The Coordinating Committee is a standing committee of the University of Ottawa Co-operative Education programs.

  • To examine and recommend to the Undergraduate Studies Committee regulations and policies governing all Co-operative Education Programs.
  • To examine, approve and recommend to the Undergraduate Studies Committee, the creation of new co-op programs as well as modifications to existing co-op programs.  A report written by the Chairperson will be submitted to the Undergraduate Studies Committee.
  • To ensure compliance with the regulations and policies governing all Co-operative Education programs and admissions thereto.
  • To review and decide upon recommendations for exceptions to regulations and policies submitted by participating departments.
  • To recommend to the appropriate Faculties students to be placed on probation and withdrawals from the co-op program as a result of their academic standing.
  • Committee decisions will be communicated to the students by the Secretary of the Committee.

All students affected by Committee decisions will be advised of their right to appeal.

  • Appeals pertaining to academic matters will be referred to the appropriate Faculty within two (2) weeks of the notification of a Committee decision.  The appropriate Faculty will advise the Chairperson of its decision.
  • Appeals pertaining to non-academic matters should be addressed to the Chairperson in writing within ten (10) working days of notification of the Committee decision.  The Appeals Committee (see next bullet point) will be convened within ten (10) working days of receipt of the appeal and render a decision within ten (10) working days of being convened.
  • The Appeals Committee shall consist of three (3) professors chosen from a list of names approved by the Vice-Rector, Academic.
  • The decisions of the Appeals Committee may be appealed to the Senate Committee for the Study of Individual Cases; the decision of the latter Committee is final.

The Committee consists of the following members:

  • The Director of the co-op office
  • One (1) professor from each of the co-op disciplines
  • The Co-op Advisors of the co-op office
  • Three students registered in a co-op program.  These students shall be appointed by the Committee for renewable one-year terms.  Section 159(B) of the University Government (cases involving individual professors and students) would apply for these members.

The Director of the co-op office is the Chairperson of the Committee.  A Co-op Advisor acts as the Vice-Chairperson and as secretary to the Committee.

The Committee meets at the call of the Chairperson.  There will be at least one (1) meeting of the Committee in each of the three (3) academic terms.

A majority of the members constitutes a quorum. The Chairperson will vote on resolutions only in the event of a tie vote.