Bradford W. Morse
Bradford W. Morse
Professeur émérite
Director of the Vancouver International Commercial Arbitration Centre


Bradford W. Morse, B.A., LL.B., LL.M., is Professor of Law at the newest law school in Western Canada, at Thompson Rivers University Faculty of Law in Kamloops, BC since January 2015 & its Dean from January 2015 to December 31, 2019. He was formerly Dean and Professor of Law at Te Piringa, Faculty of Law, University of Waikato in Hamilton, New Zealand from 2009-2014, where he remains an Honourary Professor of Law. He was previously Professor of Law at University of Ottawa from 1976 until his retirement in 2014 and a professor emeritus since 2015. During his career at uOttawa he served as Vice Dean, as Director of Graduate Studies and as Director of Admissions, as well as serving on a number of faculty committees. His publications include over 100 books, articles, book chapters and commission reports. His publications include over 100 books, articles, book chapters and commission reports.

During his career he has served as Executive Director of the Task Force on the Delivery of Legal Services to Native  Peoples of B.C. in 1974-1975; as Director of Research and Planning for the Aboriginal Justice Inquiry of Manitoba, 1988-1991; and as Chief of Staff to the Honourable Ronald A. Irwin, Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs, 1993-1996. He has been a legal advisor and negotiator for many First Nations and national and regional Aboriginal organizations in Canada beginning in 1974.  Professor Morse served as General Counsel to the Native Council of Canada (later renamed the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples) during the First Ministers Conference process under the Constitution Act, 1982, Part II from 1984-87 followed by the Meech Lake and Charlottetown Accord processes from 1987-92. Professor Morse has been a consultant to various royal commissions, governments and indigenous organizations in Canada, Australia and New Zealand. He was a Fulbright Senior Scholar at the Native American Legal Resource Center at Oklahoma City University in 1997. He has appeared as an Expert Witness before the Waitangi Tribunal (NZ), Parliamentary and Legislative Committees (in Canada) and other administrative tribunals, predominantly concerning Indigenous rights and environmental law issues. Prof Morse is currently a Director of the Vancouver International Commercial Arbitration Centre; the Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice; the International Commission of Jurists, Canadian Section as well as its Vice-President for BC; and the Centre for Seniors Information in Kamloops, BC