Our program includes the Scholarship for Current and Former Youth in Care and other financial support, as well as help in handling administrative processes (admissions, course enrolment) and a wide range of support services for academic success and mental health.

University of Ottawa Youth in Care Program
Support services
Your success is our priority! Depending on your own needs, feel free to get in touch with one of our regional mentors or a representative from our Student Support team. They are there to help guide you through our services, listen to your story and accompany you along the way.

Regional Mentors
If you already know what support you need or just want an introduction to what we offer, contact one of our regional mentors. We have mentors from all over Canada — you can even speak to someone from your region.
Our mentors are students like you who can talk about the transition from high school or CEGEP to university, the social aspects of being at uOttawa or settling into university life. They can show you groups based on your interests or needs, such as support groups, intramural sports teams or cultural groups like those available at the Indigenous Resource Centre. They can also answer questions you may have about the admission process.

Student Support team
If you have lots of questions and different needs and want to set up a support structure lasting throughout your university studies, the Student Support team can arrange for you to meet right away with someone on our case management team.
The Student Support team will help you understand our support services and determine what support works for you based on your own situation. For example, we can help you identify which scholarships and bursaries you’re eligible for and help you get financial aid, find academic accommodations and resources for your studies, or connect with one of our mental health and wellness counsellors.
You don’t need to be enrolled at the University to just talk to a mentor or someone from the Student Support team. We’ll be glad to talk to you at any point in your academic journey.

Financial support
In addition to the above resources, we also offer financial assistance. Below are some scholarships and bursaries you may be eligible for as a uOttawa student. Your case manager or student mentor can help you to identify which ones you’re eligible for and to apply for them.
One advantage of these scholarships and bursaries is that they’re available to you even if you’re over 21 and not eligible for continuing care agreements.

University of Ottawa Scholarship for Current and Former Youth in Care
This new scholarship provides additional financial support to students who are or have been in the care of the Children’s Aid Society in Ontario or an equivalent organization (if you’re from another province or territory). It has a minimum value of $1,000.
One of the advantages of this scholarship is that it’s available to students from all Canadian provinces and territories.

Bell Ottawa-Gatineau Youth Foundation Educational Bursary
The Bell Ottawa-Gatineau Youth Foundation Educational Bursary provides educational bursaries to young people currently or formerly in the care of the Canadian child welfare system who demonstrate achievement, potential and financial need. It has a minimum value of $3,000.

Just One Person Scholarship
The Just One Person Scholarship is available through the generous proceeds of the inaugural Just One Person community award event. It’s awarded annually to a young person or persons currently or formerly in the care of the Ontario child welfare system who demonstrate great achievement and promise and are in financial need. It has a minimum value of $4,000.

Children’s Aid Foundation of Ottawa Dare to Dream Bursary
The Dare to Dream Bursary provides financial support for youth currently in the care of the Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa (CASO) who wish to further their education and fulfil their dreams. This bursary is awarded to those who have demonstrated academic ability and, more importantly, the dream of pursuing a postsecondary education. It has a minimum value of $3,500.
For more information and to let the Children’s Aid Foundation know you’re interested in applying for the bursary, we encourage you to call the CASO at 613-745-1893 or email the Children’s Aid Foundation