Parent and guardian information

We are so excited to have your child join us. All the details you need to know prior to attending our camps are below.

General information

What to bring

  • Running shoes 
  • Athletic clothing 
  • Bathing suit and towel (everyday)
  • Water bottle, Peanut-free snacks 
  • Sunscreen
  • Medication if necessary (EpiPens, medications, puffers) 

Campers who are required to take any medications during camp hours must have completed the Medical Authorization Form (PDF, 206.97 KB) prior to the start of camp. Please complete the form and send it directly to the camp coordinator at [email protected].

What not to bring

  • Valuables (e.g. money) (Campers are not allowed to use vending machines)
  • Electronics (e.g. cell phones) 

Gee-Gees Camps are not responsible for lost or stolen items.

Camp hours

Our camps run from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Included Free Extended Child Care: 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 - 5:30 p.m.

  • Campers should be ready to move! Daily physical activity is a part of all our camps. 
  • Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for all activities and weather. 
  • Pack sunscreen and a water bottle for your child. 
  • Pack your bathing suit, towel, and plastic bag for wet clothing everyday. All campers will have the chance to swim during the week. 

Our team

All our of camps staff hold a valid first-aid + CPR certification as well as an up-to-date vulnerable sector police record check.  

Moreover, staff go through an intense training period where they are educated in all our policies & procedures, childcare and safety practices.

Drop off and pick up locations

Please note, some of the locations change from morning to evening. Please refer to these  maps of the uOttawa campus. Pick up locations may change based on weather. You will receive a phone call directly from camp leadership if this affects you.

Volleyball CampsMontpetit Hall Side Entrance
Football CampsMinto Sports Field
Soccer CampMinto Sports Field
Gee-Gees Multi-Sports CampsMontpetit Hall Side Entrance
Gee-Gees Swimmers CampsMontpetit Hall Side Entrance
Men's and Women's HockeyMinto Sports Field
Dance CampsMontpetit Hall Side Entrance
Cheerleading CampsMontpetit Hall Side Entrance
Leadership Development CampsMontpetit Hall Side Entrance
BasketballMontpetit Hall Side Entrance
Competitive Swimming CampsMontpetit Hall Side Entrance
Culinary CampsLEES Bloc C

Parking and public transit

Please refer to our campus map

Montpetit Hall (MNT) - 125 University Private 

  • Morning: The Brooks parking garage will have 10 spots reserved for camps between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 9:15 a.m. There is no charge. 
  • Afternoon: The Brooks parking garage is free for stays of up to 90 minutes to allow for family pick-ups. There is no charge. 
  • Parking outside of these times will result in a ticket. 
  • Note that accessing this garage has a height limit of 6 feet 6 inches max. 
  • Guardians have 30 minutes from the time they enter the garage to the moment they leave without charge. Please ensure you are respecting these limits. 

Templeton Entrance: Minto Sport Complex (Matt Anthony field) - 801 King Edward 

  • Everyone who must sign in at this location should use the one-hour street parking on Templeton Street and Henderson Avenue. Counsellors will be available to accompany your camper to the field.
  • The Mann parking garage will offer free Gee-Gees Camps parking between 7:30 a.m. and 9:15 a.m. and 3:55 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Parking outside of these times will result in a ticket. Parking at the main entrance of 801 King Edward Avenue is not allowed. This is a fire zone area, and you will be ticketed. 
  • If you are using the Mann garage, please note that the entrance height limit on your vehicle is 6’ 8” max.
  • Mann Garage will have 10 reserved spots on the 2nd floor for families to park for a period of 30 minutes.
  • Lot M is also available across the street from MNO (see map). The 30 minute-stay still applies.

Lees Bloc C: Lees Campus - 200 Lees Avenue

  • Morning: The Lees Parking Lot G3 will have free parking during both pick up and drop off times. 
  • Afternoon: Alternative options can be found in Lot G4(across the street). Lot G3 is for permit holders only until 3 p.m.

Other Accommodations 

  • If you require any special assistance or will be visiting us in outside of these times please advise the camp leadership team. Camps cannot promise special accommodations for parking outside of the hours listed above. 

Before and after care

Before and after care is included in the cost of the camp. It is offered daily from 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m., and 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. For camps at the Minto Sports Complex: as of 5:30 p.m., all remaining campers will be brought to our camp office in the Montpetit building.

Please note that picking up your child after 5:30 p.m. will result in you being charged a “late fee” of $10 for every 15 minute period past the end of the after-care period. 

  • Only the names of the individuals who were submitted during the registration process as “Authorized Pick Up” will be authorized to sign out your child at the end of each day of camp. If anyone other than these individuals will be picking up your child on any day throughout the week, please inform the staff and make a note with your legal name and signature on the sign-in/out sheet. 
  • We require all guardians to present their ID on a daily basis when picking up a camper. 
  • Participants can sign themselves in and out if the guardian allows it and it is indicated on the registration form. 

Absences and refunds

If you know in advance that your child will not be attending camp on certain days, please inform the camp staff via email or by phone (613-562-5800 x4477). 

Food, allergies and health conditions

Medication authorization

Please make staff aware of any medication that your child requires and where it is in their daypacks during first-day sign in. For allergies requiring EpiPens, we ask that you send your camper with 2 EpiPens (1 will stay in the camper’s bag; 1 will remain in the camp office locked safe). 

If your child requires any medication, please complete the Medical Authorization Form (PDF, 206.97 KB) and send it to [email protected] or hand it in to your camp counsellor on the first day of camp.

Dietary Restrictions Program

Dining Hall lunch options meet the needs of campers who are vegetarian, vegan or follow a Halal diet. The Dietary Restrictions Program can accommodate most common allergies.

The allergies menu:

  • Provides one meat option (default) and one vegan option at every lunch.
  • Accommodates for the following allergies: Peanuts, Nuts, Gluten, Eggs, Dairy, Fish, Seafood and Legumes (if NOT vegetarian or vegan)
  • DOES NOT accommodate the following allergies: Soy and Mustard, or Legumes (if also vegetarian or vegan)

Special needs

Please note that the Gee-Gees sports camps will do their best to accommodate any campers with special needs. However, the university is not in a position to absorb any additional costs associated with this accommodation. Our counsellors will do their best to adapt the daily activities to the needs of the camper, where possible. If your child has any special needs, please notify the camp coordinator. This will help our camp team ensure the child has a positive camp experience. 

Lost and found

Please label all your child’s possessions so that we can keep track of whose items belong to who. Avoid bringing electronics like cell phones and iPods. The camp will not be held responsible for any lost or damaged items. It is the child’s responsibility to look after their own items. 

The Gee-Gees camps lost and found will be located in our camps office (MNT 102) please call or email us if you have a lost item prior to vising us in person. An additional lost and found is located at the Client Services desk in both Montpetit Hall and the Minto Sports Complex 

Contact information

Camps office

613 562-5800
Room 102 Montpetit Hall
[email protected]

Stay connected

For news and updates on camp stay connected with us on Facebook!