Krystina Lewis
Krystina Lewis
Professeure agrégée avec permanence

2018 - Doctorat, Université d’Ottawa
2013 - Maîtrise, Sciences infirmières, Université de Victoria
2007 - Baccalauréat, Sciences infirmières, Université Queen’s

LEE 420C
613-562-5800 poste 8654


Krystina Lewis, Ph.D., IA, CSIC(C), est professeure agrégée à l’École des sciences infirmières de l’Université d’Ottawa et chercheuse affiliée à l’Institut de cardiologie de l’Université d’Ottawa et au Centre de recherche sur la mise en œuvre de l’Institut de recherche de l’Hôpital d’Ottawa.

La professeure Lewis s’intéresse particulièrement à la prestation de services de santé pour soutenir la conception et l’application d’interventions efficaces qui visent à promouvoir la participation de la patientèle et du public dans la prise de décisions sur les soins. Elle travaille avec des gens qui ont vécu ou vivent une expérience concrète, des cliniciennes et cliniciens, des chercheuses et chercheurs ainsi que des décisionnaires en vue d’accroître la qualité, la pertinence, la mise en application et les retombées de ses recherches.

Bénéficiaire d’un financement de la Société canadienne de cardiologie, de CANet, de la Fondation des maladies du cœur et de l’AVC du Canada et des Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada, la professeure Lewis est codirectrice scientifique du groupe de recherche sur les outils d’aide à la décision pour les patients (Ottawa) et membre du groupe collaboratif International Patient Decision Aid Standards et du Réseau de recherche intégré sur l’application des connaissances. Récemment, elle a pris les rênes du volet de mobilisation des connaissances de l’Interconnectome cœur-cerveau (Université d’Ottawa / Institut de cardiologie de l’Université d’Ottawa).

La professeure Lewis possède une certification de l’Association des infirmières et infirmiers du Canada en soins infirmiers cardiovasculaires depuis 2010. Elle a fait son doctorat (2018) à l’Université d’Ottawa, avec le soutien d’une bourse de recherche des Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada, et a reçu la Médaille d’or du gouverneur général pour dissertation exceptionnelle en médecine, sciences de la santé et études interdisciplinaires en 2019.

Profil PubMed

Intérêts de recherche

  • Application des connaissances / Application intégrée des connaissances
  • Prise de décision partagée
  • Interventions d'aide à la décision
  • Soins infirmiers cardiovasculaires
  • Engagement du patient et de la famille
  • Adultes et personnes âgées


Articles dans une revue à comité de lecture

  1. Boland, L., Graham, I., Legare, F., Lewis, K.B., Jull, J., Shephard, A., Lawson, M., Davis, A., Yameogo, A., Stacey, D. (2019). Barriers and facilitators to shared decision-making in pediatrics: A systematic review. Implementation Science, 14:7. doi: 10.1186/s13012-018-0851-5
  2. Carroll, S. L., Embuldeniyab, G., Pannaga, J., Lewis, K.B., McGillion, M., Thabane, L., Stacey, D. The challenge of values elicitation: Understanding how patients’ values guide decision making in the context of implantable cardioverter-defibrillators. Accepted by Patient Preference and Adherence June 2018.
  3. McAlpine, K., Lewis, K. B., Trevena, L., & Stacey, D. What is the effectiveness of patient decision aids for cancer-related decisions? A systematic review sub-analysis. Journal of Clinical Oncology Clinical Cancer Informatics. Accepted for publication March 2018. 
  4. Lewis, K.B., Birnie, D., Carroll, S.L., Clark, L., Kelly, F., Gibson, P., Rockburn, L., Stacey, D. User-centered development of a decision aid for patients facing implantable cardioverter-defibrillator replacement: A mixed-methods study. (2018). Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 33(5):481-491. doi: 10.1097/JCN.0000000000000477.
  5. Lewis, K.B., Carroll, S.L., Birnie, D., Stacey, D., Matlock, D.D. (2018). Incorporating Patients’ Preference Diagnosis in Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator Decision-Making: A Review of Recent Literature. Current Opinion in Cardiology. 33(1):42-49. doi: 10.1097/HCO.0000000000000464.
  6. Stacey, D., Légaré, F., Lewis, K.B. (2017). JAMA Clinical Evidence Synopsis: Decision Aids to Improve Outcomes in Healthcare: Patient decision aids to engage adults in treatment or screening decisions. Journal of the American Medical Association. 318(7):657-658.
  7. Légaré, F., Stacey, D., Forest, P.G., Coutu, M.F., Archambault, P., Boland, L., Witteman, H.O., Leblanc, A., Lewis K.B. (2017) Milestones, Barriers and Beacons: Shared Decision Making in Canada Inches Ahead. Journal of Evidence and Quality in Health Care. 123-124:23-27. doi: 10.1016/j.zefq.2017.05.020
  8. Stacey, D., Légaré, F., Lewis, K.B. Barry M.J., Bennett, C.L., Eden, K.B., Holmes-Rovner, M., Llewellyn-Thomas, H. Lyddiatt, A., Thomson, R., Trevena, L. (2017). Decision aids for people facing health treatment or screening decisions. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 4:CD001431. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD001431.pub5.
  9. Lewis, K.B., Wood, B., Sepucha, K.R., Thomson, R.G., Stacey, D. (2017). Quality of reporting of patient decision aids in recent randomized controlled trials: A descriptive synthesis and comparative analysis. Patient Education and Counseling. 100(7), 1387–1393.
  10. Légaré, F., Hébert, J., Goh, L., Lewis, K.B., Portocarrero, M.E., Robitaille, H., Stacey, D. (2016). Do choosing wisely tools meet criteria for patient decision aids? A descriptive analysis of patient materials BMJ Open. 6(8). e011918. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-011918
  11. Lewis, K.B., Stacey, D., Carroll, S.L., Boland, L., Sikora, L., Birnie, D. (2016). Estimating the risks and benefits of implantable cardioverter-defibrillator generator replacement: A systematic review. Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology. 39(7), 709-722. doi: 10.1111/pace.12850.
  12. Lewis, K.B., Stacey, D., Squires, J.E., Carroll, S.L. (2016). Shared decision making models acknowledging an interprofessional approach: A theory analysis to inform nursing practice. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice30(1), 26-43.
  13. Munro, S., Stacey, D., Lewis, K.B., Bansback, N. (2015). Choosing treatments congruent with values: Do patients need help and do decision aids provide it? Sub-analysis of a systematic review. Patient Education and Counseling. 99(4), 491-500. doi: 10.1016/j.pec.2015.10.026.
  14. Catlin, B.J., Lewis, K.B., Nichols, N., Parsons, L.M. (2015). Canadian Council of Cardiovascular Nurses Position Statement: The role of the nurse in advance care planning. Canadian Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 25:3, 5-9.
  15. Lewis, K.B., Nery, P., & Birnie, D. (2014). Decision-making at the time of ICD generator change: Patients’ perspectives. JAMA Internal Medicine. 74(9):1508-1511. doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2014.3435
  16. Lewis, K.B., Stacey, D., & Matlock, D. (2014). Making decisions about implantable cardioverter-defibrillators from implantation to end of life: An integrative review of patients’ perspectives. The Patient: Patient-Centered Outcomes Research. 7(3):243-60.doi: 10.1007/s40271-014-0055-2.
  17. Lewis, K.B., Starzomski, R., & Young, L. (2014). A relational approach to implantable cardioverter-defibrillator generator replacement: An integrative review of the role of nursing in shared decision-making. Canadian Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 24:6-14.

Chapitres de livres référencés

  1. Ainslie, M., Reed, J., Lewis, K.B., Birnie, D. (2019). Do We Need Heart Teams for Complex Cardiac Arrhythmias? A Cardiologist’s Perspective. In T. Mesana (Ed.) Heart Teams for Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease: A Guide for Advancing Patient-Centered Cardiac Care. Springer Nature.
  2. Stacey, D., Hill, S., McCaffery, K., Boland, L., Lewis, K.B., Horvat, L. (2017). Shared decision making interventions: Theoretical and empirical evidence with implications for health literacy. In R Logan (Ed). Health literacy: new directions in research, theory, and practice. Amsterdam: IOS Press.

Lettres à l'éditeur

  1. Nery, P., Lewis, K.B., Birnie, D. (2017). Letter to the editor regarding article, " Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator for Non Ischemic Cardiomyopathy: An Update Meta-Analysis" Circulation. 135:e1198-e1199.
  2. Lewis K.B., Stacey D., Birnie, D. (2015). Letter by Lewis et al Regarding Article, "REPLACE DARE (Death After Replacement Evaluation) Score: Determinants of All-Cause Mortality After Implantable Device Replacement or Upgrade From the REPLACE Registry" Circulation Arrhythmia & Electrophysiology. 8:512. doi:10.1161/CIRCEP.115.002754


  1. Lewis, K.B., Stacey, D., Carroll, S.L., Clark, L., Kelly, F., Gibson, P., Rockburn, L., Birnie, D. (oral presentation). Shifting from mechanized ICD replacement to a standardized shared decision-making process: Development of a patient decision aid. Canadian Cardiovascular Congress. Vancouver, British Columbia. 
  2. Lewis, K.B., Stacey, D., Carroll, S.L., Clark, L., Brousseau, C., Birnie, D. (oral presentation). Decision support for patients facing implantable cardioverter-defibrillator generator replacement: A feasibility trial. Canadian Cardiovascular Congress. Vancouver, British Columbia.
  3. Lewis, K.B., Stacey, D., Carroll, S.L., Clark, L., Kelly, F., Gibson, P., Rockburn, L., Birnie, D. (oral presentation). Considering implementation during PDA development for implantable cardioverter-defibrillator replacement: A qualitative study. International Shared Decision-Making. Lyon, France.
  4. Stacey, D., Légaré, F., Lewis, K.B., Barry, M.J., Bennett, C.L., Eden, K.B., Holmes-Rovner, M., Llewellyn-Thomas, H., Lyddiatt, A., Thomson, R., Trevena, L. (oral presentation). Updated Cochrane Review of Patient Decision Aids: With sub-analysis of PDAs used within and in preparation for the consultation. International Shared Decision-Making. Lyon, France.
  5. Lewis, K.B., Stacey, D., Carroll, S.L., Clark, L., Kelly, F., Gibson, P., Rockburn, L., Birnie, D. (2017). Development of a user centered designed patient decision aid for implantable cardioverter-defibrillator replacement: Acceptability, usability, and planning for implementation. Research Day, University of Ottawa Heart Institute. Ottawa, Ontario.
  6. Carroll, S., Embuldeniya, G., Pannag, J., Lewis, K.B., McGillion, M., Stacey, D. (2016). The challenge of values-elicitation: Understanding how patients’ values guide decision-making in the context of implantable cardioverter defibrillators. The Canadian Journal of Cardiology 10(32). doi:10.1016/j.cjca.2016.07.531 Canadian Cardiovascular Congress. Montreal, Québec. 
  7. Lewis, K.B., Stacey, D., Boland, L., Carroll, S.L., Sikora, L., Birnie, D. (2015). Risks and benefits of implantable cardioverter-defibrillator pulse generator replacement: A systematic review. The Canadian Journal of Cardiology 31(10):S332-S333. doi: 10.1016/j.cjca.2015.07.704 Canadian Cardiovascular Congress. Toronto, Ontario. * Winner – Best Student Poster Presentation
  8. Munro, S., Bansback, N., Lewis, K.B., Stacey, D. (2015). Choosing treatment and screening options congruent with values: Do patients need help and do decision aids provide it? Sub-analysis of a systematic review. Society for Medical Decision Making, St Louis, Missouri, United States.

*Laucréate – Lee B. Lusted Student Prize

  1. Lewis, K.B., Stacey, D., Squires, J.E. & Carroll, S.L. (2015). Shared decision-making models with an interprofessional approach: A theory analysis. International Shared Decision-Making/ International Society for Evidence Based Health Care. Sydney, Australia. 
  2. Lewis, K.B., Stacey, D., Carroll, S.L. & Squires, J.E. (2015). Choosing explicit value clarification methods to support patient decision-making: Is it about process or outcome? International Shared Decision-Making/International Society for Evidence Based Health Care. Sydney, Australia.
  3. Stacey, D., Lewis, K.B., Boland, L., & Légaré, F. (2015). Measuring decision making outcomes to inform clinical decisions: a synthesis of Canadian implementation studies. International Shared Decision-Making/International Society for Evidence Based Health Care. Sydney, Australia.
  4. Stacey, D., Légaré, F., Col, N., Bennett, C., Barry, M.J., Eden, K.B., Holmes-Rovner, M., Llewellyn-Thomas, H., Lyddiatt, A., Thomson, R., Trevena, L., Lewis K.B. (2015). Cochrane review of patient decision aids: Update reveals 17 new trials for 132 in total. International Shared Decision-Making/International Society for Evidence Based Health Care. Sydney, Australia.
  5. Stacey, D., Waters, D., Kryworuchko, J., Lewis, K.B., & Bucknall, T. (2015). Nursing and shared decision-making – bringing the role to light! A special interest group for nurses. International Shared Decision-Making/International Society for Evidence Based Health Care. Sydney, Australia.
  6. Lewis, K.B., Nery, P., & Birnie, D. (2014). Decision-Making at the Time of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Generator Change: Patients and Health Care Professionals' Perspectives. The Canadian Journal of Cardiology 30(10): S361–S362. doi: 10.1016/j.cjca.2014.07.677 Canadian Cardiovascular Congress. Vancouver, British Columbia. 
  7. Lewis, K.B., Starzomski, R. & Young, L. (2014). An integrative review of the role of nursing in shared decision-making in arrhythmia management. The Canadian Journal of Cardiology 30(10): S359. DOI: 10.1016/j.cjca.2014.07.669 Canadian Cardiovascular Congress. Vancouver, British Columbia.
  8. Lewis, K.B., Stacey, D. & Matlock, D. (2014). Patients’ perspectives on ICD decision-making from implantation to end-of-life: An integrative review. The Canadian Journal of Cardiology 30(10): S350. doi: 10.1016/j.cjca.2014.07.642 Canadian Cardiovascular Congress. Vancouver, British Columbia. *Winner – Best Student Oral Presentation
  9. Lewis, K.B., Nery, P., & Birnie, D. (2013). Should we routinely replace implantable cardioverter-defibrillator generators? Patients' Perspectives. Research Day, University of Ottawa Heart Institute. Ottawa, Ontario.
  10. Lewis, K.B., Nery, P., & Birnie, D. (2013). Should we routinely replace implantable cardioverter-defibrillator generators? Patients' Perspectives. Heart Rhythm Scientific Sessions. Denver, Colorado, United States.
  11. Lewis, K.B. & Quinlan, B. (2012). Support groups for implantable cardioverter-defibrillator recipients: Humanizing the lived experience. The Canadian Journal of Cardiology 28(5): S433–S434. doi: 10.1016/j.cjca.2012.07.790 Canadian Cardiovascular Congress. Toronto, Ontario.
  12. Jakubzak, M. & Lewis, K.B. (2011). A phased heart failure pathway: Improving patient outcomes. The Canadian Journal of Cardiology 27(5): S343–S344. doi: 10.1016/j.cjca.2011.08.020 Canadian Cardiovascular Congress. Vancouver, British Columbia.

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