Domaines d’expertise clinique
- Animaux de laboratoire
- Animaux exotiques, poissons, nature, oiseaux
- Pathologie comparative et pathobiologie évolutionniste
- Pathologie des poissons, des reptiles, des oiseaux, des primates, de la nature en général
- Pathologie comparative du système cardiovasculaire
Domaines d’expertise en médecine de laboratoire
- Athérosclérose comparative, évolution du système de conduction
- Pathologie expérimentale
- Pathologie toxicologique
- Pathologie liée à la toxicologie des médicaments, contaminants environnementaux, xénobiotiques alimentaires
- Pathologie liée aux dispositifs médicaux
Publications récentes
- M. M. Simmons, J. Spiropoulos, P.R. Webb, Y. I. Spencer, S. Czub, R. Mueller, A. Davis, M. E. Arnold, S. Marsh, S. A.C. Hawkins, J. A. Cooper, T. Konold and G. A. H. Wells. Experimental Classical Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy: Definition and Progression of Neural PrP Immunolabeling in Relation to Diagnosis and Disease Controls] Vet Pathol published online 15 November 2010
- Gilani G.S. , Ratnayake Nimal, Mueller R., Mazza G. Effects of source of protein and supplementary extracted isoflavones and anthocyanins on longevity of Stroke-prone Spontaneously Hypertensive (SHRSP) rats. Journal of Toxicological Science 34 (3): 335-341, 2009.
- M. Kimberly Knowles, Susan A. Nadin-Davis, Mary Sheen, Rick Rosatte, R. Mueller, Andrew Bresford. Safety studies on an adenovirus recombinant rabies vaccine (AdRG1.3-ONRAB) in target and non-target species. Vaccine 27: 6619-6626, 2009.
- J.S. Nakai, W.J.Bowers, D. Moir, S. Gill, L. Marro, O. Pulido, R. Mueller. Neurochemical Effects of Gestation and Lactational Exposure to a Complex Mixture of Persistent Organochloride Pollutants. Environmental Health Perspective, 2009.
- M. M. Simmons, J. Spiropoulos, P.R. Webb, Y. I. Spencer, S. Czub, R. Mueller, A. Davis, M. E. Arnold, S. Marsh, S.A.C. Hawkins, J. Holdaway, T. Konold, AND G.A.H.Wells. Histopathological observations on the neural pathogenesis of experimental bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) of cattle. Veterinary Pathology, 2009.
- T.S. Zabka, T. Goldstein, C. Cross, R. Mueller, C. Kreuder-Johnson, S. Gill, F.M.D. Gulland. Characterization of a degenerative cardiomyopathy associated with exposure to domoic acid toxin in California sea lions (Zalophus californianus). Veterinary Pathology 46: 105-119, 2008