The master’s program in Classics focuses on Late Antiquity, the important transitional period between the ancient and medieval worlds. By its complexity, the period favours a multidisciplinary approach that includes history, historiography, paleography, early Christianity and literature. The University of Ottawa is the only university in Canada that offers a master’s program in Classics dedicated to the study of Late Antiquity.

Classics - Graduate Studies
Program overview

The Department of Classics and Religious Studies
Master’s program
We offer a master’s program leading to the degree of Master of Arts in Classical Studies which comprises one main field: Late Antiquity (A.D. 200-700).The objective of this program is to prepare the students for further study in the field of Late Antiquity, the important transitional period between Antiquity and the Middle Ages. The Department also offers the possibility of studying Coptic, Syriac and Ethiopic (in addition to Latin and Greek). Candidates will acquire a thorough background that will enable them to pursue doctoral studies.
The program aims to refine critical and scholarly skills and to broaden the knowledge of its graduates in certain areas. The ability to conduct detailed research, to argue coherently, to write an academic paper, and other skills learned can be applied in careers outside academia. Several graduates find positions in local or federal government, where their training at the MA level is clearly valued.
The Department offers a collaborative program in Medieval and Renaissance Studies at the MA level.

Graduate programs and opportunities
Contact us
Department of Classics and Religious Studies
Desmarais Building, 10th Floor
55 Laurier Ave. East,
Ottawa ON Canada K1N 6N5
Tel.: 613-562-5714
Fax: 613-562-5991
Office hours
Monday to Friday
8:45 a.m. to 12 p.m.
1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
(June to August: closed at 4 p.m.)