residence, including you! Don’t be shy to ask for clarification or share if you are feeling confused or unsure.

Common rooms

You have access to the common rooms and study rooms of your community/floor. You can access them using your key fob.

Guests in residence

No overnight guests are allowed for the first 3 weeks of September.

After the September 3-week period, you are allowed to have 2 guests at any one time, as stipulated in the Residence Agreement, Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedure.

If your roommate is not present, you are only permitted to a maximum of 2 guests in your unit.

All residence guests, without exceptions, must fill-out the Residence guest registry.

Living with a roommate

Adapting to life with roommates can be both one of the best, and one of the most challenging aspects of living in residence!

Have you completed a Roommate agreement? Roommate agreements are forms designed to guide you and your roommate(s) through a bunch of topics that will probably come up as you live together, and which might cause problems or tensions if you aren't on the same page. Taking the time to sit down and discuss things together early on will not only prevent future problems before they start, but also help break the ice and the tone for easier and more productive communication and problem-solving going forward. You'll find a copy of the Roommate agreement on the Room assignments and shared living webpage.

If despite your best efforts at doing all of the above, you are still having trouble resolving conflicts with your roommate, we can help. Reach out to your CA or Peer Support for help. You can also reach out to a Residence Life Coordinator.


While sound is a common feature of residence living, it’s important to be conscious of the impact of the sounds you (and your guests) create. Excessive sounds (i.e., loud music, loud talk) disrupt the right of your fellow residents to a peaceful learning and living environment.

Be sure to keep things extra quiet during Quiet Hours (11 p.m. to 7 a.m. Monday to Friday; until 9 a.m. on Saturday; until 12 p.m. on Sundays). During final exam season (December, April), Quiet Hours extend to 24 hrs every day. These Quiet Hours are in place to ensure that people can sleep, study, or rest without worry.

For more details on the noise policy, please refer to the Residence Agreement, Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedure sections 4.18 and 4.19.

Substance use


If deciding to drink, make sure you are with people you trust and it is your own choice. The legal age to drink and purchase alcohol in Ontario is 19 years old. Even if alcohol is bought legally, you must still be 19 to consume in residence. When drinking in designated common areas use plastic or metal containers and avoid having glass. While drinking, avoid activities/accessories that promote speed drinking & try to limit yourself to approx. 1 drink/hour. Additionally, avoid mixing alcohol with other substances.

For more details on the alcohol policy, please refer to the Residence Agreement, Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedure section 4.13.


Smoking or vaping cannabis is not allowed in residence; however you may do so in designated smoking areas on campus. For your own safety, ensure you follow all provincial and federal guidelines on safe cannabis use, including buying from legal retailers at age 19. Recommended usage from Public Health is not to use before 25. While you may smoke in designated areas, the lingering smell of cannabis is still a concern for the community. It is your responsibility to make sure your use of cannabis does not have an effect on your community. You may have up to the legal limit of 30 g in your unit, but you cannot grow or cook with cannabis in residence.

For more details on the cannabis policy, please refer to the Residence Agreement, Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedure section 4.15.

Smudging in residence

For your safety and the safety of others, please refer to the Procedure for Smudging in Residence.


Pets are not allowed in residence. Adaptive measures should be requested before bringing service or therapy animals to residence; you can read about service animals on campus for more information.

single room in residence

Support in residence

To make sure you enjoy your stay in residence, many services are offered to you. Make the most of it!
See residence support services.