Our undergraduate programs will provide you with solid and transferable skills while enabling you to pursue your passion for history. Our very flexible course offering is structured around two complementary components: understanding the history of past societies and practising the historian’s craft. Starting in the first year, you will practise history by using historical documents of all kinds: texts from past centuries, monuments, paintings, films, unusual or symbolic objects and digital documentation.

You will develop critical and analytical skills as well as competencies in research and writing sought after by employers.

Choose your program

4 years120 units
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Honours BA in History

The Honours BA in History will lead you to understand and practice history from the Middle Ages to the present while developing superior competencies in research, methodology, writing, critical analysis, cogent interpretation of information, and effective communication.

Program structure

Course sequence

4 years120 units
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Joint Honours BA in History and Political Science

As a Joint Honours BA in History and Political Science student, you will combine the breadth and depth of our historical training with the conceptual framework of Political Science. In this program, you will be provided with access to a sophisticated skillset that many employers seek.

Program structure 

Course sequence

42 units
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Major in History 

In the Major in History program,you will have the opportunity to understand and practice history for various times and places developing basic competencies in research, methodology, writing, critical analysis, cogent interpretation of information, and effective communication. 

Program Structure

Course Sequence

30 units
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Minor in History

The Minor in History will initiate you to the discipline of history and provide the historical perspective and analytical skills necessary to enrich your training in other fields.

Program Structure

Course Sequence

Honours program, major, minor?

More information

  • History + Public Administration
  • History + Public and International Affairs
  • History + Medieval and Renaissance Studies
  • History + Environmental Studies
  • History + Anthropology

Scholarships and Bursaries

Our scholarship program is one of the most generous in the country. It rewards not only your pre-university academic achievements, but also your achievements every term of full-time study at University. A scholarship is awarded for academic achievements while a bursary is awarded based on financial need.
Discover our Schorlarships and Bursaries and learn how to apply.
Students reviewing special archive material

The Department of History

Understand history with the support of dynamic, innovative professors. Practice history by working directly with sources and ideas. Live your training experience in a vibrant student community.
Learn more about the department.
Students walking on campus

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