Heather McLeod-Kilmurray est professeure et ancienne codirectrice du Centre du droit de l’environnement et de la durabilité mondiale. Ses recherches portent sur le droit alimentaire, notamment les OGM et l’agriculture industrielle, les délits liés aux substances toxiques, la justice environnementale et la relation entre la science et les tribunaux. Elle est co-auteure de l’ouvrage The Canadian Law of Toxic Torts avec la professeure Lynda Collins, et codirectrice de la rédaction du livre Food Law and Policy in Canada avec les professeures Nathalie Chalifour et Angela Lee. De plus, elle est membre du Tribunal de la protection de l’environnement du Canada, ancienne membre à temps partiel du Tribunal de l’environnement de l’Ontario, membre du conseil d’administration de l’Association canadienne sur le droit et les politiques agroalimentaires, ainsi que membre du Conseil des politiques alimentaires d’Ottawa.
Heather McLeod-Kilmurray

Professeure titulaire
B.A. (McGill)
LL.B. (U.W.O.)
LL.M. (Cambridge)
SJD (University of Toronto)
57 Louis Pasteur St., pièce 346
Numéro de téléphone
Bureau : 613-562-5800 poste 3138
- Climate Change and Legal Change
- Torts
- Interdisciplinary Studies in Law: Food Law
Chapitres de livres
- “Food Waste” (with Prof. Carrie Bradshaw and Prof. Patricia Galvao-Ferreira), in Comparative Environmental Law Research Handbook (Edward Elgar, in progress)
- “Civil Liability for Human Rights Violations: Human Rights and Canadian Tort Law” (focusing on corporate liability for human rights violations and environmental harms), with Prof. Penelope Simons, in ‘Civil Remedies and Human Rights in Flux: Key Legal Developments in Selected Jurisdictions” (Hart, 2021) for the Bonavero Roundtable on Civil Liability for Human Rights violations, Oxford University
- “The Emergence of Specialist Postgraduate Coursework Programs in Environmental Law” in Teaching and Learning in Environmental Law: Pedagogy, Methodology and Best Practice (Edward Elgar, 2021) Chapter 23.
- “Science and Advocacy” in Allan E. Ingelson, ed. Environment in the Courtroom (University of Calgary, 2019) Chapter 18, pages 230-239
- “The Incorporation of an Environmental Ethic in the Courtroom” in Allan E. Ingelson, ed. Environment in the Courtroom (University of Calgary, 2019) Chapter 5, pages 61-71
- “Climate Change: Human Rights and Private Remedies” (with Profs. Nathalie Chalifour and Lynda Collins) in Sébastien Jodoin, Sébastien Duyck & Alyssa Johl eds Handbook of Human Rights and Climate Governance (Routledge, 2017), ch 31
- “Does the Rule of Ecological Law Demand Veganism?: Ecological Law, Interspecies Justice and the Global Food System: (2019) 43 Vermont Law Review 455-483 (29 pages)
- “The Carrots and Sticks of Sustainable Farming in Canada” (with Prof. Nathalie Chalifour) (2015-16) 17 Vermont Journal of Environmental Law 303-344
- “Commoditizing Animals and their Consumers: Industrial Livestock Production, Animal Welfare and Ecological Justice” in (2012) 32(1) Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society, Special Issue: Selective Commoditization Pressures and the Evolution of Science, Technology and Society, Jack Manno, ed. 71-85.
Articles d'opinion
2018 Policy Options “Using the Law to Fight Climate, Chemical Harms”, June 26 (part of the Recalibrating Canada’s Consumer Rights Regime special feature) http://policyoptions.irpp.org/magazines/june-2018/using-law-fight-climate-chemical-harms/
2017 Policy Options “Canada’s Food Guide Update Needs to Address Sustainability”, with Prof. Nathalie Chalifour and PhD student Angela Lee, January 25, http://policyoptions.irpp.org/magazines/january-2017/canadas-food-guide-update-needs-to-address-sustainability/
- La précaution en pratique
- Rapport sur la mise en pratique de la précaution et la gestion adaptative