This immersive program combines classroom instruction on the fundamentals of physical geography, geomatics and natural sciences with laboratory activities and outdoor field courses. You will study natural systems from the highest layer of the atmosphere to below the Earth’s surface and make observations and measurements using scientific equipment. You will polish your analytical and problem-solving skills by mastering state-of-the-art data analysis and mapping technologies, using satellite and drone data. Teaching skills that are in high demand, this program will prepare you to use the latest tools to understand significant issues such as climate change, Arctic development and biodiversity.

Obtain your BA or BSc with this program

42 units

Major in Physical geography and geomatics (BA or BSc)

You will obtain a BSc with this Major if you register to this program first and combine it with another Major or Minor as part of an Honors program; if taken as part of a non-Honors program you will obtain a BA.The Major in Physical Geography and Geomatics is an interdisciplinary program that combines compulsory courses from physical geography, geomatics, computer and natural sciences. You will focus on core components of this program such as Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing which will provide you with skills that are in high demand in the work force and are essential for present day geography and other disciplines. Field work is a critical component of physical geography, thus you will be taking two mandatory field courses and will have several optional ones in Canada`s north or abroad. You will be focusing on areas such as northern environments, climate change and spatial analysis. 

Program Structure

Course Sequence

Honours program, major, minor?

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The Department of Geography, Environment and Geomatics

Gain a deeper understanding of our world! Our programs provide you with a holistic and multi-faceted understanding of our world, and the issues our environment, people and planet face today.
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