Help others while helping yourself! Show future employers who you really are. Express your drive to change the world by putting what you learn in the classroom to good use as a volunteer.

Volunteering either as part of a course or on your own helps foster social participation and responsibility. It’s also the perfect opportunity to strengthen community ties, bring about positive social change and form solid partnerships. Many volunteer opportunities are available, on campus, around Ottawa or abroad.

The CSL program involves credited learning experiences as part of a course. If CSL is available for your class, you can take part in structured volunteer activities that meet a community need. Then, you can engage in critical reflection on what you’ve learned, to increase your understanding of the class material and your field of study.


CityStudio Ottawa

CityStudio Ottawa is a formal trust-based partnership between the Community Engagement and Employability Team and Faculty of Medicine at University of Ottawa, and the City of Ottawa. Through co-creation with our community, students, and faculty, CityStudio Ottawa finds creative solutions to Ottawa’s priorities highlighted in the City of Ottawa’s Community Safety and Well-Being (CSWB) Plan. This plan describes how the city will work with its community partners to improve the safety, health and well-being of Ottawa residents.

These six priorities, identified through a consultative process with involved parties and the public, are:

  • Discrimination, marginalization, and racism
  • Financial security and poverty reduction
  • Gender-based violence and violence against women
  • Housing
  • Integrated and simpler systems
  • Mental well-being

Together, CityStudio Ottawa will work towards a more inclusive, sustainable, and healthier city.

Citéstudio / CityStudio Ottawa