Traces, Memory, 3D Visualization
Methodological Trials
Jan 26, 2023 — All day
In collaboration with the office of the Vice-Dean of Research of the Faculty of Arts, we are pleased to present the Digital Cultures Lecture series. This year-long series will introduce cutting-edge research and initiatives in digital scholarship.
Historians aren’t always keen to represent the facts or phenomena central to their research, disregarding the benefits of maps or of 3D visualization. Yet geomatic tools, still used far too little in history and other disciplines that could benefit from them, allow us to address epistemological concerns caused by this gap. Our interdisciplinary approach presents a common methodology applied to two different examples, environmental and historical. One deals with the visualization of a landscape of gorges flooded by a dam burst in 1957; the other deals with the spatial analysis of collaboration with German occupiers and of the resistance in Saint-Étienne between 1940 and 1945. Beyond epistemological considerations, the fruits of this reflection and work are contributing to the development of knowledge aimed at the general public.
We are delighted to welcome Pierre-Olivier Mazagol and Michel Depeyre as keynote speakers.

Pierre-Olivier Mazagol
Geomatic Engineer
Pierre-Olivier Mazagol holds a doctorate in geography and is a geomatic engineer at the Environnement Ville Société laboratory at Université Jean Monnet in Saint-Étienne. He works on questions related to geomatic techniques, the environment and cultural heritage, using an interdisciplinary approach.

Michel Depeyre
Maître de conférences in history and heritage
Michel Depeyre is a Maître de conférences in history and heritage. He heads the Environnement Ville Société laboratory at Université Jean Monnet in Saint-Étienne and is working on a reflective approach to spatial analysis of historical or heritage-related facts and phenomena, material and immaterial.
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