Dre Diane Lu
Dre Diane Lu (elle)
Professeure auxiliaire, ÉÉSP, Université d'Ottawa
Département de la défense nationale


Publications de recherche

  • Strauss B, Tepper M, Lu D, Gagnon F, Girard E, Demczuk W, Martin I, Massé M, Barnes K. Three sequential outbreaks of Group A Streptococcus over a two year period at the Canadian Forces Leadership and Recruit School, St. Jean Garrison, Quebec. CCDR 2020:46(9);256-263.
  • Lu D, Strauss B, Simkus K, Tepper M, Gagnon Maj F, Johnson Cap N, Gerard Maj E, Barnes Cdr K. Adverse events following Mass Antibiotic Prophylaxis during a group A Streptococcus Outbreak in CFLRS. CCDR 2020:46(9);264-271
  • McCuaig Edge H, Carlucci S, Lu D. The role of Force Health Protection in the Canadian Armed Forces’ response to the COVID-19 pandemic. CCDR 2020:46(9);279-281.
  • Thériault FL, Lu D, Hawes RA. Development and validation of a case-finding algorithm for neck and back pain in the Canadian Armed Forces using health administrative data. JMVFH 2019;5(2):16-26.
  • Hammond-Collins K., Strauss B, Barnes Cdr K, Demczuk W, Domingo M-C, Lamontagne M-C, Lu D, Martin I, Tepper M. Group A Streptococcus outbreak in a Canadian Armed Forces training facility. Military Medicine 2019;184(3/4):e197-204.

Extraits de recherche

  • Lu DJ, Perrie S. The Canadian Armed Forces Health Survey: Collection Experience. CIMVHR 2019
  • Fikretoglu D, McCuaig Edge H, Liu A, Lu D. How do depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation change during the civilian-to-military service transition? CIMVHR 2019

Intérêts de recherche

  • Surveillance de la santé de la population du personnel des Forces armées canadiennes auprès du ministère de la Défense nationale