The department and its two sectors, Classics and Religious Studies, are among the smallest in the Faculty of Arts. Yet they are also among the most dynamic and friendly. Here are more details concerning them and their research interests.

Get to know our professors

BURGESS, Richard W.

Burgess, Richard W.

Full Professor, Department of Classics and Religious Studies

Room: 55 Laurier Avenue East, Room 10108
Office: 613-562-5800 ext. 1331

Marie-Pierre Bussières

Bussières, Marie-Pierre

Associate Professor, Department of Classics and Religious Studies

Room: 55 Laurier Avenue East, Room 10107
Office: 613-562-5800 ext. 1335

Dominique Côté

Coté, Dominique

Chair, Department of Classics and Religious Studies, Associate Professor, Department of Classics and Religious Studies

Room: DMS Building, Room 10119
Office: 613-562-5800 ext. 1334

Jitse Dijkstra

Dijkstra, Jitse

Full Professor, Department of Classics and Religious Studies

Room: 55 Laurier Avenue East, Room 10110
Office: 613-562-5800 ext. 1325

Geoffrey Greatrex

Greatrex, Geoffrey

Full Professor, Department of Classics and Religious Studies, and Director of Classics Undergraduate Studies

Ses recherches portent principalement sur le règne de Justinien, l’historien Procope de Césarée, et la frontière orientale de l’empire romain dans l’Antiquité tardive. 

Room: DMS 10116
Office: 613-562-5800 ext. 5808

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