In this step, you will find two activities designed for self & group reflection for recognition and reward.
Activity 1: Individual Recognition
This first activity reviews the element of peer-to-peer recognition or staff, faculty member and manager recognition. It is important to become aware of one’s preferred method of recognition. In the activity below, it's important to not only recognize outcomes but also recognize effort.
1. Choose one from each of the following pairs as your preference:
Frequent acknowledgement
No more than monthly acknowledgement
Specific to the quality of my work
Specific to my effort and attitude
In public
In private
In writing
As a team
2. Complete each of the following:
Recognition I don’t appreciate includes
Recognition I appreciate includes
- On social media
- Parties or celebrations
- At team meetings
- As a surprise
- On social media
- Parties or celebrations
- At team meetings
- As a surprise
3. Come up with actions that describe the type of recognition you’d want in the areas you chose.
For example:
Type of Recognition
Action that describes the type of recognition
Recognition of a completed task in a project
Advising me in advance about recognizing my effort and time to complete the task at the working group committee meeting
4. Once you’ve written down your answers, we recommend you share with your manager to help them learn more about effective recognition for you.
Activity 2: Team Recognition
In this second activity, it is also important to know how to properly recognize a team. In this activity, brainstorm as many types of recognition you would like to see as a team. Take 2-3 minutes for the group to share their suggestions and reflections on this question:
- How would you like to be recognized as a team?
Vote for the type of recognition and the action with it and ensure it will:
- Be simple and time effective to implement
- Not violate any organizational policies or contracts
- Express the type of appreciation most people want
If you are conducting a virtual meeting, you can use Microsoft Teams to easily create a Word Cloud:
- Create a meeting in your Outlook calendar
- Go to your Teams Calendar, expand the meeting invite to full screen
- Click the + sign, which is located on at top next to Q&A
- From there, add the ‘Forms’ app and save
- Click on the 'Polls' tab and choose the option ‘New Poll’
- Then select 'Word Cloud' and write in your questions
You can get your team going by these examples: Team coffee break; Team lunch; Team activity such as a board game.
Once the Word Cloud is completed, come up with specific actions that would positively demonstrate each word. Be practical and reasonable. Have a least one action for each word.
Here are some examples:
- Team coffee break – last Friday of the month we take time as a group
- Team lunch – every quarter we go out for lunch as a team
- Board game time – every month we take time to play a quick board game