Do what moves you this summer! Discover all the information regarding memberships and fees.

Membership type and price

All costs associated with your student membership are included in student incidental fees. In order to take advantage of student-preferred pricing, you must be registered and have paid your incidental fees as part of your tuition (all students pay this fee, except students in the international exchange program, Law students in the Bar process, certain students in Medicine (such as those in internship), students from campuses outside of Ottawa and certain special students. These students must purchase a membership card in order to participate in Sports Services programs). 

NOTE: Student membership does not include free parking at HLC. 

You can purchase your fitness membership by presenting yourself at either the Sports Complex (801 King Edward Ave – 1st floor) client service desk or the Montpetit (125 University Street) client service desk !

Membership sales are final. No full or partial refunds will be issued in cases where a member’s status changes nor in the case of a new dual status during the membership agreement. The “Member of an Immediate Family of a Member” rate is not applicable to members of the “Student Enrolled at the University of Ottawa” category or to Members of the APTPUO. A photo ID and a proof of residence are required.

Read all membership policies.

Temporary suspension of membership

The temporary suspension of your membership cannot last more than half of the total duration of the membership and cannot be retroactive to the date of your request. An administration fee of $10 (plus applicable taxes) will be charged. Holders of special summer memberships, members of the APTPUO and University of Ottawa students are not eligible for a temporary suspension.    

To submit your request, please e-mail [email protected] with the subject: temporary suspension of membership. Provide your full name as printed on your access card, the barcode on your access card as well as the dates you wish to apply for the suspension. We will contact you by e-mail within two business days to confirm the status of your request.

IMPORTANT: Please note that once accepted and processed, your request is irrevocable and cannot be modified.  

Personal Trainer

Terms of access to sports facilities

Student and employee cards issued by the University of Ottawa as well as those issued by Campus Recreation are the only recognized official pieces of ID for access to sports facilities, no other piece of ID can be used to enter the facilities. Campus Recreation reserves the right to refuse access to any member who does not have their access card at time of entry.
Read all membership policies