Make sure you don’t miss anything! Get familiarized with the key dates and deadlines.
May 13
First day for students to apply to jobs for the fall work term.
NOTE: Jobs are posted for 48 hours.
May 15
First day for employers to view student resumes online through the CO-OP Navigator.
Please submit your interview request via the CO-OP Navigator.
May 20
First day of interviews
Employers are invited to extend offers by ranking students by preference as soon as possible after the interviews, via the CO-OP Navigator. Students may no longer be available if there is a delay in extending the offer(s).
(Please ensure that, for each position, you extend offers to students from one institution only.)
September 2
First day of fall work term The work term normally takes place from September 2 to December 19 (duration of approximately 15 weeks).
December 19
Last day of fall work term.
December 19
Deadline to complete the Employer Final Evaluation via the CO-OP Navigator.
September 11
First day for students to apply to jobs for the Winter work term.
NOTE: Jobs are posted for 48 hours.
September 18
First day for employers to view student resumes online through the CO-OP Navigator.
Please submit your interview request via the CO-OP Navigator .
September 20
First day of interviews
Employers are invited to extend offers by ranking students by preference as soon as possible after the interviews, via the CO-OP Navigator. Students may no longer be available if there is a delay in extending the offer(s).
(Please ensure that, for each position, you extend offers to students from one institution only.)
January 6
First day of the winter work term.
The work term normally takes place from January 6 to April 25 (duration of approximately 15 weeks).
April 25
Deadline to complete the Employer Final Evaluation via CO-OP Navigator.
April 25
Last day of the winter work term
January 15
First day for students to apply to jobs for the summer 2024 work term.
NB: Jobs are posted for 48 hours.
January 20
First day for employers to view student resumes online through the CO-OP Navigator.
Employers send the list of selected candidates and preferred interview dates to the co-op office, online through the CO-OP Navigator.
January 22
First day of interviews
Employers are invited to extend offers by ranking students by preference as soon as possible after the interviews, via the CO-OP Navigator. Students may no longer be available if there is a delay in extending the offer(s).
(Please ensure that, for each position, you extend offers to students from one institution only.)
May 5
First day of summer work term. The work term normally takes place from May 5 to August 29 (duration of 15 to 17 weeks).
August 29
Deadline to complete the Employer Final Evaluation in the CO-OP Navigator.