The English Department is all about learning from scholars and artists who are nationally and internationally recognized in their respective fields.

Meet our faculty and support staff

Thomas Allen

Thomas Allen

Full Professor

Areas of Specialization: American Literature

Email: [email protected]

Kimberly Quiogue Andrews

Kimberly Quiogue Andrews

Full Professor

Areas of Specialization: Creative Writing; American Literature 

Email: [email protected]

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Mary Arseneau


Areas of Specialization: Victorian Literature; Digital Humanities 

Email: [email protected]

Jennifer Blair

Jennifer Blair

Associate Professor

Areas of Specialization: Canadian Literature

Email: [email protected]

James Brooke-Smith

James Brooke-Smith

Associate Professor

Areas of Specialization: Modern British Literature; Film Studies

Email: [email protected]

Victoria Burke

Victoria Burke

Associate Professor

Areas of Specialization: Early Modern Literature; Manuscript Studies

Email: [email protected]

 Ian Dennis

Ian Dennis


Areas of Specialization: British and American Romantic Literature 

Email: [email protected]

Ryan Fraser

Ryan Fraser

Associate Professor

Areas of Specialization: Translation Studies

Email: [email protected]

Lauren Gillingham

Lauren Gillingham

Associate Professor

Areas of Specialization: Nineteenth-Century British Literature 

Email: [email protected]

Sara Landreth

Sara Landreth

Associate Professor

Areas of Specialization: Eighteenth-Century Literature 

Email: [email protected]

Irene (Irena) Rima Makaryk

Irene (Irena) Rima Makaryk

Distinguished Professor

Areas of Specialization: Shakespeare 

Email: [email protected]

 Suyi Okungbowa

Suyi Okungbowa

Assistant Professor

Areas of Specialization: Creative Writing 

Email: [email protected]

Jennifer Panek

Jennifer Panek


Areas of Specialization: Early Modern Literature 

Email: [email protected]

Anne Raine

Anne Raine

Associate Professor

Areas of Specialization: American Literature; Ecocriticism

Email: [email protected]

Geoff Rector

Geoff Rector

Associate Professor

Areas of Specialization: Medieval Literature

Email: [email protected]

Robert David Stacey

Robert David Stacey

Associate Professor

Areas of Specialization: Canadian Literature

Email: [email protected]

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Cynthia Sugars


Areas of Specialization: Canadian Literature

Andrew Taylor

Andrew Taylor


Areas of Specialization: Medieval Literature

Email: [email protected]

Contact us

Department of English

Hamelin Hall, room 338
70 Laurier Avenue E.
Ottawa ON Canada K1N 6N5

Tel.: 613-562-5764
Fax: 613-562-5990
[email protected]

Office hours

Monday to Friday
From 8:45 a.m. to 12 p.m.
From 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
(June to August: closed at 4 p.m.)