Continuous Hiring Process - Best Practices for Students

Here are some best practices for students who will be participating in placement this Fall.

Applying for co-op jobs (participating in placement)

  • When applying for jobs on the CO-OP Navigator, carefully read the job description, including the location and form of work (hybrid, in person, virtual, etc.)
  • Filter positions by your program of study and faculty to not miss opportunities related to your field of interest.


  • If you only have one interview, you can give a ranking of either 1 or X. Entering a numerical ranking means that you’d accept the job if offered. If the employer selects you, you’ll be matched. You must rank within an hour of your interview. Make sure your rankings are entered correctly and promptly.
  • When you have more than one interview in a 48-hour period, you must rank the jobs you interviewed for during that timeframe within an hour of your last interview in order of preference (for example 1, 2, 3 or X). Assigning a numerical ranking (1,2,3, etc.) means you’d accept the job if offered. If you don’t provide your selection promptly after your final interview, you’ll lose your opportunity and the next student(s) will be offered the job(s). Make sure your rankings are entered correctly and promptly.
  • Entering an X instead of a number means that you’re not interested in the position and don’t want to be assigned to it.
    • However, keep in mind that the goal of co-op is to gain valuable experience in your field, for a four-month contract (in most cases). You may not have another opportunity, potentially jeopardizing your place in the co-op program.

Valid reasons for entering an X

  • You’ve received a job offer outside the co-op process and have submitted a found own form (include link) that has been approved by our office.
  • You’ve received a job offer from a previous employer and have submitted an email confirmation to the Co-op Office.
  • During the interview, you see that the job description has changed and the job is not the same as in the original posting (If so, please contact the Co-op Office to discuss this).

Dealing with a high number of co-op interviews

  • At any time, if you find that the number of scheduled interviews is causing you undue stress, you can email us a request to pause pending replies for interviews scheduled in the CO-OP Navigator with your full name and student number.
  • However, if you ask the co-op office to pause your pending replies, you can’t be selective and you must attend all interviews scheduled in the CO-OP Navigator.

Commitment to your employer

Once you’re matched on the CO-OP Navigator, you must honour your commitment to the employer and stop your job search immediately. The match is official and can’t be changed to accommodate a different job offer. If you need to discuss your rankings with your co-op specialist, email us as soon as possible or call us at 613-562-5741.

  • Ranking a job or putting a number next to a job means you will accept the job offer if an employer selects you. It is your responsibility to make sure your rankings are entered correctly and promptly.