Premji, S., Begum, M., Medley, A. 2023. Systemic barriers to reporting work injuries and illnesses in contexts of language barriers. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 66(2): 122-131.
Senthanar, S., Koehoorn, M. Tamburic, L. Premji S., Bultmann U. McLeod C.B. 2022. Differences in modified return-to-work by immigration characteristics among a cohort of workers in British Columbia, Canada. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. Published online ahead of print October 29.
Basok, Tanya and Tucker, Eric and Vosko, Leah F. and Caxaj, C. Susana and Hennebry, Jenna L. and Mayell, Stephanie and McLaughlin, Janet and Weiler, Anelyse M., The ‘contract’ and its discontents: Can it address protection gaps for migrant agricultural workers in Canada?north_eastlien externe (February 14, 2023). Osgoode Legal Studies Research Paper No. 4412016, International Migration, 00, 1– 11.
Mayell, Stephanie, and Janet McLaughlin (2022). “Health Risks, Vulnerabilities, and Barriers to Accessing Health Care, Employment Rights, and Workers’ Compensation for SAWP Workers in Ontario.” Expert report prepared for the Industrial Accident Victims Group of Ontario (IAVGO), for submission to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal (WSIAT), May 15, pp. 1-37.
Caxaj, Susana, Maxwell Tran, Michelle Tew, Stephanie Mayell, Janet McLaughlin, Shail Rawal, Donald Cole, and Leah F. Vosko (2022). Key Findings and Recommendations from a Study of Coroner’s Files of Migrant Agricultural Workers’ Deaths in Ontario from January 2020 to June 2021. Migrant Worker Health Expert Working Group. Toronto, ON: February 1:
Yanar, B. Nasir K., Massoud A., Usmani S., Premji S., Smith P. 2022. Employers’ Experiences with Safe Work Integration of Recent Immigrants and Refugees. Safety Science. 155, 105856.
Cohen, A. & Caxaj, C. S. (2022). A Lifeline in Troubled waters: A Support model Intervention for Migrant Farm Workers. International Migration, 00, 1 – 16.
Caxaj, C. S., Cohen, A. & Colindres, C. (2022). More of the same? Migrant agricultural workers' health, safety and legal rights in the COVID-19 context. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems and Community Development (JAFSCD), 11 (2), 139 – 156.
Caxaj, C. S., Tran, M., Mayell, S., McLaughlin, J., Rawal, S., Vosko, L., Cole, D. Migrant agricultural workers’ deaths in Ontario from January 2020 to June 2021: a qualitative descriptive study. International Journal for Equity in Health, 21 (98), e1 – e17
Côté, D., Dubé, J., & Gravel, S. (2022), Developing intercultural competence in a complex organizational structure: a case study within Quebec’s workers’ compensation board. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, 53(3).
Coutu, M.-F., Durand, M.-J., Côté, D., Tremblay, D., Sylvain, C., Gouin, M.-M., Bilodeau, K., Nastasia, I., Paquette, M.-A., & Labrecque, M.-É. (2022). Building a Common Language to Facilitate Discussion Among Stakeholders in Work Disability: A Consensus Group Approachnorth_eastlien externe. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. externe
Coutu, M.-F., Durand, M.-J., Côté, D., Tremblay, D., Sylvain, C., Gouin, M.-M., Bilodeau, K., Nastasia, I., & Paquette, M.-A. (2022). Ethnocultural Minority Workers and Sustainable Return to Work Following Work Disability: A Qualitative Interpretive Description Study. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. externe
Premji, S., Begum, M. Medley, A. 2022. Language Accommodations in Workers’ Compensation: Comparing Ontario and Quebec.north_eastlien externeNew Solutions: A Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy, 31(4): 452-459
Caxaj, Susana, Maxwell Tran, Michelle Tew, Stephanie Mayell, Janet McLaughlin, Shail Rawal, Donald Cole, and Leah F. Vosko. (July 2022) Migrant Agricultural Workers’ Deaths in Ontario from January 2020 to June 2021: A Qualitative Descriptive Studynorth_eastlien externe. International Journal for Equity in Health,21(98).
Kelly, Philip, Janet McLaughlin, and Don Wells (equal co-authors). Disposable People: The Politics of Temporary Migrant Workers in Canada. Invited Chapter in Confronting Labour Inequality in the Time of Covid-19. John Peters and Don Wells (eds). UBC Press.
Binford, L. and McLaughlin, J. (2021). Entrenched Exploitation: Temporary Foreign Agricultural Worker Programs in North America. Handbook on the Human Impact of Agriculture. Harvey James, ed. Edward Elgar Publishing: pp. 256-285.
Côté, D., Dubé, J., & Frozzini, J. (2021). Précarité du travail et inégalités sociales de santé : quelles leçons à tirer de la pandémie de COVID-19. In B. W. White & M. Arsenault (Eds.), L’interculturel en temps de pandémie (pp. 26-31). Laboratoire de recherche en relations interculturelles, Département d'anthropologie, Université de Montréal.émie.pdfnorth_eastlien externe
Caxaj, C. S. & Cohen, A. (2021b). Relentless Border Walls: Challenges of Providing Services and Supports to Migrant Agricultural Workers in British Columbianorth_eastlien externe. Canadian Ethnic Studies, 53 (2): 41-67.
Stephanie Premji, Momtaz Begum, Alex Medley, Ellen MacEachen, et Daniel Côté, «Return-to-Work in a Context of Language Barriers: Comparing Quebec and Ontario Workers’ Compensation Policies and Practicesnorth_eastlien externe», (2021) Revue Pistes
Stephanie Premji, Momtaz Begum, Alex Medley, Ellen MacEachen, et Daniel Côté. «Le retour au travail dans un contexte de barrières linguistiques : Une étude comparative des politiques et des pratiques d’indemnisation des victimes de lésion professionnelle au Québec et en Ontarionorth_eastlien externe», (2021) Revue pistes
Cote, D., Durand, S., MacEachen, E., Majowicz, S., Meyer, S., Huynh, A., Laberge, M. Dube, J. A rapid scoping review of COVID-19 and vulnerable workers: intersecting occupational and public health issuesnorth_eastlien externe. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 2021, 64, 551-566.
Côté, D., Gravel, S., Gladu, S., Bakhiyi, B., & Gravel, S. (2021). Worker Health in Formal Electronic Waste Recycling Plants. International Journal of Workplace Health Management, 14(3), 292-309.
Côté, Daniel, Jessica Dubé, Sylvie Gravel, Danielle Gratton, and Bob W. White. 2020. "Cumulative stigma among injured immigrant workers: a qualitative exploratory study in Montreal (Quebec, Canada)north_eastlien externe." Disability & Rehabilitation 42 (8):1153-66. doi: externe.
Caxaj, C. S., Oudshoorn, A., Ford-Gilboe, M., Webster, F., Donelle, L., Forchuk, C., Berman, H. & Smye, V. (2021). Commentary: Taking a stand to remedy the inadequacies of action on health equity exposed by COVID-19. Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership, 34(1):20-29.
Colindres, C., Cohen, A., & Caxaj, C. S. (2021). Migrant Agricultural Workers’ Health, Safety and Access to Protections: A Descriptive Survey Identifying Structural Gaps and Vulnerabilities in the Interior of British Columbia, Canada. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(7), 3696. PI/Senior Author [Contribution: 50%; IFR: 2.948]
Senthanar, S., Koehoorn, M. Tamburic, L. Premji S., Bultmann U. McLeod C.B. 2021. Differences in work disability duration for immigrants and Canadian-born workers in British Columbia, Canada. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(22), 11794.
Caxaj, C. S., & Cohen, A. (2020). Emerging best practices for supporting temporary migrant farmworkers in Western Canada. Health & Social Care in the Communitynorth_eastlien externe 29(1): 1-9.
Caxaj, S., Cohen, A., Buffam, B., & Abe, O. (2020). Borders and boundaries in the lives of migrant agricultural workers: Towards a more equitable health services approachnorth_eastlien externe. Witness: The Canadian Journal of Critical Nursing Discourse, 2(2), 92-103
Haley, Ella, Susana Caxaj, Glynis George, Jenna L. Hennebry, Eliseo Martell, and Janet McLaughlin (equal co-authors) (2020). Migrant Farmworkers Face Heightened Vulnerabilities During COVID-19north_eastlien externe. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development 9(3): 35–39.
Caxaj, S., Cohen, A., & Marsden, S. (2020). Supports for migrant farmworkers: tensions in (in) access and (in) actionnorth_eastlien externe. International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care 16(4): 557-571.
Côté, D., Dubé, J., & Frozzini, J. (2020). Précarité et inégalités sociales de santé au travail à l'ère de la COVID-19. Nouveaux Cahiers du socialisme (24), 216-220. externe
Hennebry, J. J. McLaughlin, and A. Weiler (2020). “‘Fresh Food,’ Global Pattern: An International Perspective on Migrant Agricultural Workers: Case Studies from Canada and Spain.” Migrants and Refugees in Times of Crisis. Theodoros Fouskas, ed. European Public Law Association.
Hennebry J. (2020) The Road Taken: Temporary Labour Migration in Canada’s Immigration System. In: Samy Y., Duncan H. (Eds) International Affairs And Canadian Migration Policy. Canada and International Affairs. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. Https://Doi.Org/10.1007/978-3-030-46754-8_9
Hennebry, J.,Celis Parra, D., Daley, R. (2020) “"Neither here, nor there": Migrant rights and realities in Canada's Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program.” In Seasonal Sociology, edited by Tonya Davidson and Odine Park. University of Toronto Press.
Côté, Daniel, Jessica Dubé, and Maude Arsenault. 2020. "L’approche ethnographique : illustration dans un contexte de réadaptation au travail." In Méthodes qualitatives, quantitatives et mixtes dans la recherche en sciences humaines, sociales et de la santé, edited by Marc Corbière and Nadine Larivière, 97-126. Québec, QC: Presses de l'Université du Québec.
Jill Hanleynorth_eastlien externe, Sol Parknorth_eastlien externe, Sylvie Gravelnorth_eastlien externe, Jah-Hon Koonorth_eastlien externe, Loic Malhairenorth_eastlien externe, and Sigalit Galnorth_eastlien externe (2019), Migrant worker strategies in access to health: recognizing agency in a context of constraints. In K. Bruce Newboldnorth_eastlien externe and Kathi Wilsonnorth_eastlien externe’s The Research Agenda for Migration and Health (pp. 67–87). Social and Political Science 2019north_eastlien externe, DOI: externe
Perras Saint-Jean, G., Chantal Robillard, Janet McLaughlin, and Donald Cole (2019). Gardiennes du secret : pourquoi les intervenantes sont confinées dans le rôle de confidentes des travailleuses étrangères abuses.(Guardians of Secrecy: Why Practitioners are Confined to the Role of Confidants of Abused Foreign Workers.) InTravail, exploitations et servitudes contemporaines dans les Amériques (Work, Operations and Contemporary Servitudes in the Americas), Pantaleon, J & Martig, A. (eds.), University of Rennes Press: 229-256.
Cole, D., McLaughlin, J., Hennebry, J., Tew, M. (2019) Precarious patients: health professionals' perspectives on providing care to Mexican and Jamaican migrants in Canada's Seasonal Agricultural Worker Programnorth_eastlien externe. Rural and Remote Health. 19(4):5313. doi: 10.22605/RRH5313.
Weiler, Anelyse and Janet McLaughlin (2019). Listening to migrant workers: should Canada’s Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program be abolished?north_eastlien externeDialectical Anthropology. 43, 381-388.
Côté, Daniel, and Jessica Dubé. 2019. "Fatigue de compassion, fatigue de diversité : l’œuf ou la poule?north_eastlien externe" Periferia 11 (3):163-87. doi: 10.12957/periferia.2019.40407
Leonor Cedillo, Katherine Lippel & Delphine Nakache, « Factors influencing the Health and Safety of Temporary Foreign Workers in Skilled and Low-Skilled Occupations in Canadanorth_eastlien externe » (2019) 29 (3) New Solutions: A Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health Policy 422-458, DOI: 10.1177/1048291119867757.
Sylvie Gravel, Katherine Lippel, Daniel Vergara, Jessica Dubé, Jean-François Ducharme et Gabrielle Legendre, «Adapter les mesures préventives de santé et sécurité pour les travailleurs qui cumulent des précarités : les obligations d'équiténorth_eastlien externe», (2017) 19 (2) Pistes