Thomas Foth
Thomas Foth (il/lui)
Professeur agrégé

2011 Ph.D. Sciences infirmières Université d'Ottawa, CA
2007 M.Sc. Sciences infirmières Université de Bremen, DE
2007 Examen d'État Professeur en sciences infirmières (écoles non universitaires) Université de Bremen, DE
2006 Certificat Étude des rapports sociaux entre les sexes Université de Bremen, DE
1999 Diplôme d'État Sciences infirmières Wilhelmsburg Catholic Hospital

LEE 418G
Numéro de téléphone 
613-562-5800 poste 8435


Thomas Foth est professeur associé à l'École des sciences infirmières de la Faculté des sciences de la santé de l'Université d'Ottawa. En tant qu'infirmier autorisé, il a travaillé dans différents domaines de la profession et a enseigné dans une école d'infirmières en Allemagne avant de venir au Canada. 

Les domaines d'intérêt du Dr Foth comprennent l'histoire des soins infirmiers, la théorie critique, la philosophie des sciences, les théories queer et crip, les théories et pratiques postcoloniales et décoloniales, ainsi que la comptabilité critique. Il considère les considérations théoriques comme faisant partie d'une pratique qui vise à changer le statu quo des soins infirmiers et de notre société en général. Les infirmières peuvent jouer un rôle important dans le changement des conditions inégales et injustes des sociétés néolibérales qui produisent systématiquement des personnes superflues. Elles ont besoin d'une "histoire du présent" pour comprendre et critiquer le rôle que les infirmières et les autres prestataires de soins de santé ont joué dans l'histoire coloniale de ce pays et l'impact de cette histoire sur la pratique infirmière aujourd'hui. Les recherches du Dr Foth portent également sur l'analyse des processus systématiques de dé-démocratisation mis en œuvre dans les soins infirmiers. Les mots-clés incluent les technologies de gestion telles que la gestion LEAN, l'EBN, la BP, ou la définition de ce qui est considéré comme un savoir légitime dans les soins infirmiers. Le Dr Foth analyse comment la mise en œuvre des technologies comptables a conduit à une hybridation du savoir infirmier qui rend difficile de voir où finit le savoir infirmier et où commence le savoir comptable. Ainsi, le programme de recherche du Dr Foth s'aligne sur l'idée d'une démocratie d'abolition et d'un système de santé basé sur la coopération et l'entraide. Ce programme de recherche s'engage en faveur d'un changement radical et critique le nouvel humanitarisme en soins infirmiers qui s'attaque aux inégalités et aux injustices par le biais de la philanthropie et des interventions humanitaires sans changer les conditions sociétales qui sont à l'origine de ces injustices.

Le Dr. Foth est un conférencier régulier à l'Université d'Osnabrück et sera un professeur invité à l'Université Dauphine, Paris, France en été 2022.

Research interests

  • L'histoire des soins infirmiers comme "histoire du présent" - soins infirmiers et colonialisme de peuplement
  • Démocratie abolitionniste et soins infirmiers
  • Coopération et aide mutuelle
  • Critique et pratique
  • Comptabilité, gestion et transformations néolibérales des soins de santé
  • Théories postcoloniales, décoloniales et de la race critique
  • Processus de subjectivation - théories queer et crip
  • Nécropolitiques et le tournant autoritaire mondial

Projets de recherche

  • Le Dr Foth et la professeure de l'Université de Montréal Annette Leibing sont les cochercheurs principaux de Situated Prevention : A transcultural study on the "new dementia", qui a reçu une subvention Insight du CRSH, financée de 2018 à 2023.
  • Le Dr Foth est cochercheur (chercheuse principale, Prof. Wendy Gifford) dans la subvention de fonctionnement des IRSC : Developing wise practices for a culturally safe rapid public health response to COVID-19 avec la Première Nation Pikwàkanagàn.
  • Le Dr Foth est cochercheur (chercheuse principale, Prof. Wendy Gifford) dans le cadre de la subvention de fonctionnement du CHIR : Adaptation d'un programme holistique pour soutenir la santé mentale et le bien-être des travailleurs de première ligne qui fournissent des soins aux sans-abri et aux communautés de la rue.


Livres d'auteur

  • Foth, T., Caring and Killing: Nursing and Psychiatric Practice in Germany, 1931-1943, Göttingen, V&R unipress, University of Osnabrück, 2013, 279 pages. 
  • Block, K., Foth, T., Stamer M., Schmacke, N., Allgemeinmedizin und Pflege in der ambulanten Versorgung: Der weite Weg zur Kooperation [Nurses and General Practitioners in Homecare: The Long Journey toward Cooperation ], Weinheim und Basel, Beltz Juventa, 2012, 225 pages.

Livres édités

  • Foth, T., Holmes, D.; Hülsken-Giessler, M.; Kreutzer, S.; Remmers, H. Critical Approaches in Nursing Theory and Nursing Research: Implications for Nursing Practice, Göttingen (2017) (January 2017), V&R unipress, University of Osnabrück, 2016, 290 pages – open access:
  • Holmes, D., Murray, S. Foth, T. RadSex: Assembling Desiring-Machines. Routledge, New York (September 2017).

Chapitres de livres

  • Foth, T. “Governing Dementia Through Prevention – Lifestyle and the Health Field Concept.” Leining, A., Schicktanz, S. Preventing Dementia? Critical Perspectives on a New Paradigm of Preparing for Old Age. Berghahn (2020)
  • Lange, J.; Foth, T.; Kreutzer, S. (in press). „Der Pflegeprozess als Accountingtechnologie – Eine historische Analyse [The Nursing Process as Accounting Technology – A Historical Analysis].” Hülsken-Giesler, M.; Kreutzer, S.; Düttholm, N. (eds.) Neue Technologien in der Pfelge – Grundlegende Reflexionen und pragmatische Befunde [New Technologies in nursing – Fundamental Reflections and Pragmatic Indications], Göttingen, V&R unipress, University of Osnabrück, (2021)
  • Foth, T.; Holmes, D. (reprint). “Governing Through Lifestyle – The Lalonde Report and the Biopolitical Management of Public Health in Canada,” Hülsken-Giesler, M.; Kreutzer, S.; Dütthorn, N. (Eds). Neue Technologien in der Pflege – Grundlegende Reflexionen und pragmatische Befunde [New Technologies in nursing – Fundamental Reflections and Pragmatic Indications], Göttingen, V&R unipress, University of Osnabrück, (2021)
  • Stuart, M.; Holmes, D.; Foth, T., “RadSex in Theory and in Practice.” Holmes, D.; Murray, S.; Foth, T. RadSex: Assembling Desiring-Machines. Routledge, New York, Routledge, 2017, 1-23.
  • Foth, T., McWatters, C.S., Lange J., Connell, M. Treating Through Threat and Fear – Nurses and the Fever Unit at the Ontario Hospital, Toronto 1940 – 1951. Hähner-Rombach, S. and Nolte K., History of Social Practice of Psychiatric Nursing and the Patients’ Situation in Psychiatric Facilities. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag (invited contribution), 2017, 153-182. 
  • Foth, T., Lauzier, K., Antweiler, K. (2017), The Limits of a Theory of Recognition : Toward a Nusing Ethics of Vulnerability. Foth, T., Holmes, D.; Hülsken-Giessler, M.; Kreutzer, S.; Remmers, H. (Eds.) Critical Approaches in Nursing Theory and Nursing Research: Implications for Nursing Practice, Göttingen, V&R unipress, University of Osnabrück, 2017, 113-132. 
  • Foth, T., Remmers, Holmes D., H, Kreutzer, S, Hülsken-Giesler, M. (2017), “Introduction: Critical Approaches in Nursing Theory and Nursing Research”, Foth, T., Holmes, D.; Hülsken-Giessler, M.; Kreutzer, S.; Remmers, H. (Eds.) Critical Approaches in Nursing Theory and Nursing Research: Implications for Nursing Practice, Göttingen, V&R unipress, University of Osnabrück, 2017, 9-32.
  • Foth, T., "Shock Therapies as Intensification of the War against Madness in Hamburg, Germany: 1930 – 1943", Power and the Psychiatric Apparatus. Repression, Transformation and Assistance, Holmes, D., Jacob, J. D., Perron, A., Surrey and Burlington, Ashgate, 2014, 267-287.
  • Shields, L., Foth, T., "Setting the Scene", Nurses and Midwives in Nazi Germany: the Nazi 'Euthanasia' Program, Benedict, S., Shields, L., New York and London, Routledge, 2014, 1-13.
  • Foth, T.; Kuhla, J.; Benedict, S., "Nursing during National Socialsim", Nurses and Midwifes in Nazi Germany: The Nazi 'Euthanasia' Program, Shields, L.; Benedict, S., New York and London, Routledge, 2014, 27-48.
  • Foth, T., "Changing Perspectives: From the ‘Euthanasia Killings' to the ‘Killings of Sick Persons'", Nurses and Midwives in Nazi Germany: the Nazi 'Euthanasia' Program, Benedict, S., Shields, L. (Eds.), New York and London, Routledge, 2014, 218-242.
  • Foth, T., "Wie Menschen unsichtbar werden. Pflegeaufzeichnungen und die Produktion von 'nacktem Leben'", Krankenpflege im Nationalsozialismus, Ulmer, E. M. (Ed.), Fankfurt am Main, Mabuse, 2013.
  • Foth, T. & Holmes, D., «Gestion biopolitique d'une population captive», PAC La biopolitique outre-atlantique après Foucault, Risse, D., Kiefer, A. (Eds.), Harmattan, 2012, 160-168.
  • Darmann-Finck, I. & Foth, T., "Bildungsforschung, Qualifikationsforschung und Sozialisationsforschung in der Pflege [Educational research and research of qualification and socialization in nursing]", Handbuch Pflegewissenschaft, Schaeffer, D. & Wingenfeld, K. (Eds.), Weinheim, Juventa, 2011, 165-182.
  • Foth, T. Regieren durch Akten, "Die Funktion von PatientInnenakten bei den Krankenmorden während des NS-Faschismus. [Governing through documents. The function of the medical records in the killing of sick persons during the NS-regime]", Strukturentstehung durch Verflechtung, Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie(n) und Automatismen, Conradi, T., Derwanz, H., Muhle, F. (Eds.), München, Wilhelm Fink, 2011, 219-235.

Articles dans des revues arbitrées

  • Foth, T. (accepted) “Dementia as a queer way of life and as “crip possibility”: A critique of the concept of person in person-centredness,” Nursing Philosophy (2021).
  • Larocque, C., Foth, T. & Gifford, W. “No more sttler tears, no more humanitarian consternation: Recognizing our racist history and present NOW!,” (2021) Wittness: The Canadian Journal of Critical Nursing Discourse, 3(1), 07-10.
  • Larocque, C., Foth, T. “Which lives are worth saving? Biolegitimacy and Harm Reduction during COVID-19,” (2021) Nursing Inquiry.
  • Smith, K., Foth, T.. “Tomorrow is cancelled: Rethinking nursing resistance as insurrection,” (2021) Aporia 13(1), 15-25.
  • Domiique, JL., Jacob, JD., Perron, A., Pariseau-Legault, P., Foth, T. « (Re)construction identitaire et pratique infirmière en psychiatrie légale : réflexion critique sur les commissions d’examen, » (2020), Recherches en soins infirmiers, 143, 118-126.
  • Foth, . “Humanitarian reason and the movement for overdose prevention sites: The NGOization of the Opioid “Crisis,” Nursing Philosophy (2020). Doi: 10.1111/nup.12324
  • Foth, T., McWatters, C. (submitted). “Making the case – Accounting and the scientific administration of the Canadian psychiatric hospital,” Accounting, Orgnaization, Society (AOS) (2021).
  • Jacob, JD; Foth, T. “Conflicting interests: Critiquing the place of “institutional reputation” in research ethics reviews,” Aporia (2019)
  • Nazon, E.; Perron, A.; Foth, T. “Rethinking the social role of nursing through the work of Donzelot and Foucault,” (2019) Witness: The Canadian Journal of Critical Nursing Discourse, 1(1), 49-58. Retrieved from
  • Nazon, E.; Foth, T.; Perron, A. (accepted) « La charité: un idéal au cœur des soins infirmiers, » Canadian Bulletin of Medical History/Bulletin canadien d’histoire de la médecine (2019).
  • Skinner, E.; Wright, D.K.; Jacob, J.D.; Vanderspank-Wright, B.; Foth, T. “Ethical Dimensions of Nursing and the Palliative Approach in Geriatric and Forensic Psychiatry: A Qualitative Study,” (2018) Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 56(6): e122 DOI: 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2018.10.395
  • Foth, T.; Holmes, D. “Governing Through Lifestyle – The Lalonde Report and the Biopolitical Management of Public Health in Canada,” (2018) Nursing Philosophy.
  • Foth, T.; Lange, J.; Smith, K. “Nursing history as philosophy – towards a critical history of nursing” (2018), Nursing Philosophy, DOI: 10.1111/nup.12210.
  • Humphrey-Murto, S.; Varpio, L.; Wood, T. J.; Gonsalves, C.; Ufholz, L. A.; Mascioli, K.; Wang, C.; Scowcroft, K.; Foth, T. “The Use of the Delphi and Other Consensus Group Methods in Medical Education: A Review”, (2017), Academic Medicine (AcadMed-D-16-01527R1).
  • Foth, T.; Holmes, D. "Neoliberalism and the government of nursing through competency-based education" (2016), Nursing Inquiry. DOI: 10.1111/nin.12154.
  • Foth. T.; Efstathiou, N.; Vanderspank, B.; Ufholz, L.A.; Dütthorn, N.; Zimansky, M.; Humphrey-Murto, S. "The Use of Delphi and Nominal Group Technique in Nursing Education: A Review", International Journal of Nursing Studies, 60, 2016, DOI: 
  • Foth, T.; O'Byrne, P.; Holmes, D, "Health Prevention in the Era of Biosocieties: A Critical Analysis of the "Seek and Treat" Paradigm in HIV/AIDS Prevention", Nursing Inquiry, 23(2), 99-108, 2016, DOI: 10.1111/nin.121.
  • Foth, T.; Block, K.; Stamer, M.; Schmacke, N., "The Long Way Toward Cooperation. Nurses and Family Physicians in Northern Germany", Global Qualitative Nursing Research, 14, 2015.
  • Foth, T., "Understanding "Caring" Theories and Biopolitics. The Case of Nurses under the Nazi Regime", Nursing Philosophy, 14(4), 284-294, 2013.
  • Foth, T., "Shock Therapies as Intensification of the War against Madness in Hamburg, Germany: 1930-1943", Canadian Bulletin of Medical History, 30(2), 161-184, 2013.
  • Jacob, J. D.; Foth, T., "Expanding our understanding of sovereign power: On the creation of zones of exception in forensic psychiatry", Nursing Philosophy, 14(3), 178-185, 2013.
  • Foth, T., "Caring and Devastation in Nazi-Germany", Nursing Inquiry, 20(2), 93-100, 2013.
  • Foth, T., "Biopolitical Spaces, Vanished Death, and the Power of Vulnerability in Nursing", Aporia, 1(4), 16-26, 2009.
  • Foth, T.; Steiner, C., "Im Spannungsfeld zwischen Natur und Technik: Pflege als Bewahrerin des natürlichen Körpers? [Between nature and technology: nursing science and the natural body]", intensiv Zeitschrift für Anästhesie und Intensivmedizin, 15, 20-31, 2007.

Articles lus et présentations

Articles dans des compte-rendus de conférences

  • McWatters, C., Foth, T. Using Accounting to make Psychiatric Practice more efficient: Scientific Administration of the Canadian Psychiatric Hospital. APIRA 2019 conference, July 1-3, 2019, New Zealand.
  • Humphrey-Murto, S.; Varpio, L.; Wood, T. J.; Gonsalves, C.; Ufholz, L. A.; Foth, T. The Use of the Delphi and Other Consensus Group Methods in Medical Education. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Medical Colleges, November 11-15, 2016 in Seattle. Abstract published in Academic Medicine, 91(11), Supplement, S1. Author contribution: I am the senior author (this is a medical journal and the senior author is always last author). I wrote the article together with the first author and was part of the empirical research.

Résumés et/ou articles lus dans une société éduquée (exposés oraux ou par affiches)

  • Foth, T. Rethinking dementia as a queer “way of life” or as “crip possibility”: A critique of the concept of person in person-centredness. International Philosophy of Conference. Gothenburg University, Sweden. 16-18 June 2021
  • Fabre, A. Foth, T., McWatters, C. Accounting for Canadian Mental health: The Case of Canadian National Committee for Mental Hygiene (1918-1958). Association Francophone de Comptabilité. 42e congrès annuel an format numérique.  17-18 juin 2021.
  • Larocque, C., Foth, T. Sacred lives: Harm Reduction and Biolegitimacy in the times of COVID-19. Association of Social anthropologists of the UK. ASA 2021: Responsibility. Online, 29 March – 2 April 2021.
  • Fabre, A. Foth, T., McWatters, C. Accounting for Canadian Mental health. The case of Canadian National Committee for Mental Hygiene (1918-1958). 26èmes journées d’histoire du management et des organisations, Mulhouse, 25-26 mars 2021.
  • Smith, K., Foth, T. Nursing History as Philosophy. 2019 Philosophy and Nursing Conference, August 18-20, 2019, Victoria, BC
  • Larocque, C., Foth, T. Sacred Lives – Harm Reduction and Biolegitimacy. 2019 Philosophy and Nursing Conference, August 18-20, 2019, Victoria, BC 
  • Foth, T., Leibing A. Rethinking dementia as a queer “way of life”: implications for practices of care. 2nd ENAS and NANAS joint TrentAging2019 Conference, University of Trent, May 28-31, 2019.
  • Foth, T. Governing through lifestyle – Lalonde and the biopolitical management of public health in Canada, workshop Montréal: Prevention (of Dementia): Past, Present, Expectations, University of Montréal, September 28-29, 2018.
  • Lange, J.; Foth, T. Making Nursing Accountable: The Nursing Process as a ‘Calculative Device.’ ISIH Sydney, Australia, June 7-9, 2018
  • Lauzier, K.; Foth, T. Redefining Democracy – Disarming Resistance against the Economization of Nursing. ISIH Sydney, Australia, June 7-9, 2018
  • Jacob, J.D.; Foth, T. Conflicting Interests: Critiquing the Place of ‘Institutional Reputation’ in the Ethical Review Process. ISIH Sydney, Australia, June 7-9, 2018
  • Foth, T., What did the Nurses and Midwives do in the Nazi Era? Medicine in the Holocaust and Beyond, second international scholars workshop on medicine after the Holocaust Galilee, Akko, Israel, May 7 to 11, 2017.
  • Foth, T; McWatters, C.S., Making the Case for Investment in Mental Health:  Scientific Administration of the Canadian Psychiatric Hospital. Joint Conference of the Canadian Society for the History of Medicine and Canadian Association for the History of Nursing, May 27 to 29, 2017 at Ryerson University in Toronto, Ontario.
  • Smith, K.; Foth, T.; Lauzier, K. Nursing History as Philosophy – Notes Toward a Critical History of Nursing. Joint Conference of the Canadian Society for the History of Medicine and Canadian Association for the History of Nursing, May 27 to 29, 2017 at Ryerson University in Toronto, Ontario.
  • Foth, T., McWatters, C. S., Making the Case for Investment in Mental Health:  Scientific Administration of the Canadian Psychiatric Hospital. The Business History Conference, Portland, Oregon, March 31, 2016. Author contribution: I wrote the paper and the empirical material)
  • Foth, T., “Heroic Treatments” and the suffering of Patients diagnosed with “neuro-syphillis.” Nurses at the Fever Therapy Unit, Ontario Hospital Toronto, Robert Bosch Stiftung, Stuttgart, Germany, October 9, 2015, History of Social Practice of Psychiatric Nursing and the Patients’ Situation in Psychiatric Facilities.
  • McWatters, C; Foth, T., Constructing Patient identityt: The Technology of the Medical Record in Making the Psychiatric Hospital in Canada Calculable, Kyoto International Conference Center, Japan, August 5, 2015, XVIIth World Economy History Congress.
  • Nazon, E. A.; Perron, A.; Foth, T., (Re) thinking the Historical Political Impact of Nursing Through the Work of Donzelot and Foucault, Mallorca, Spain, June 11, 2015, ISIH - In Sickness and In Health.
  • Foth, T.; McWatters, C., Constructing Patient Identity: The Technology of the Medical Record in Making the Psychiatric Hospital in Canada Calculable, University of Ottawa, May 30, 2015, CAHN/CSHM conference.
  • McWatters, C; Foth, T., Constructing Patient Identity: The Technology of the Medical Record in Making the Psychiatric Hospital in Canada Calculable, Université de Lille, March 20, 2015, Histoire du management de la santé. XXe journées d'histoire du management et des organisations.
  • Foth, T., Towards a Critical Theory of Nursing: Can the Concept of Recognition be a Critical Perspective for Nursing?, July 19, 2013, Montréal, Canada, ISIH - In Sickness and In Health: From the Margins: Radical Thoughts for Health Practices and Research.
  • Foth, T.; Connell, M., Lange, J., Nurses and the Fever Unit at the Ontario Hospital, Toronto, Victoria, BC, June 1, 2013, CSHM / CAHN annual meeting.
  • Foth, T., Shock Therapies and the War Against Madness: Psychiatric Practice in Hamburg, Germany 1920-1945, Dawson College, Montreal, July 18, 2012, 2012 Joint Conference of Cheiron and the European Society for the History of the Human Sciences.
  • Foth, T., The War Against Madness: Nurses and Shock Therapies in Germany, 1920-1945, Medicine Hat, Alberta, June 16, 2012, Places and People's Health: Exploring Nursing in Diverse Contexts.
  • Perreault, I.; Foth, T., La guerre contre la folie: les thérapies de choc en Allemagne et au Canada, 1920-1950, Université Wilfrid Laurier et Université de Waterloo, May 27, 2012, Canadian Society for the History of Medicine.
  • Foth, T., Nurses as accomplices in the murder of sick persons in Germany before, during and after the Nazi regime, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada, January 1, 2011, 2011 CSHM/CAHN Annual Conference, (2011).
  • Foth, T., Understanding Nursing as a Dispositif: Healing and Devastation in the Age of Biopower, Odense, Denmark, June 2011, 4th International Conference ISIH -In Sickness and in Health.
  • Foth, T., Regieren durch Dokumente [Governing through Documents], Universität Paderborn, Germany, May 28, 2010, ANT-Workshop Strukturenstehung durch Verflechtung, Graduiertenkolleg ‚Autmatismen‘ [ANT-workshop Formation of Structures through interdependence, Graduate Seminar ‘Automatisms’].
  • Holmes, D., Perron, A., and Foth, T., Infirmières, lutte contre le terrorisme et violations du droit: le camp comme assise d’une analyse politique, New York City, United States, 2009, International Academy of Law and Mental Health, 15p.
  • Foth, T., Perron, A., Holmes, D., and Stuart, M., Gestion biopolitique d’une population captive. Analyse critique des soins infirmiers en milieux psycho-légaux, Université d?Ottawa, Colloque « La biopolitique outre Atlantique après Foucault », ACFAS 2009, (2009), 10p.

Autres contributions

Critiques de livres

  • Thomas Foth, Rethinking Unequal Exchange: the Global Integration of Nursing Labour Markets, Salimah Valiani(Toronto, Buffalo, London, University of Toronto Press, 2012), Labour / Le Travail, 73.
  • Foth, T., Moving Beyond Borders: A History of Black Canadian and Caribean Women in the Diaspora, Flynn, K.(Toronto, Buffalo, London, University of Toronto Press, 2011), Nursing History Review, 21, 2012.
  • Foth, T., Caregiving on the Periphery: Historical Perspectives on Nursing and Midwifery in Canada, Rutherdale, M.(Montreal&Kingston, London, Ithaca, McGill-Queen's University Press, 2010), Nursing History Review, 21, 2012.

Présentations sollicitées et autres contributions

  • Foth, T. Toward a Critical Hsitory of the Medical killings during the Nazi Regime, International Workshop Dis/ability in the German Context – University of Cincinnati, October 2019. 
  • Foth, T., Humanitarian Reason and the movement for Overdose Prevention Sites – The NGOization of the Opioid “Crisis” (Keynote), 2019 Philosophy and Nursing Conference, August 18-20, 2019, Victoria, BC 
  • McWatters, C.S., Foth, T. Using Accounting to make Psychiatric Practice more efficient: Scientific Administration of the Canadian Psychiatric Hospital, University of Sydney Accounting Speaker Seminar Series, November 2018. Follow-up informal meeting with uSydney faculty including Prof. Wai Fong Chua, Consulting Editor, Accounting, Organizations and Society.
  • Foth, T. Nurses as accomplices in the murder of sick persons in Germany before, during, and after the Nazi regime, 11th Annual Powell-Heller Conference For Holocaust Education, October 23-25, 2018, Pacific Lutheran university, Tacoma, Washington.
  • Foth, T., Nurses as accomplices in the murder of sick persons in Germany before, during, and after the Nazi regime, MÉOS, University of Montreal, University of Montreal, 2013.
  • Foth, T., Shocktherapies as means to intensify the war against madness. Germany – Canada 1920-1945, Der ‚therapeutische Aufbruch' der Psychiatrie in der Zeit zwischen den Weltkriegen. Deutschland im internationalen Vergleich, Technische Hochschule, Aachen, June 8, 2012.
  • Foth, T., A Historical Perspective for Nursing Ethics, RNAO Annual Nursing Week Dinner, RNAO, 2012.
  • Foth, T., Pflege als Dispositiv. Überlegungen zu einer Pflege-Ethik, Universität Osnabrück, Universität Osnabrück, 2011.
  • Foth, T., Kooperation als gemeinsames Ziel? Wie erleben Hausärzt_innen und Pflegegekräfte die Effizienz ihrer Kooperation, 11. Fachgespräch Alumnni Netzwerk „Pflege braucht Eliten e.V.“ Robert Bosch Stiftung, Groningen, Netherlands, 2010.


Entrevues à la radio

  • Foth, T., Radio Dreyecksland, "Koo Koo" the magazine against forced psychaitric treatments, The role of Nurses in the treatment of psychiatric patients in Germany, 1930-1945, March 19, 2013.
    Author Contribution: Interview
    This interview was about the book "Caring and Killing. Nursing and Psychiatric Practice in Germany 1931-1943" and the newer research on shock treatments in psychiatry.
  • ​​​Foth, T., Radio Dreyecksland, The significance of German psychiatric history for contemporary psychiatric practice, November 2, 2011.
    This interview was about a newspaper article with the title "Deadly Psychiatry."

Entrevues à la télévision

  • Foth, T., Rogers TV canal 23, Entre Nous, La technologie du dossier médical rendant l'hôpital psychiatrique au Canada calculable, 2 juin 2015.

Médias imprimés et électroniques

Articles de presse

  • Foth, T., "Tödliche Psychiatrie. Die Psychiatrie mordete nicht nur im Faschismus. Es braucht neue Perspektiven auf die Ermordung Kranker" Deadly Psychiatry. Psychiatry did not only kill during Fascism. In need of new perspectives], 2011, 564, 27.
  • Contribution to an online project with the title “Die NS-Dabeigewesenen” [The ones who participated in the Nazi Regime] by the Hamburg State Center for Political Education.
  • Contribution to the memorial “Stumbling Stone (Stolpersteine)” for the victims of German Nazism. 
  • Critical position paper on the occasion of the annual conference of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA) in Berlin, “The Racism of Psychiatry and the Deadly Connection between German and International Psychiatry,” published March 15, 2017.