Award for Excellence in Teaching 2022

Faculty of Arts
Awards and recognition

By Sébastien Maillette

Marketing and Communications Officer, Faculty of Arts, uOttawa

Sébastien Maillette
Simard Hall
Simard Hall
The Faculty of Arts is proud to announce that Izabel Barsive, a part-time professor at the Department of Communication, is the recipient of the Award for Excellence in Teaching (Part-time Professors) for the Faculty of Arts.

Izabel Barsive is an independent filmmaker and multimedia artist. Her company, Barsive Productions, is based in Ottawa and specializes in documentaries and dance videos.

She has taught part time at the Department of Communication of the University of Ottawa since 2005 and at the UOF, as well as at various Francophone high schools and abroad. A trained occupational therapist, she hosts media arts workshops for individuals with special needs at the Digital Arts Resource Centre (formerly Saw Video), where she also regularly serves as a mentor, in addition to working with various local artists and Canadian Francophone artists.

Izabel Barsive
Izabel Barsive

“As a teacher, she is outstanding due to her professional experience in the arts and media, her solid skills in the classroom, and her willingness to provide a superior level of teaching to our...”

Colleague from the department

Izabel Barsive

Her danse videos have received support from various arts councils in Canada and have been presented a many local, national, and international festivals. Her audiovisual and photographic works have also been showcased in art galleries and at various arts events.

She is currently exploring the topic of the environment and the fragility of existence by way of experimental videos created on a smart phone and other media.

Izabel Barsive has received several awards for her videography. She has also been invited to serve on several juries, including for the Ontario Arts Council, the Manitoba Arts Council, and the Ottawa Arts Council, the Gémeaux Awards and SAW Video (DARC).

Congratulations Izabel Barsive!

This award honours a part-time professor who excels in teaching at the Faculty of Arts.  A professional development grant of $5000 is awarded to the recipient.