Psychological and social support in the workplace is a big topic and it can seem daunting to address it. There are a few simple ways to begin to address these issues and make changes in our workplace. Remember change happens over time, and taking small steps in the right direction can make a significant impact over time.
When making changes to our organization, it’s important to first determine where the problems lie, if any, and find creative solutions to those problems. So, get a sense of your own or your team’s needs and concerns when it comes to mental health and what resources are available. For example, call our Employee and family assistance program (EFAP) for a topic of interest. By calling our EFAP, you able to get familiarized with the service and it also helps to share a lived experience with those you recommend the service and also helps reduce the stigma of using the service.
This step is a brainstorm session to put as many words as possible that represent psychological and social support. Take 2-3 minutes for the group to share their suggestions and reflections on these three questions:
What current practices are working well that support psychological and social support?
What current practices do we stop or improve?
What does psychological and social support mean to you?
If you are conducting a virtual meeting, you can use Microsoft Teams to easily create a Word Cloud:
- Create a meeting in your Outlook calendar
- Go to your Teams Calendar, expand the meeting invite to full screen
- Click the + sign, which is located on at top next to Q&A
- From there, add the ‘Forms’ app and save
- Click on the 'Polls' tab and choose the option ‘New Poll’
- Then select 'Word Cloud' and write in your questions
Here are some one-word examples to get the team going: Support, Understanding, Stress Management, Resources, Accommodation.
Once the word cloud is completed, come up with specific actions that would positively demonstrate each word. Be practical and reasonable. Have a least one action for each word.
Here are some examples:
Support: Train one or more staff or faculty members to be effective peer supporters and/or identify services that are currently available to support psychological health
Understanding: Offer mental health awareness training for all
Stress Management: Share stress management tips at team meetings. For example, share personal strategies for managing stress at work
Resources: Pass on resources to all team members
Accommodation: Ensure all team members are aware of the Health and Wellness team in Human Resources that offer support