Master and Ph.D.   With thesis or research paper    English and French    


There are many possible combinations for our masters programs in history, depending on students’ interests, career plans, research orientations, and length of study. There are two basic options, the MA with thesis, or the MA with Research Paper. Each can be combined with the CO-OP option. We also offer a collaborative Masters in Medieval and Renaissance Studies, as well as in Women’s Studies. Follow the links below to find details on the programs. Feel free to contact professors, or the Chair of the Graduate Committee if you have any questions.


Our PhD program has a simple structure that can be tailored to our students’ individual needs. In their first year, doctoral students engage in intensive reading fields that lead them to work closely with three professors as they prepare for the comprehensive examination. At the beginning of the second year, a common seminar serves as a springboard to the student’s research project, professional life, and dissertation writing. A collaborative specialization in Canadian Studies can be added to this structure, or a co-tutelle with another institution. Follow the links below to find details on the programs. Feel free to contact professors, or the Chair of the Graduate Committee if you have any questions.

Graduate programs and opportunities

Graduate programs and opportunities

Distinguish your professional or academic profile at one of Canada’s top 10 research institutes. The University of Ottawa’s diverse range of programs allows you to choose a formula that improves your employment prospects and fits your lifestyle.
Learn more

Courses offered in 2024-2025

You'll find our graduate course offer for 2024-2025 academic year on the following link.

Before applying to Master or PhD program in history, please check off all the requirements.

For more information about the Graduate Studies in history, see the Graduate Studies Guide.

Contact us

Department of History

Desmarais Building
55 Laurier Avenue East, 9th Floor
Ottawa ON Canada K1N 6N5

Tel.: 613-562-5735
Fax: 613-562-5995
[email protected]

Office hours

Monday to Friday
From 8:45 a.m. to 12 p.m.
From 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
(June to August: closed at 3:30 p.m.)

Academic assistants

Graduate studies 
Desmarais Hall, 8th floor
613 562-5800 ext. 5439
[email protected]