Opt-in and eligibility

Four reasons can explain why you were not automatically charged for the U-Pass fees and why you should submit an opt-in request.


Please note: No in-person opt-in requests will be accepted.

Prior to submitting a request, it's important to consider the following:

  • Once you have been approved for a U-Pass, you cannot be exempted; you will then be part of the mandatory program. It is therefore essential that you are certain that you want to opt-in.
  • We encourage students to verify their statement of account before submitting an opt-in request as you may have already been charged, hence you may already be eligible.
  • Students who register late for courses should wait at least 24 hours and verify their statement of account prior to requesting an opt-in to the program.
  • To avoid late charges, we recommend that you pay the U-Pass fee immediately.
  • If you opt-in during the fall term, you must pay the U-Pass fees for the entire year (fall and winter).
  • If you opt-in during the winter term, you only have to pay U-Pass fees for that term.

Reasons to submit an opt-in request

  1. I am a full-time student at the University of Ottawa, and didn't get charged automatically.

Submit an opt-in request in uOzone and we will determine your eligibility.

  1. I am part-time at uOttawa and part-time at another educational institution.

In order for you to qualify for Opt-in, both postsecondary institutions must participate in the U-Pass program. The other participating institutions are:

  • Carleton University
  • Algonquin College
  • Saint Paul University

Here’s what you will need to provide with your request for opt-in: 

  • A copy of your course timetable for your term at the other institution
  1. I am registered with the Academic Accommodations Service.

If you are not a full-time student because of academic accommodations, you may enroll in the U-Pass program. With your request for enrollment, you will need to provide a letter from Academic Accommodations Service confirming your full-time status for the term in question. You can generate this letter from your Ventus account.

Please note – your letter will need to be submitted with your opt-in request through uoZone.  No paper requests will be accepted in person.

  1. I am a full-time incoming exchange student.

Submit an opt-in request online in uOzone.

If you are a sponsored student, the cost of the U-Pass will be added to your statement of account. You must pay this fee, not your sponsor.

How to opt-in

To opt-in, you will need to complete the opt-in application in uoZone and provide the necessary documentation outlined above.

1. Go to uoZone
2. Login to your student account
3. Go to the ‘Applications’ tab
4. Scroll down to the “U-Pass opt-in request form”

Opt-in requests can be submitted starting on the following dates for each term:

  • Fall/winter term: August 15
  • Winter term: December 15
  • Spring/summer term: April 15