Two sitting completing course evaluation on a laptop. Image includes the Your Opinion Matters course evaluation logo.
With course evaluations underway until March 28, Anne-Sophie Gnassou, a graduate student in public and international affairs, explains why it matters and how you can have a lasting impact.

You might be thinking “Does this course evaluation even make a difference? I’ve already survived this course, why spend more time on it? I don’t even know what to say.”

I get it. But before you brush it off, hear me out: course evaluations matter. They shape how courses are taught, how professors adapt their teaching methods, and how future students experience the class.

So, whether your course was amazing, just okay, or downright painful, this is your chance to have a say. And trust me, it takes less time than over-analyzing your last exam question.

1. Your feedback truly does have a lasting impact

You might think all those anonymous comments just get sucked into a vacuum. Think again.

Evaluations have led to changes in everything from a course’s structure, pacing and level of difficulty of course content and exam formats to attendance policies, the quality of feedback and the availability of technology and resources.

Other areas influenced by evaluations include:

•    Workload: adjustments to ensure a fair balance
•    Assignments and grading: frequency, weight and type of work
•    Discussion formats: group sizes, topics and participation styles
•    Communication: expectations, transparency and professor feedback
•    Practical components: labs or internships

2. Don’t worry. It really is completely anonymous

Your confidentiality is 100% guaranteed. Course evaluations are anonymous, and your responses will never be linked to your identity. And professors can’t read the comments until after grades are final.

But anonymity is no excuse for being offensive: professors want honest feedback about teaching methods, course structure, and learning experiences, not personal attacks.

❌ Not helpful: "This prof is the worst. Shouldn’t be allowed to teach."

✅ Helpful: "The lectures felt rushed, and additional examples would have helped make the concepts clearer."

So keep it constructive: your words should help improve the course, not just criticize it.

Some day, you’ll be asked to give feedback in a job, on a project, or even in a relationship, so it’s useful to know how to say, “This wasn’t great, here’s why, and here’s how to fix it” without ruffling too many feathers. Course evaluations are an easy way to practice giving useful (not just salty) feedback.

3. You can be an actor for change

Your voice matters, not just for you, but for future students. Even if you enjoyed the course, saying so helps ensure that professors will keep those positive aspects. And when professors use your feedback to shape courses, future students benefit from clearer instructions, improved teaching styles and fairer assessments. Good assessments can even help professors achieve tenure or promotions, and lead to teaching assistants being nominated for awards.

4. Pay it forward

Have you ever taken a course and thought, “Why didn’t anyone warn me about this?”

Imagine if the students before you had left detailed, helpful feedback. Now, you have the chance to do the same for those coming after you. In fact, before you enrol in a course, you can check the results of previous course evaluations in uoZone to inform your choice. Even small suggestions are helpful over time: if a syllabus is confusing or an exam format is unclear, pointing it out now could save future students from the same frustration.

5. Ultimately, course evaluations do affect you

Think of course evaluations as a small investment in the quality of your education. A better educational experience for all means a stronger university reputation. When student satisfaction rises, so does the prestige of your university, which directly adds value to your uOttawa degree.

6. Professors value and act on your feedback

Even though evaluations are anonymous, professors do read them carefully and make real changes based on student suggestions.

Alain St-Amant, who is both vice-provost, Academic Affairs and a professor at the Faculty of Science, says: “In Fall 2023, I developed my first course featuring universal accommodations where all students received the accommodations typically delivered by our Academic Accommodations Service. Student comments in the Fall 2023 course evaluation were key to me developing an even better version of the course in Fall 2024.”

Vincent Caron, a professor at the Faculty of Law’s civil law section, says:  “Certain observations led to innovative teaching activities that students greatly appreciate.”

And here are a few more anonymous comments from professors:

“Students provide useful examples of overlap of content with other courses. They provide comments on relevance of course content to their profession.”

“Each term, I ask for feedback on any new learning resources/teaching tools I used that term. If there is a cost associated with it (e.g. a textbook), then I ask if it was worth the money.”

“I changed the number and types of assignments; I introduced evaluations that have audiovisual components, and the possibility of submitting assignments as a group of two or three students, etc.”

7. It’s paperless and easy to complete online

The University started conducting course evaluations in 1977 but until 2017, they were all done on paper. The switch to online course evaluations is environmentally friendly, saving more than 650,000 sheets of paper and 20,000 envelopes every year. Filling out the EvaluAction form by logging into uoZone and launching the Blue app is quick, anonymous, and worth it.

8. It’s voluntary

Some universities require their students to complete course evaluations before they can see their grades, but uOttawa does not do so. Students here can show that we care about our education without being forced to participate. Around 19,000 students complete course evaluations every term. Now it’s your turn to join them and help make a difference for future students.

To sum it up

Filling out your course evaluations is like having a vote in how courses are shaped.

✔️ Want better courses? This is how you make that happen.
✔️ Had a great prof or TA? This is how you help them get recognized.
✔️ Something didn’t work? This is your chance to fix it for future students.

It’s a small effort that makes a big difference so take a few minutes and make your voice heard.

Student looking at phone.