Unlock the secrets of the Greek and Roman civilizations and the origins of the Western world. Our programs provide a chance to learn about ancient times through mythology, religion and philosophy, as well as languages, history, art and archaeology.

You will benefit from small classes and a close-knit community, as well as a student reading room, an on-campus museum and opportunities to travel abroad for archaeological fieldwork or study. You can specialize in Classical Studies or Classics (Greek and Latin).

Choose your program

120 units
Greek and Roman Studies2

Honors BA in Greek and Roman Studies

Most extensive and focused study in Greek and Roman Studies.

Can be combined with a minor in another area.

Program Structure

Course Sequence

42 units
Major in Greek and Roman Studies

Major in Greek and Roman Studies

Opportunity to pursue a broader range of interest as it has a greater number of electives.

Can be combined with a second Major or a Minor.

Program Structure

Course Sequence

30 units
Greek and Roman Studies2

Minor in Greek and Roman Studies

Opportunity to acquire a solid foundation while following a Specialization or a Major in another discipline.

Program structure

Course sequence

Honours program, major, minor?

More information

Scholarships available

Our scholarship program is one of the most generous in the country. It rewards not only your pre-university academic achievements, but also your achievements every term of full-time study at University. A scholarship is awarded for academic achievements while a bursary is awarded based on financial need.
Discover our Schorlarships and Bursaries and learn how to apply.
  • Greek and Roman Studies + History
  • Greek and Roman Studies + Theory of Art
  • Greek and Roman Studies + Philosophy
  • Greek and Roman Studies + Religious Studies
Museum of Classical Antiquities

The Department of Classics and Religious Studies

Our Department consists of two sectors, namely Classics and Religious Studies. In the Classics sector, the professors and programs deal primarily with the ancient languages, archaeology, history and literature, as well as the religion and mythology, of the Graeco-Roman world. In the Religious Studies sector, the professors and programs cover mainly world religions, anthropology, sociology and psychology of religion, while also including the religion of Antiquity.
Learn more about the department.
Students walking on campus

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