As a co-op student, I am an ambassador of the program and of the University of Ottawa. I will therefore deal in a professional way with any issues that may arise. By accepting the Co-op Admission Offer and Agreement, I agree to the following conditions and understand that my admission is conditional on my CGPA being above the minimum requirement for my program by the end of this session:
I agree that I cannot change my co-op work-study sequence, including the number of work terms, without obtaining written permission from the co-op office. I understand that this sequence is pre-established and has been approved by my faculty and by the Senate of the University. This sequence may require me to study during a summer session when the course selection may be more limited.
Based on my program requirements, I agree to register full time (minimum of 12 credits at the undergraduate level and six credits at the master's level) for each scheduled academic session.
I agree that if I have been admitted into the co-op program with advanced standing (many courses credited), I will comply with the co-op regulations requiring me to register full time for each academic session.
I agree to maintain satisfactory academic performance throughout my program by keeping my CGPA above the minimum required. If I fail to do so, I will be put on probation for two study sessions and withdrawn from the program if I fail to raise my CGPA during that time.
I agree that I am entitled to take one night course during a work term. However, this should not prevent me from registering full time for subsequent academic sessions. I also agree that I am not permitted to take a course with a component that is offered during the day.
I authorize the co-op office to register me for my work-term courses before each placement period.
I agree to hand in my work-term report on time (see the key dates on the co-op website) and to follow the work-term report guidelines. For 8 or 12 month work terms, I agree to submit a report after each 4 month.
It remains my responsibility to check the co-op website ( for any deadlines.
I agree to meet all of the deadlines indicated in the co-op calendar (date for applying for jobs, submitting choices and ranking, etc.).
I agree to attend all mandatory workshops and webinars, to meet the deadlines established for the placement process, and to accept the jobs assigned through the matching process. I agree that once I have been matched with an employer, I will stop searching for another placement and will report for work with the assigned employer.
I agree to authorize the investigation of all statements contained in my resumé. I understand that misrepresentation or omission of facts on my resumé and during interviews shall be sufficient cause for dismissal from the co-op program and cause for cancellation of a placement or of consideration for employment.
I agree to allow the co-op office to submit my resumé and my academic transcript to potential co-op employers.
If a job for which I am to be interviewed requires a security clearance, I agree to allow the co-op office to send information to employers that enables them to start that process right away.
I agree that during the placement process and interview periods I will check every day on the Web for any new information sessions or interviews that may have been scheduled. I will be available during the entire process and will attend all scheduled information sessions and interviews.
I will maintain satisfactory job performance and follow all policies of my employer. I will notify the co-op office before dealing with any problem issues that may arise.
I understand that while I am on a work term, scheduled university break periods (ex.: Reading Week) do not apply. I am expected to work full time for the duration of the established contract.
I agree to pay co-op fees set every spring by the Registrar Office.
Co-op fees
As a co-op student, you pay an administrative fee for the session before your first work term and then for every work term, up to and including your last one.
If I decide to withdraw from the program, I will do so according to the deadlines indicated in the co-op activity calendar and only after I have completed my current work term and submitted my report. The withdrawal will be effective only at the end of the session following the work term.
I agree to comply with all the co-op policies and procedures as outlined in the document entitled Regulations and Procedures Governing Co-operative Education Programs.