Patrick O'Byrne
Patrick O'Byrne
Professeur titulaire

2016 Infirmier praticien Diploma Queen’s University
2010 Postdoctorat Médecine Université de Toronto
2009 Postdoctorat Sciences infirmières Université de Californie, San Francisco (UCSF)
2008 PhD Sciences infirmières Université d’Ottawa
2005 (Transfert au PhD) Sciences infirmières Université d’Ottawa
2004 BScN Sciences infirmières Université d’Ottawa

RGN 1480D
Numéro de téléphone 
613-562-5800 ext. 8917


Patrick O'Byrne RN-EC PhD est professeur titulaire de sciences infirmières à l'Université d'Ottawa. Ses recherches et son travail clinique en tant qu'infirmier praticien portent sur la prévention, le diagnostic et le traitement des infections sexuellement transmissibles, dont le VIH. Le travail du Dr O'Byrne comprend la fourniture de médicaments pour prévenir la transmission du VIH (connus sous le nom de prophylaxie pré-exposition et de prophylaxie post-exposition), et la prestation de services infirmiers adaptés à la culture des membres des groupes les plus touchés par les infections sexuellement transmissibles et le VIH. Il est titulaire d'une chaire de recherche de l'OHTN en santé publique et en prévention du VIH. Le Dr O'Byrne est également le chercheur principal de l'étude GetaKit, qui est le premier projet visant à offrir l'autodiagnostic gratuit du VIH à domicile au Canada.

Cliquez ici pour une liste complète des travaux du Dr O'Byrne.

Intérêts de recherche

  • Sciences infirmières en santé publique
  • Populations marginalisées
  • Santé sexuelle
  • Infections transmissibles sexuellement et VIH
  • Prévention du VIH
  • Théorie critique et aspect politiques du soin
  • Épistémologie en sciences infirmières


  • O’Byrne P, Musten A, Orser L*, Buckingham S. (2021). Automating STI/HIV risk assessments: Development and testing of an online clinical algorithm. International Journal of STD & AIDS.
  • Razmjou S, Charest M*, O’Byrne P, MacPherson PA. (Accepted). Pre-exposure prophylaxis among men who have sex with men: A real world view with benefits beyond HIV risk reduction. International Journal of Sexual Health.
  • Haines M*, O’Byrne P. (Accepted). Injectable opioid agonist treatment: An evolutionary concept analysis. Research in Nursing & Health.
  • Haines M*, O’Byrne P, MacPherson P. (Accepted). Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men: Barriers and facilitators to healthcare access. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality.
  • O’Byrne P, Musten A, Orser L*, Inamdar G, Grayson MO, Francoeur M, Lachance S, Paulin V. (Accepted). At-home HIV self-testing during COVID: Overview of the GetaKit Project in Ottawa. Canadian Journal of Public Health.
  • O’Byrne P, Vandyk A, Orser L, Haines M. (Accepted). The nurse-led PrEP-RN clinic: Task shifting HIV prevention to public health nurses. BMJ Open.
  • O’Byrne P, MacPherson PA, Orser L*. (Accepted). Discussing current syphilis case definitions: A proposal for a probable infectious case. Public Health Nursing.
  • Kitson C, O’Byrne P. (Accepted). The experience of violence among homeless women who use injection drugs: An exploratory qualitative study. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research.
  • Kitson C, O’Byrne P. (Accepted). The process of injection drug use among homeless women: A qualitative study. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice, 35(2),.
  • Don A, O’Byrne P. (Accepted). Exploring how children with intellectual disability are stratified within service navigation in Ontario, Canada. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
  • Orser L*, O’Byrne P. (Accepted). Exploring the effectiveness of public health counselling following an HIV diagnosis among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men. Journal of Research in Nursing.
  • Orser L, O’Byrne P. 2021. HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis among women with infectious syphilis: Examining patient characteristics and HIV-related risks. International Journal of STD & AIDS, 32(1), 45-51.
  • O’Byrne P, Orser L*, Vandyk A. 2020. Immediate PrEP after PEP: Results from an observational nurse-led PEP2PrEP study. Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care, 19, 1-7.
  • Friedman DS, O’Byrne P P. 2020. Extragenital testing increases case detection of Neisseria gonorrhea and Chlamydia trachomatis: The Impact of implementing nucleic acid amplification testing. Canadian Communicable Disease Report, 46(9), 285-291.
  • O’Byrne P, Tilley L, Friedman DS, Orser L. 2020. Inconclusive syphilis results: A retrospective review of public health results. Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology, 5642952, 1-5.
  • O’Byrne P. 2020. HIV PEP and primary care: A review for nurse practitioners. NP Current, 6, 9-17
  • O’Byrne P, Hollett M, Campbell B. (2020). A nurse practitioner leadership model for sexual health clinics: Staff feedback about implementation and operations. Nurse Leader link
  • O’Byrne P, Orser L*, Haines M*. (2020). Active-offer nurse-led PrEP (PrEP-RN) referrals: Analysis of uptake and reasons for declining. AIDS & Behaviour link
  • O’Byrne P. (2020). Interpreting an RPR of 1:4 in a female patient. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners link
  • O’Byrne P, Orser L*, Haines M*, Holmes D. (2020). Active-offer PrEP for HIV prevention: Control, discipline, and public health practice. Critical Public Health link
  • Orser L*, O’Byrne P, Bourgault A, Scherling N. (2020). Syphilis diagnosis, staging, and treatment: An algorithm to facilitate management in clinical practice. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitionershttps://doi:10.1097/JXX.0000000000000370north_eastexternal link
  • O’Byrne P, Orser L*. (2020). Avoiding missed opportunities to screen for HIV. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners link.
  • O’Byrne P, Orser L*, Jacob JD. (2020). The costs of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) care delivery: Comparing specialists, primary care, and PrEP-RN. Sexuality Research & Social Policy link.
  • O’Byrne P, MacPherson PA. 2020. Painful penile lesions and testicular pain in a 45-year-old HIV-positive man: a possible case of syphilitic epididymitis. The Nurse Practitioner, 45(4), 14-17.
  • Pearson Jeske C*, O’Byrne P. 2019. Perceptions and experiences of methadone maintenance treatment: A qualitative descriptive research study. Journal of Addictions Nursing, 30(4), 248-253.
  • O’Byrne P, Jacob JD. 2019. The evolution of HIV prevention: From discipline to control. Advances in Nursing Science, 42(4), E1-E10.
  • O’Byrne P, Orser L*. 2019. Express testing for sexually transmitted infections: Clinical results. Journal of Research in Nursing, 24(7), 541-547.
  • O’Byrne P, MacPherson PA. 2019. Clinical updates: Syphilis. British Medical Journal, 365, I4159.
  • *solicited manuscript
  • O’Byrne P. 2019. HIV preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP): A quick guide for primary care practice. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 15(8), 564-567.  
  • Orser L*, O’Byrne P. 2019. Implementing a nurse-led HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis service (PrEP-RN) in a public health unit STI clinic. Health Reform Observer, 7(2), Article 3, 1-11.
  • O’Byrne P. 2019. HIV PEP and nursing scholarship: A reflection on critical theory and social justice. Witness: Canadian Journal of Critical Nursing Discourse, 1(1), 28-38.
  • O’Byrne P, MacPherson PA, Orser L*, Jacob JD, Holmes D. 2019. PrEP-RN: Clinical considerations and protocols for nurse-led PrEP. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 30(3), 301-311.
  • O’Byrne P, Jacob JD, Orser L*, Bourgault A, Lee S. 2019. Responding to critiques of the Canadian PrEP guidelines: Increasing equitable access through a nurse-led active-offer PrEP service (PrEP-RN). Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 28(1), 5-16.
  • O’Byrne P. 2019. Population health and social governance: A review, an update, some clarifications, and a response. Qualitative Health Research, 29(5), 731-8.
  • *solicited manuscript
  • O’Byrne P, Pearson Jeske, C*. 2019. Methadone maintenance treatment as social control: Analyzing patient experiences. Nursing Inquiry, 26(2), e12275.
  • O’Byrne P, Orser L*, Jacob JD. 2019. The “side effects” of PEP use: Forced reflections and introspections on sexual decision-making. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice: An International Journal, 33(2), 196-208.
  • O’Byrne P. 2019. Rigour after gonorrhea treatment in a 55-year-old man. Canadian Family Physician, 65(2), 112-115.
  • O’Byrne P, MacPherson PA, Kitson C*, Bourgault A. 2019. Consideration of sexually transmitted infections in the differential diagnosis: Case studies. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 31(1), 65-71.
  • Watts J*, O’Byrne P. 2019. “I don't care if you think I'm gay ... that won't make me either promiscuous or HIV positive”: HIV, stigma, and the paradox of the gay men's sexual health clinic – An exploratory study. Advances in Nursing Research, 47, 1-3.