judy king
Judy King
Professeure agrégée

LEE 515F


Judy King est physiothérapeute et professeure agrégée de physiothérapie.

Son programme de recherche axé sur le patient se situedans le domaine de l'éducation des patients, particulièrement en ce qui a trait à la gestion des maladies chroniques, et plus particulièrement auprès des personnes vivant avec les maladies cardiaques et respiratoires chroniques. Les champs d'études comprennent la littératie en santé, sécurité des patients, l'apprentissage transformateur et le mentorat. Elle a reçu des prix provinciaux et nationaux pour l’enseignement et le mentorat  des étudiants et des nouveaux professionnels de la santé.

Éduquer ses futurs collègues professionnels est un point d’honneur pour la professeure King, par conséquent, elle croit qu’il est important d'agir en tant que  modèle et mentor pour les étudiants. Ainsi, elle fait du bénévolat auprès de plusieurs comités provinciaux, nationaux et internationaux, y compris la présidence du comité de recherche des Professionnels ontarien en santé respiratoire (ORCS). De plus, elle est membre du comité exécutif fondateur de la Confédération internationale des physiothérapeutes cardiorespiratoires (ICCrPT) et de la Confédération mondiale de physiothérapie (WCPT).

En plus des activités de recherche, d'enseignement et de service, elle occupe toujours une position de travail clinique à l'Hôpital d'Ottawa dans l'unité de soins intensifs afin d’être à la fine pointe de la réalité clinique et de maintenir à jour sa compréhension du système de soins de santé.

Elle accepte présentement les étudiants des cycles supérieurs.

Intérêts de recherche

  • Physiothérapie cardiorespiratoire
  • Gestion des maladies chroniques
  • Littératie en santé
  • Mentorat
  • Éducation des patients
  • Sécurité des patients
  • Apprentissage transformateur


Livre évalués par les pairs

  • King, J. (2014). Chapter 17 Adult and Patient Education. In Reid, D. Chung, F. Hill, K. Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy; Management and Case Studies, Second Edition (pp.243-254). Thorofare, NJ, USA: Slack Incorporated

Articles évalués par les pairs

  • De Angelis G, Davies B, King J, McEwan J, Cavallo S, Loew L, Wells GA, Brosseau L (2016) Information and Communication Technologies for the Dissemination of Clinical Practice Guidelines to Health Professionals: A Systematic Review JMIR Med Educ 2016;2(2):e16  DOI: 10.2196/mededu.6288lien externe 
  • Rose L, Adhikari NK, Poon J, Leasa D, McKim DA; CANuVENT Group of Amin R, Avendano M, , Dial S, Fan E, Fraser I, Fowler R, Katz S, King J, Leasa D, McKim D, Nonoyama M, Road J, Rose L. (2016) Cough Augmentation Techniques in the Critically Ill: A Canadian National Survey. Respiratory Care. 2016 Oct; 61(10):1360-8. doi: 10.4187/respcare.04775. Epub 2016 Sep 13. PMID:27624630
  • Lucie Brosseau, Chantal Laroche, Paulette Guitard, Judy King, Stéphane Poitras, Lynn Casimiro, Julie Alexandra Barette, Dominique Cardinal, Sabrina Cavallo, Lucie Laferrière, Rose Martini, Nicholas Champoux, Jennifer Taverne, Chanyque Paquette, Sébastien Tremblay, Anne Sutton, Roseline Galipeau, Jocelyne Tourigny, Karine Toupin-April, Laurianne Loew, Catrine Demers, Katrine Sauvé-Schenk, Nicole Paquet, Jacinthe Savard, Josée Lagacé, Denyse Pharand, Véronique Vaillancourt, (2016) La version franco-canadienne de l’«Assessment of Multiple Systematic Reviews (AMSTAR)» tool : L’outil «AMSTAR» Physiotherapy Canada pp 1-10 Ahead of Print September 19, 2016 Print version 2017, Vol. 69 (1), pp. 20-29 http://www.utpjournals.press/doi/10.3138/ptc.2015-80Flien externe
  • King, J, Klinovski, K, Dubouloz, CJ (2016) A clinical exploration of the Process of Transformation Model with rehabilitation therapists International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation Vol. 23, No. 7, pp 331–338 http://www.magonlinelibrary.com/doi/pdfplus/10.12968/ijtr.2016.23.7.331lien externe (Featured Article in the Journal Issue)
  • King, J., Beanlands, S., Fiset, V., Chartrand, L., Clarke, S., Findlay, T., Morley, M. Summers, I. (2016) Interprofessional Patient Simulation can improve nursing, physiotherapy and respiratory therapy students’ interprofessional competencies when working with patients with respiratory problems Journal of Interprofessional Care Vol. 30, Issue 5, pp 1-7 http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13561820.2016.1189887lien externe
  • Mary Y. Egan, Debbie Laliberte Rudman, Christine Ceci, Dorothy Kessler, Colleen McGrath, Paula Gardner, Judy King, Monique Lanoix & Ravi Malhotra (2016): Seniors, risk and rehabilitation: broadening our thinking, Disability and Rehabilitationhttp://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/09638288.2016.1192227lien externe
  • Debbie Laliberte Rudman, Mary Y Egan, Colleen McGrath, Dorothy Kessler, Paula Gardner, Judy King, Christine Ceci, (2016) Low vision rehabilitation, age-related vision loss and risk: A critical interpretive synthesis The Gertonologist doi:10.1093/geront/gnv685
  • Lucie Brosseau, Karine Toupin-April, George A Wells, Christine A Smith, Arlanna G Pugh, Jennifer Stinson, Ciarán  M Duffy, Wendy Gifford, David Moher, Catherine Sherrington, Sabrina Cavallo, Gino D Angelis, Laurianne Loew, Prinon Rahman, Rachel Marcotte, Jade Taki, Jacinthe Bisaillon, Judy King, Andrea Coda, Gordon Hendry, Julie Gauvreau, Martin Hayles, Kay Hayles, Brian Feldman, Glen P Kenny, Jing X Li, Andrew Briggs, Rose Martini, Debbie E Feldman, Désirée Maltais, Susan Tupper, Sarah Bigford, Marg Bisch. (2016)Ottawa Panel Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines for Foot Care in the Management of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 97 (7):1163-81.e14
  • Lucie Brosseau, Chantal Laroche, Anne Sutton, Paulette Guitard, Judy King, Stéphane Poitras,  Lynn Casimiro, Manon Tremblay, Dominique Cardinal, Sabrina Cavallo, Lucie Laferrière,  Isabelle Grisé, Lisa Marshall, Jacky R. Smith, (2015) Une version franco-canadienne du Physiotherapy Evidence Database scale (PEDro) : L’échelle PEDro Physiotherapy Canada 67(3);232-239 DOI:10.3138/ptc.2014-37F
  • Brosseau L., Wells GA, Brooks S, Sherrington C., Bennell K., Briggs A., Sturnieks D., Coyle D., Toupin-April K., Thomas R., King J., Casimiro L., Ahmed R., De Angelis G., Loew L., Cavallo S., Bell M., Poitras S., Smith C., Pugh A., Rahman P. (2015) The implementation of effective non-pharmacological intervention of the People Getting a Grip educational program for individuals with rheumatoid arthritis through different delivery methods: An International Online Knowledge Translation Randomized Controlled Trial Protocol Design. Journal of Medicine Internet Research: JMIR Res Protoc  4 (1): 13-18. (http://www.researchprotocols.org/2015/1/e19/lien externe) & http://dx.doi.org/10.2196/resprot.3572lien externe
  • Rose L, McKim DA, Katz SL, Leasa D, Nonoyama M, Pedersen C, Goldstein RS, Road JD, CANuVENT Group of Amin R, Avendano M, , Dial S, Fan E, Fraser I, Fowler R, Katz S, King J, Leasa D, McKim D, Nonoyama M, Road J, Rose L. (2015) Home mechanical ventilation in Canada: a national survey. Respiratory Care May; 60(5):695-704. doi: 10.4187/respcare.03609 Epub 2015 Jan 13.
  • Rose Llien externeFowler RAlien externeFan Elien externeFraser Ilien externeLeasa Dlien externeMawdsley Clien externePedersen Clien externeRubenfeld Glien externeCANuVENT Grouplien externe of Amin Rlien externeAvendano Mlien externeDial Slien externeFan Elien externeFraser Ilien externeFowler Rlien externeGoldstein Rlien externeKatz Slien externeKing Jlien externeLeasa Dlien externeMawdsley Clien externeMcKim Dlien externeNonoyama Mlien externeRoad Jlien externeRose Llien externeRubenfeld Glien externe. (2015) Prolonged mechanical ventilation in Canadian intensive care units: a national survey. Journal of Critical Care Feb;30(1):25-31. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrc.2014.07.023. Epub 2014 Jul 31.
  • Rose L, Fowler RA, Goldstein R, Katz S, Leasa D, Pedersen C, McKim D; CANuVENT Group of Amin R, Avendano M, Dial S, Fan E, Fraser I, Fowler R, Goldstein R, Katz S, King J, Leasa D, Mawdsley C, McKim D, Nonoyama M, Road J, Rose L, Rubenfeld G. (2014) Patient transitions relevant to individuals requiring ongoing ventilatory assistance: a Delphi study. Canadian Respiratory Journal Sep-Oct;21(5):287-92. Epub 2014 May 2.
  • Brosseau, L., Rahman, P., Poitras, S., Toupin- April K., Paterson, G., Smith, C. King, J., Casimiro, L., de Angelis, G., Loew, L., Cavallo, S., McEwan, J.(2014)  A systematic critical appraisal of non-pharmacological management of rheumatoid arthritis with Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation II PLOS ONE  9 (5)  pgs 1-9. e95369. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0095369
  • King, J., Chamberland, P. Rawji, A., Agar, A., Leger, R., Michaels, R., Poitras, R., Skelton, D., Warren, M., (2014) Patient Educational Needs of Patients Undergoing Surgery for Lung Cancer Journal of Cancer Education Published online, April 23, 2014, (Contribution: 80%) http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs13187-014-0658-2lien externe
  • Lucie Brosseau; Prinon Rahman; Karine Toupin; Stephane Poitras; Judy King; Gino De Angelis; Lynn Casimiro; Gail Patterson; Jessica McEwan (2014) A Systematic Critical Appraisal for Non-Pharmacological Management of Osteoarthritis using the Appraisal of Guidelines Research and Evaluation II Instrument PLOS ONE  9 (1)  pgs 1-9. Published: January 10, 2014 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0082986
  • Elizabeth Dean, Armele Dornelas de Andrade, Grainne O’Donoghue, Margot Skinner, Gloria Umereh, Paul Beenen, Shaun Cleaver, DelAfroze Afzalzada, Mary Fran Delaune, Sandy Do, Cheryl Footer, Mary Gannotti, Ed Gappmaier, Astrid Figl–Hertlein, Bobbie Henderson, Megan K. Hudson, Karl Spiteri, Judy King, Jerry L. Klug, E-Liisa Laakso, Tanya LaPier, Constantina Lomi, Soraya Maart, Rosenlund Meyer, Vyvienne R. P. M’kumbuzi, Karien Mostert-Wentzel, Hellen Myezwa, Monika Fagevik Olsen, C. Peterson, Unnur Pétursdóttir, Jan Robinson, Kanchan Sangroula, Ann-Katrin Stensdotter, Bee Yee Tan, Barbara A. Tschoepe, Selma Bruno, Sunita Mathur, Wai Pong Wong, The Second Physical Therapy Summit on Global Health: Developing an Action Plan to Promote Health in Daily Practice and Reduce the Burden of Lifestyle-related Conditions Physiotherapy Theory and Practice (online before  print Nov 19 2013 pgs 1-15)
  • LeBlanc, Carole, Lavallee, Lyne, King, Judy, Taylor-Sussex, Rebecca, Woolnough, Andrew, McKim, Douglas. (2013) A Comparative Study of Three Portable Oxygen Concentrators during a 6-Minute Walk Test in Patients with Chronic Lung Disease Respiratory Care 58(10):1598–1605.
  • Larose, J., King, J., Brosseau, L., Wells, G.A., Reid, R., Maetzel, A., Tugwell, P., Huijbregts, M., McCullough, C., Kenny, G. P., (2013) The effect of aerobic walking on measures of cardiorespiratory fitness in adults with knee osteoarthritis Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism  38: 886-891.
  • Lucie Brosseau, George A Wells, Sydney Brooks, Gino De Angelis, Mary Bell, Mary Egan, Stephane Poitras, Judy King, Lynn Casimiro, Laurianne Loew, Michael Novikov (2013) People Getting a Grip on Arthritis II: An Innovative Strategy to Implement Clinical Practice Guidelines for Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis Patients Through Facebook Health Education Journal 1-17.,(0017896912471031, first published on January 25, 2013)
  • McKim, D.A., Griller, N., LeBlanc, C., Woolnough, A., King, J., (2013) Twenty- Four Hour Noninvasive Ventilation in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: A safe alternative to tracheostomy, Canadian Respiratory Journal 20 (1) January/February e5-e9.
  • Srour N, LeBlanc C, King J, McKim DA (2013) Lung Volume Recruitment in Multiple Sclerosis. PLoS ONE 8 (1) pgs 1-5.: e56676. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0056676 
  • Lucie Brosseau, George A Wells, Peter Tugwell, Mary Egan, Claire-Jehanne Dubouloz, Vivian A Welch, Laura Trafford, Danjiel Sredic, Kathryn Pohran, Jovana Smoljanic, Ivan Vukosavljevic,  Gino De Angeli , Laurianne Loew, and Jessica McEwan External experts: Mary Bell, Hillel M Finestone, Sydney Lineker, Judy King, Wilma Jelly, Lynn Casimiro, Angela Haines-Wangda, Marion Russell-Doreleyers, Lucie Laferrière, Kim Lambert l ,  and a consumer with rheumatoid arthritis, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada  (2012) Ottawa Panel evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for patient education in the management of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Health Education Journal 71 (4) pp. 397-451.
  • McKim, D.A., Hendin, A., LeBlanc, C., King, J., Woolnough, A.,(2012) Tracheostomy Decannulation and Cough Peak Flows for Patients with Neuromuscular Respiratory Muscle Weakness American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation May 2. [Epub ahead of print] 91 (8) August pp. 666-700.
  • Loew, L., Brosseau, L., Wells, G.A., Tugwell, P., Kenny, G.P., Reid, R., Maetzel, A., Huijbregts, M., McCullough, C., De Angelis, G., Coyle, D., Egan, M., Dubouloz, C.J., King, J., Casimiro, L., Brooks-Lineker, S., Bell, M., Finestone, H.M., Laferrière, L., Haines-Wangda, A., Russell-Doreleyers, M., Welch, V.A., Milne, S., Levesque, L., Sredic, D., Trafford, L., McEwan, J., Longchamps, G. (2012) Ottawa Panel Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines for Aerobic Walking Programs in the Management of Osteoarthritis, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 93 (7) 1269- 1285
  • King, J., Anderson, C.A., (2012) The Canadian Interprofessional Patient Safety Competencies: Their Role in Health Care Professionals` Education Journal of Patient Safety 8 (1) 30-35.
  • Barclay-Goddard, R., King, J.,Schwartz, C., Dubouloz, C.J., (2012) Building on transformative learning and response shift theory to investigate health-related quality of life changes over time in individuals with chronic health conditions and disability Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 93 (2) 214-220
  • McKim, D.A., King, J., Walker, K., LeBlanc, C., Timpson, D., Wilson, K., Marks, M. Curran, D. Woolnough, A., (2012) Formal Ventilation Patient Education for ALS Predicts Real Life Choices Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, 13 (1) 59-65.  doi:10.3109/17482968.2011.626053
  • Quensel, M., King, J., Guilcher, S., Evans, C., (2012) The Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Canadian Master of Physical Therapy Students Regarding Peer Mentorship Physiotherapy Canada, 64 (1) 65-76 preprint online version DOI10.3138/ptc.2011-02
  • Rashotte, J., King, J., Thomas, M., Craig, B. (2011) Nurses’ Moral Experience of Administering PRN Anti-Seizure Medications in Pediatric Palliative Care. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research,43 (3) 58-77.
  • Brosseau, L., Egan, M.,  Wells, G.A., Tugwell, P.,  Dubouloz, CJ, Casimiro, L., King, J, Jelley, W., Welch, V.A., Sredic, D. Trafford,L.  De Angelis, G. ,McEwan, J., (2011) Ottawa Panel Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines for Patient Education Programs in the treatment of Osteoarthritis Health Education Journal  70 (3) 318-358
  • Dubouloz, CJ, King, J., Ashe, B., Paterson, B., Chevrier, J., Moldoveanu, M., (2010) The process of transformation in rehabilitation: What does it look like? International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 17 (11), 604-615.
  • Nonoyama, M.L.; Holmes, R.; King, J., Brooks, D.,(2010) Lung Association’s Ottawa COPD Program: A Successful Maintenance Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program The Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy, Fall 46 (3),18-23.
  • Dubouloz, CJ, King, J., Paterson, B., Ashe, B., Chevrier, J., Moldoveanu, M.,(2010) A model of the process of transformation in primary care for people living with chronic illnesses  Chronic Illness,   December , 6, 282-293
  • Egan, M., Byrne, K., Stolee, P., King, J., (2010) Mentoring Experiences of Aging and Disability Rehabilitation Researchers Rehabilitation Research and Practice, vol. 2010, Article ID 491368, 8 pages, 2010. doi:10.1155/2010/491368.
  • King, J., & Taylor, M., (2010) Adults living with limited literacy and chronic illnesses: Their patient education experiences Adult Basic Education and Literacy Journal 4 (1), 24-33.
  • Paterson, B. L., Dubouloz, C.J., Chevrier, C., Ashe, B., King, J., Moldoveanu, M., (2009) Conducting qualitative metasynthesis research: Insights from a metasynthesis project. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 8 (3), 22-33.
  • O’Donnell, S., Li, L.C. King,J., Lauzon, C., Finn, H., Vliet Vlieland, T.P.M., (2009) Development of a framework for reporting health service models for managing rheumatoid arthritis Clinical Rheumatology online October 29, Epub ahead of print. PMID: 19865842) Print Version, February 2010, 29 (2), 151-165.
  • Egan, M., Dubouloz, C.J., Rappolt, S., Polatajko, H., von Zweck, C., King, J., Vallerand, J., Craik, J., & Davis, J., Graham, I. (2004) Enhancing research use through on-line action research. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 71, 230-237.
  • Taylor, M., King, J., Pinsent-Johnson, C. & Lothian, T. (2003) Collaborative practices in adult literacy programs. Adult Basic Education, 13(2) 81-99.
  • King, J., & Crowe, J. (1998). Current treatment practices in Canadian critical care units. Physiotherapy Canada, 50,(3), 206-211.
  • Gross, A., Millward, D., Osborn-Barrett, E., Burtie, W., Warnock, D., Pernell, W., McIntosh, J., Ellis, P., Herold, J., & King, J. (1996). Pay equity: The experience of physiotherapists in larger Ontario health care facilities. Physiotherapy Canada, 48, (3), 203-211.