These programs are offered in English only. All assignments and examinations must be submitted or written in English.

Join one of the more rigorous and comprehensive creative writing programs of its kind. We offer a comprehensive curriculum for you to hone your writing craft with workshops and seminars in a broad range of genres. You will develop practical abilities in at least three creative writing genres (prose fiction, poetry, screen writing, graphic fiction and creative non-fiction), while acquiring a critical understanding of key concepts and a historical awareness of methodologies, techniques and approaches to literary expression. Through our award-winning faculty and our yearly Writer-in-Residence program, you will gain access to some of the most successful writers in Canada, as well as a diverse and supportive writing community.

30 units
Building logo

Minor in Creative Writing

Opportunity to acquire a solid foundation while following a Specialization or a Major in another discipline.

Must be taken in addition to a main program.

Program structure

Course sequence

30 units
Library books

Certificate in Creative Writing

Can be taken without a main program.

Program structure

Course sequence

15 units
eye symbol

Microprogram in Creative Writing

Only open to students already enrolled in an undergraduate major or honours program at uOttawa. 

Program Structure

Students sitting on a bench

The Department of English

Learn from nationally and internationally respected scholars and historians in a wide variety of fields; have access to the best of municipal, provincial and national cultural organizations; combine studies in various historical periods, cultural areas, and specializations; get top-quality, personalized education and becoming part of an academic community.
Learn more about the department.

Choose the right program structure for you

More information

Can be combined with most other programs.

hand and pen

Writer in Residence

The Department of English annually sponsors a writer-in-residence
Discover this year's Writer in Residence
Students walking on campus

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