Useful links, Call for papers and higher education resources.

Explore our resources

Welcome to the Department of English’s online resource hub! Here, you will find a curated collection of invaluable tools and references from around the web designed to enhance your literary and linguistic journey. Dive in and discover resources that will inspire and inform your academic endeavours.

Two women sitting at a computer working

Pathways to careers

Explore our Pathways to careers section to discover tailored guidance, industry insights, and valuable tools that will help you navigate your professional future. Start building your pathway to success today!
Visit the pathways to careers

Contact us

Department of English

Hamelin Hall, room 338
70 Laurier Avenue E.
Ottawa ON Canada K1N 6N5

Tel.: 613-562-5764
Fax: 613-562-5990
[email protected]

Office hours

Monday to Friday
From 8:45 a.m. to 12 p.m.
From 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
(June to August: closed at 4 p.m.)