What is religion? How can we study it? How is it shaped by collective and personal histories? How is it influenced by social and political dynamics? How is it expressed in art, cinema, media and popular culture? How does the study of religion help to understand current events and conflicts? These are questions you will explore in Religious Studies. Along with thorough training in methods used to study religion, we offer several areas of specialization: Spiritualities and Cultures; Religion, Politics and Public Policy; Religion in Antiquity.

Religious Studies
Program overview
Choose your program

Honours BA in Religious Studies
This program is currently not accepting applications.
The Honours BA in Religious Studies will give you a thorough training in methods used to study religion and will allow you to specialize in one of three concentrations within the program: Spiritualities and Cultures; Religion, Politics, and Public Policy; or Religion in Antiquity. (For courses included in these concentrations, see the program requirements under Program Structure in the link below.) You will learn how human religiosity intersects with other areas of human activity and will be able to think critically and comparatively about those interactions—a skill that is valuable in many areas of work. The program will qualify you to apply to graduate programs in the study of religion.

Major in Religious Studies
In The Major in Religious Studies program, you will develop a thorough understanding of religious experience and behaviour, while at the same time pursuing another Major or Minor to complete your degree. The Major will give you a foundation in methods used to study religion and will allow you to pursue topics that spark your interest when selecting the remainder of your courses. The Major will equip you with cultural knowledge and critical skills that can be applied in many fields, such as communications, public administration, law, business, education and health.

Minor in Religious Studies
The Minor in Religious Studies is an ideal way to pursue an interest in religion while focusing on a Major or Honours in another program. You will receive an introduction to the main religious traditions in the world and will be able to choose from an array of courses to complete the minor. You can investigate a particular religious tradition in more depth, study how religion intersects with aspects of contemporary life, or explore ways to understand religious experience and behaviour.
More information
Religious studies offers a multitude of courses that span time, place, and theme. As such, each student can tailor their degree to suit their interests and future career goals. Here are just a few examples of potential degree specializations and the types of courses one may expect to take in each stream:
Spirituality and Consciousness
- Religion in a Digital Age
- Religion, Spirituality and Secularism in the Contemporary World
- Mysticism and Spiritual Experience
- Religion and Health
- Religion and Death
Foundations of Western Civilization
- Religions of the Graeco-Roman World
- Religion and Popular Culture
- Religion and Politics in Global Society
- Religion, Art and Mythology
- Religions of the World
Religion, Politics, and Public Policy
- Religion and Globalization
- Religion and Politics in Global Society
- Gender and Religion
- Religion and Cinema
- Religion and Popular Culture
Religion in a Canadian Context
- Religion in Canada from First Contact to Modern Challenges
- Native Peoples and Christianity
- Religion and Multiculturalism in Canada
- Religion, Animals, Nature
- Religion and Popular Culture
Religion in Antiquity
- Religions of the Graeco-Roman World
- The World of the Hebrew Bible
- Religion in Late Antiquity
- Greek Mythology
- Ancient Wisdoms
Scholarships available

The Department of Classics and Religious Studies
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